Thursday, June 4, 2015

Mafia Capital, 44 arrests between Municipality and Region. In handcuffs politicians … – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published on June 4, 2015 at 8:27.
The last change is the June 4, 2015 at 11:01.

New wave of arrests in the investigation Mafia Capital. In the background of the criminal organization headed by boss Massimo Carminati emerge suspected wrongdoing by members of the City of Rome and the Lazio Region. In handcuffs are over 44 people, which include Luca Gramazio, former councilor current regional director of the PDL, Daniele Ozzimo, former councilor to the House with the Government of Ignazio Marino, Mirko Coratti (Pd), former president of the Capitoline, Franco Figurelli, former chief secretary of the Assembly Capitoline, Michele Nacamulli, a member of the local Democratic Party, Pierpaolo Pedetti, chairman of the Heritage of the City of Rome and others.

For them are assumed, for various reasons and according to the individual positions, the crimes of mafia-type criminal association, bribery, bid rigging, false invoicing, fraudulent transfer of assets, extortion, usury and money laundering. All with the aggravating circumstance of having fostered a mafia organization. The survey of the chief prosecutor of Rome Giuseppe Pignatone, dell’aggiunto Michele Prestipino and substitutes Giuseppe Cascini, Luca and Paolo Ielo Tescaroli, who coordinated the investigations in the field of the Carabinieri of the ROS (special operations group) Lazio, under the command of Colonel Stefano Russo and under the supervision of the commander of the grouping, General Mario Parente. The measures of arrest are being notified and searches were arranged in the provinces of Rome, Rieti, Frosinone, L’Aquila, Catania and Enna.

The second section of the maxi investigation revolves around the figure of Carminati, Salvatore Buzzi, his arm entrepreneurial and Luca Odevaine, this former member of the technical committee on migration of the Ministry of Interior, and the regional director Gramazio.

However in interceptions makes specific reference to alleged involvement of the President of the Regional Council of Lazio, Daniele Leodori, Alessio D’Amato, chief technical director of the Health Region and the deputy of the Democratic Party Bruno Astorre

City – According to the investigative acts chapters relevant investigation concerning “the corruptions within the City Council of Rome.” There are suspected of corruption and Coratti Figurelli Administration, John Fiscon, former CEO of Ama. The documents also shed light on the pressures mafia for “the renewal of the City Council and the change of certain executives in the structure of the City.” In particular, “Buzzi, after consultation with Carminati (…) first promised and then permanently in erogavano Franco Figurelli, belonging to the Secretariat of the President of the City Council of Rome, then in charge of the public service, economic utility, consisting of cash donations for 1000 € per month. ” A Coratti, however, would have been EUR 100 thousand over the hiring of a person by himself indicated by the coop mafia “29giugno”. In detail, “disbursements utility Buzzi, execution of the strategic line delineated in liaison with Carminati, had the obvious function to enslave the interests of the political group that gravitated in the segments of the institutions most affected relations with the group itself.”

The confirmation of this assumption it derives, on the lexical, by the fact that Buzzi, referring to Coratti, use the phrases “I know ‘bought, is’ to play co me.” The same metaphor of the cow, which should be continuously foraggiata to be continuously milked, on more than one occasion used by Buzzi in interlocution with Figurelli in relation to Coratti, is eloquent proof of a corrupt relationship continued through time. Effective imitation of the link between utility and functional activity occurs in the conversation, previously cited, in which Buzzi requires Figurelli favors Coratti (expressed by the metaphor of the need to subsidize the cow) to be able to deliver more useful (to be able to milk the cow), in this case taking Ileana Silvestri; Figurelli objected that there had been many favors already realized (love already); Buzzi replied that he had done so well he (the cow milked love her so much). “

Region – Corruptions have been identified even on the regional front, particularly with regard to the figure of Gramazio and Ozzimo. In particular, these relate to “the conventions for emergency alloggiativa” connected with “disruption auction in relation” to these contracts. Then there are the corrupt practices “related to the plan of disposal of real estate in Rome.” Finally, the disturbance of the race on the allocation of the Cup (reservations only health center) of the Region of Lazio, where it is also investigated Maurizio Venafro, former chief of staff to Governor Nicola Zingaretti (Pd). In the proceedings it states that ‘Buzzi, Carminati and Gramazio, elaborated the project for participation in the competition, taking the general determinations regarding the disturbance and used the role of Gramazio, expression of opposition in the Regional Council to demand, as part of an agreement lottizzatorio, a share of the contract. ” Moreover, “through agreements, collusion and collusion among bidders and Angelo Scozzafava, public official member of the award committee, aimed to get to RTI Sol.Co. the award of one of the lots in the competition, the race troubled centralized Community open procedure aimed at acquiring the service needed to the Medical CUP Lazio Region “for an amount of” EUR 91,443,027.75, organized by the Region of Lazio ‘ . The documents for this contract is an interception, in which they discuss, among others, Buzzi, Carminati and Carlo Guarany. In the conversation we talk about alleged interessamenti Leodori Daniel, president of the Regional Council of Lazio, Alessio D’Amato, chief technical direction on Health Regional, Democratic Congressman Astorre. “Astorre well if you are to move Leodori (Daniel LEODORI, ed) called it …” says Guarany.

Reception centers – This section of the survey are close relationships between Odevaine, building on its institutional role in the field of immigration, and the business group La Cascina. According to the documents before Odevaine receive remuneration from the company, dealing with the tenders for service management “at the reception center for asylum seekers in Mineo» and for the «reception center of San Giuliano di Puglia.” Finally there are disturbances of the race for the Darling of Castelnuovo di Porto.



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