Saturday, May 28, 2016

Berlusconi against “the regime Renzi” – Il Giornale

a movie theater Metropolitan Aversa (Caserta), to support the candidacy of Mayor of Gianpaolo Vicario, Silvio Berlusconi is greeted with enthusiasm by thousands of people. Taking the floor Knight thanked the audience with a joke: “The next time you need a bigger film.”

Berlusconi goes straight to the point commenting on the situation of national policy. It reiterates a concept already expressed on other occasions: “We are in a democracy suspended.” The current government “is not only abusive and illegitimate , but it violates Article 1 of the Constitution, which states that sovereignty belongs to the people. We do not live in a democracy. Renzi was elected only Mayor of Florence with 108,000 votes. I was the last president of the Council elected by the people. Then I was convicted by a judgment that the rapporteur himself has defined a great mischief. this is why I can not run for but received in 20 years 200 million votes. “

The leader of Forza Italy also dwells on Confindustria. “I call these guys subjects aspiring”. The reference is to the position expressed by Vincenzo Boccia , president of the industrialists, for the “yes” in the October referendum. Berlusconi has called “dangerous” constitutional reform, “an outfit that Renzi was tailor-made.”

But Berlusconi does not just criticize. Looks ahead. “We’ve already agreed on future government – announces -. There will be 20 ministers divided into three for Forza Italy, three to the League and two Brothers of Italy. While 12 ministers will be chosen among people of doing, successful people who come from work and professions. for win – continued Berlusconi – we just recover 5 million votes from those 26 million abstainers who constitute 55 percent of the electorate “ . the leader of Forza Italy has also spoken of the program that includes, among other things, the integral reform of the judiciary with the division of careers, pensions and the abolition of Equitalia. In this regard said: “ I’ve never seen a citizen sitting in front of a Equitalia official and come out with the belief that he had found himself in front of a friendly state” .

Chapter election . “Winning in Naples, Milan and Rome – assures the leader of Forza Italy – is possible. Just after we open the administrative committees for the no in the referendum, to prevent Renzi to do a” regime.


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