Saturday, April 23, 2016

Rome, clash in the center. Berlusconi: ‘Support persuaded to Bertolaso. Salvini: “closed issue” – Il Sole 24 Ore

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This article was published April 23, 2016 at 19:13.
the last change is the April 23, 2016 at 19:42.

The games seem closed. And the crushing of the center in Rome seems clearly established, with the 4 candidates (Guido Bertolaso, Giorgia Meloni, Afio Marchini Francesco Storace) below in no particular order. II Fi leader Silvio Berlusconi, after a complicated day of telephone contacts and meetings, decided to confirm the full confidence in the application of Guido Bertolaso ​​(today at Palazzo Grazioli for a face-to-face with the Knight, along with Gianni Letta and Antonio Tajani) for running for mayor of Rome. And seem to close the doors of the leaders of the League Matteo Salvini, stopped in supporting the leaders of FDI Giorgia Meloni. To those who asked if the issue of nominations in Rome is now ended without an agreement with Berlusconi, he replied: “For me, yes.” Adding, however, that in his opinion the break in Rome “will not have” repercussions on the center-right in other situations.

Berlusconi strong support and determined to Bertolaso ​​
“We reiterate our firm choice and our strong support to Guido Bertolaso, “Berlusconi said in a statement released in serara. “While disappointed that Rome has not been able to achieve the unity of the center, we reiterate our firm choice and our strong support to Guido Bertolaso, ‘she added the note, reiterating how the former head of the Civil Protection” is l’ only one among the candidates for mayors in the field able to raise the capital of Italy from the poor state it is in. “

The divisions in the center in Rome
Of course, the final word has not yet been written. Also because inside Fi discontent grows, as evidenced by the clash between Antonio Tajani (pro-Bertolaso) and Paolo Romani (leader of the so-called Northern axis with the governor of Liguria Toti in favor of an alliance with the League and also FDI in the capital), Thursday during the bureau. The certainty so will only come in a week, on April 29, when Fi ufficializzerà his list for the municipal. At the moment, the possibility of a convergence of Giorgia Meloni are considered almost non-existent, while also fall the chances of an agreement Bertolaso ​​with the entrepreneur “civic” Alfio Marchini, as many surveys as the sole candidate of the center-winner in the runoff with the candidate of M5s Virginia Rays.

Salvini: I do not go with those who say that the Roma should be helped
“We in Rome go to the ballot with Meloni – reiterated today Salvini – because with those who say that the Roma should be helped I do not go there, and I do not care even mentioning Bertolaso ​​here in Varese. ” The reference is to the first output of Bertolaso, then candidate for mayor of the entire center-right, that last February spoke of the Roma as “a category that has been harassed and penalized.” Salvini output that has never forgiven the former head of civil protection.

Tour vitriolic Rays-Bertolaso ​​difficulties of disabled
intato today Rays and are Bertolaso It has been involved in an unusual morning of the election campaign along with a tour of the Termini train station and the subway accompanying two young disabled people who had invited them for a ‘live’ testing to experience the daily struggles of those who live in a wheelchair. There have been, among the candidates for mayor of Rome, jokes, piccate answers and controversy. “There is a law, the 104 of 1992, which requires the administration to take action to resolve this issue at the request of the disabled,” said the former head of the Civil Protection and the players pentastellata feeling him shaking his head and smiled: “it is not really correct to say them ‘you’ll have to activate’, because politicians are for. They have taken action, we made in committee to approve the plan for the architectural barriers but the majority has never approved. The responsibility is ours, of us who are in institutions. ”



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