Monday, May 30, 2016

Migrants, Renzi: “Petty who screams invasion for votes”. Salvini: “I mean, no fool” – The Republic

Rome – It ‘been a weekend of intense activity for the forces engaged in the relief activities of migrants Hundreds of lives saved but hundreds even those lost. Matteo Renzi dedicated to the drama going on in the Mediterranean large space in its eNews. To remember that those boats in precarious navigation between hope and the unknown, between life and death, are full of men, women and children.

So, “are not just numbers,” insists the prime minister, presenting the fulcrum around which the Migration Compact, the Italian proposal to the European Commission: “I say: let’s help really at home, with international cooperation and a different model of development aid. Meanwhile we save as many human lives as possible, knowing that there is no invasion the numbers are always the same, more or less. There is a great humanitarian crisis in the Mediterranean, and not only in the Mediterranean: we propose to deal with medium-term determination and vision, not chasing the fears or votes, “as one who “petty words screams like: system to collapse, emergency, invasion.”

the Minister for reforms, Maria Elena Boschi , in Berlin meets Peter Altmeier, Minister of the Chancellery and coordinator the German government for the refugee crisis. “Germany – reports the minister after the interview – Migration supports the Compact in its structure, such as Angela Merkel also said in his recent visit to Italy. On some profiles, such as Eurobonds, there is an open discussion” and, recalls Woods, Renzi “said he can identify any different solutions provided remains the overall system.”

eNews Renzi sounds immediately as the answer to Matteo Salvini, who ahead of the June 2 speaks to Radio Padania “invaded the Republic party and unemployed”. And that, after the release of the premier’s eNews, replication via Twitter: “Renzi defines mean those who speak of invasion. #iosonomeschino but not the slave, an accomplice or a fool.”

” our emergency management model, unlike other countries – says the prime minister – did not uncomfortable situations such as Idomeni fields or Calais. Italy c ‘ is, with its values ​​and its strength. Waiting for the rest of Europe will realize the way of the political and human of this challenge. “

migration, says the president of the Council, represent “a phenomenon that will last years and requires action in Africa. from being as the European Union, as we have proposed. Until we will help them for good at home, we will continue to seek to buffer, but the buffer is not never the solution. Finally something is moving and the European Union seems intent on actually bet on the Migration Compact proposed. “

” In the meantime, “Renzi addresses applaud” the Italian and those Italians who every day, risking their own, saving hundreds of lives. How does Dr. Pietro Bartolo in Lampedusa, whose story I recalled at the G7 table as an example. How do women and men of the navy, coast guard, law enforcement. “” What a little ‘stride, and sometimes it seems petty – bitter notes the prime minister – is the attitude of one who cries and screams, in these cases. Of those who use the media, and not only words like system to collapse, emergency, invasion. “

” We are talking about – concludes Renzi – numbers that are more or less, depending on the weeks, same the last two years. A tenth of those who took Germany last year. Numbers in the media perception seem much larger. But numbers are averaged with the past and not higher than other countries. The point is that they are not just numbers. But are children dying in the holds. Mothers who agree to risk their lives and risking it to their children, so great is their desperation. “

A Radio Padania, Matteo Salvini speak of” the system of lies ‘renziano information “, but” there is a major part of Italy that has had enough. “the Northern League leader does not even spare the Church:” I’m surprised some bishops, thankfully few, who open the doors to illegal immigrants especially Muslims, who come here not to integrate but to impose, in the context of planned invasion. A position that will end up damaging them. I do not understand if there are or do. “

At this time Salvini responds Federico Gelli , Democratic Party deputy and president of the Commission of Inquiry on migrants, calling on the leaders in the League take “as the pastor of Ventimiglia, father Francesco Marcoaldi, which today opened the doors of the hall of the church to accommodate migrants, having understood, first and best of Salvini, the emergency and the need to give support. While on one hand it works to help the other Salvini, sitting comfortably on any chair, straddles the difficulties. “

At this point of controversy erupts League’s Vice President of the Senate Roberto Calderoli , to urge the pastor and bishop of Ventimiglia to use “their resources and not those had through the 8 per thousand”, donated by citizens that “perhaps” meant to “help our poor, our orphans, our unemployed and our seniors. “While the governor of Liguria Giovanni Toti , Forza Italy, reminded themselves” pastors and bishops “that the host can not be” extra legem or contra “, or,” Italy can not accommodate people who refuse to identify themselves within its borders. “

the leader of Forza Italy in the House, Renato Brunetta , attacks the prime minister who denies’ emergency and gives him the ultimatum “either Europe adopts the Migration Compact or Italy will have to do it alone.” But Italy “has so far alone” and “putting one Alternatively Renzi does not show strength but weakness. It does not say what it intends to do if Italy were to be left alone. It is suspected that the flexibility granted by the Commission and certainly endorsed Germany has an unstated subtext: overshooting of public accounts in exchange for a substantial ‘

from the minority Democratic Party, this time comes the support of Gianni Cuperlo to the prime minister: “on immigration policy the government is doing well, investing in Europe of its responsibilities. It ‘a great humanitarian emergency than political or strategic and Italy can not be left alone. It must be admitted to the government and Prime Minister consistency and also courage. the Migration Compact is a hypothesis on which converge Thumbs by international institutions. the road is the right one, we must continue. “

the President of the Chamber, Laura Boldrini , speaks of “strategic investment” and “great Marshall plan” to “stabilize the countries of North Africa, or they will destabilize us” and “Migration Compact is a good base to work on and I apparently there has been attention by European institutions “. The increase in landings “is an invasion nor an unexpected phenomenon – adds Boldrini -. As long as there are wars and violations of human rights there will be leaks.”

Arturo Scotto , leader of the Left Italian Chamber, asking the government to restore the operation Mare Nostrum “to dramatically reduce deaths at sea and take all possible initiatives to address the obvious inadequacy of the operation Triton . the face Italy, although Europe traccheggia. Immediately. It would be a signal of profound humanity and concrete response to migration issues, in view of the anniversary of the birth of the Republic. “


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