Saturday, May 28, 2016

Referendum, Berlusconi attacks Confindustria: “They are subjects aspirants” – The Republic

“Prospective subjects.” So Silvio Berlusconi has called Confindustria that is moving towards the ‘yes’ to the constitutional referendum of October. A consultation that, according to the leader of Forza Italy, brings us to “a situation that does not hesitate to call dangerous. He has already given birth to so many committees, such as the one which adheres Confindustria. I called these guys, subjects aspirants. Not I understand how they fail to realize that we are moving towards a regime situation, “he said the former prime minister talking about today in Caserta in Piazza Dante, before the militants intervened for the event in support of Riccardo Ventre candidate.

” in last 22 years we have had four coups, now there is a process towards a drift absolutely dangerous authoritarian – said Berlusconi – the Constitution that Renzi has changed with an artificial majority made by 60 deputies elected by voters of the center and 130 parliamentarians the Chamber, declared unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court, takes us to a single room which will approve major laws. In this room – said the former rider – there will be a large majority of a single party, this party will have a single leader, and is him, so he will be the master of everything, will be the host of the party, the Parliament of Italy, the master of Italian. “

constitutional Referendum
Stakeholders :
Silvio Berlusconi

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