Friday, May 20, 2016

Marco Pannella, the last letter to Pope Francis: “I really love you” – The Daily

Do I want really good , your Mark.” And ‘the conclusion of a letter, the last, which Marco Pannella – who died aged 86 – had sent to the pope April 22, less than a month ago. “Dear Pope Francis, I’m writing from my room on the top floor, close to the sky, to tell you that in reality I’ve been close to Lesvos when hugged the flesh torn of those women, those children, and of men no one wants to welcome Europe . This is the gospel which I love and I want to continue to live next to the last, those who discard all “. Today from 15 the first greeting to Pannella with the funeral home to the Chamber. There will then initiative to the headquarters of the Radical Party and a “collective” Greetings to Piazza Navona.

 letter pannella 2 The letter, made public by Family Christian , also has a ps : “I picked up the cross that led Mgr. Romero, and I can not staccarmene “. Romero’s cross today the door around the neck Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia , president of the Pontifical Council for the Family . E ‘was he to explain to Pannella the origin of that cross. “Mark asked me to wear it, did not want to break away. And finally, when before leaving me are shooting inside me I felt a bit ‘of remorse for avergliela removed. “

The letter from Pannella, says the weekly Pauline, it was brought the pope Monsignor Paglia. On May 2nd, the day of the birthday Pannella, Francesco sent him a present his book on Mercy and a medal. Straw met and associated Pannella the early nineties. Marco Pannella, said Monsignor Paglia in an interview with Corriere della Sera , “has spent his life in the ideals in which he believed, without making these ideals a pedestal to get rich or have a power that no was that of his word and of his ideas, “said the monsignor. “I think this is that he also liked Francis. A man who has always been full of his ideas. “
” When he saw my pectoral cross – says Paglia – he asked me where he was from. I explained to Mark that it was the cross of Archbishop Oscar Romero, who was killed because he railed against oppressive oligarchy , to defend the poor, strong only of her word and radios that spread its messages, so that sometimes made him jump. And this thing delighted him, took my cross, if the turning over in his hands, whether it is well placed,

no longer wanted ridarmela. “In recent weeks we have seen more often. “In March, I was House of the Divine Master Ariccia with the Pope and other prelates of the Curia during the spiritual exercises of Lent,” Straw told a Family Christian , “when I received a phone call from Pannella. He wanted to see me. I informed the Pope and he told me: ‘Go Race’. I take the car and join him. He was in bed a bit ‘sad, we hugged and then we started one of our long talks “. A few days ago the last phone call, but Pannella, now overwhelmed by pain, could not respond. “While talking to Matthew Angels in the background I heard her moaning – says Paglia – My friend Marco had already done fighting his battle.”

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