Among those arrested also the regional director of Forza Italy Luca Gramazio , jailed on charges of mafia association that writes the investigating judge Flavia Costantini in the order that led to his arrest, “at the service of the organization its institutional quality, plays a liaison between the organization and the political institutions, processes, together Testa, Buzzi and Carminati, the penetration strategies of public administration, intervenes directly and indirectly in the various sectors of the public administration of the association of interest. “
Mirko Coratti , former President of the Capitoline and Daniel Ozzimo , former commissioner of the Capitol House, are among the 44 recipients of the measures of arrest issued by the judiciary. Under house arrest instead they ended up among others Councilman Jordan Tredicine and the former president of the municipality X Andrea Tassone .
There are also Angelo Scozzafava , former director of the Fifth Department of the Promotion of Health and Social Services of the City of Rome, and Franco Figurelli , the secretariat of Mirko Coratti.
Even the manager of the cooperative ‘ La Cascina ‘ would be “partakers of the agreements with Luca Odevaine corrupt” and have committed “multiple incidents of corruption and bid rigging ‘ 2011-2014, showing a “marked tendency to commit a crime” to obtain economic benefits. It is the charge that the magistrate in Rome aimed at Cammissa Domenico, Salvatore Menolascina, Carmelo Parabita and Francesco Ferrara, all managers of the cooperative.
Ferrara has been ordered prison, while against the other three are clicked house arrest. According to the magistrate, Odevaine would receive from the four “the promise of a monthly salary of 10,000 euro, increased to EUR 20,000 per month after the award of the contract notice of 7 April 2014, for the sale of its function and to carry out acts contrary to the duties of his office in violation of the duties of impartiality of public administration “.
Specifically, Odevaine would among other oriented choices on the reception table of the National Coordination for applicants and holders international protection, to create create the conditions for the allocation of flows of immigrants to facilities operated by the group La Cascina. It would also aim to put pressure to open centers for immigrants in places acceptable to the cooperative and the manager agreed with the content of these notices, which were then arranged to ensure the assignment of a high score on the same La Cascina.
The “case” Gramazio
“ Novantottomila euro cash in three tranches (50.000-28.000-20.000); 15,000 Euros by bank for financing to the Committee Gramazio; the hiring of 10 people, which was guaranteed in the interests of Gramazio a salary; the promise of payment of a debt by printing expenses “. Are some of the “ utility ” that, according to the charge, he received Luca Gramazio for “ put his official duties in the service “ of the association headed by Massimo Carminati.
In particular, Gramazio is accused of in corruption for a series of acts contrary to the duties Office of the Regional Council (would favor
“ the target of regional resources allocated to the municipality of Rome, then oriented towards the X Hall ” ) and, especially, inside the city in relation to the allocation of one million euro for the bike paths; the continuation of work on the public green to social cooperatives; the recognition of the debt off the budget for the Emergency of unaccompanied minors from North Africa; by settling the balance of 2012 and multi-year forecast from 2012 to 2014.
Gramazio is then alleged to have participated in the association of the mafia of Carminati with specific tasks, set out in the count of indictment: “ at the service organization its institutional quality, plays a liaison between the organization and the political institutions, processes, along with Head, Buzzi and Carminati, the penetration strategies of public administration, intervenes, directly and indirectly in the various sectors of the public administration of interest of the association . “
The investigations of the police officers of the ROS showed ” the extraordinary danger of Luca Gramazio », he writes the investigating magistrate in Rome, giving reasons for precautionary reasons against the Regional Council. Gramazio, said the judge, “could take advantage of the vast network of connections to provide new impetus to the criminal activities and interests of the association ‘headed by Massimo Carminati,” despite being detained numerous associates. ”
The operation
The blitz of the police is taken at dawn in the provinces of Rome, Rieti, Frosinone, L’Aquila, Catania and Enna. In the order of arrest, issued at the request of the District Anti-Mafia Prosecutor of Rome, it is assumed in various capacities offenses mafia-type conspiracy, bribery, bid rigging, false invoicing, fraudulent transfer of values and more. Along with the arrests, searches are under way against 21 other suspects for the same offenses. The measures concern the developments of the investigations conducted by Ros against “Mafia capital”, the mafia group due to Massimo Carminati, now in prison.
According to investigators, the investigation subsequent to that round of arrests have confirmed “the existence of a mafia operating in the capital structure, the hinge areas between criminals and members of the political, administrative and local business.” In particular, the investigations have documented what investigators call a “branched corruptive system aimed at favoring a sign of companies, not only related to membership, interested in the management of reception centers and to substantial public funding related to migratory flows.”
Thursday, June 4, 2015, 06:38 – Last Updated: 14:04
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