Saturday, May 28, 2016

Equitalia, 2000 EUR folder for Matteo Renzi – Il Giornale

This time the folder Equitalia came directly to the Prime Minister. It’s the same Matteo Renzi to reveal it: “I just got a message from my wife. She says I arrivatauna Equitalia folder to pay. I pagareduemila euro! And you know why? I’m lost a fine, I had to pay for it but I lost . My wife had given me to pay, but I’ve lost it and then I forgot about it.

Now I have to come up with two thousand euro to Equitalia for a contravention of three years ago, “he says the premier. And Renzi as many taxpayers points the finger against the debt collection agency: “They were the engagement days with meetings, meetings at the Quirinale – added with colleagues -. I just passed of mind and I have not even sought. ” “Here – he says, according to the story of The Messenger , -, I should explain why it is necessary to reform Equitalia on Facebook precisely from this story.” Then he adds: “No, better not. Better not do it, because otherwise you know they say! Anyway the Equitalia reform must be made. Enough of these folders. The fees and fines you have to pay with a click, a text message.”


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