Wednesday, May 25, 2016

G7, Renzi: “Put immigration to the first point. Give space to children Idomeni without demagogy” – The Daily

The theme migration to the first item on the agenda of the G7. He asks the President of the Council Matteo Renzi that is going to Japan , where is scheduled the summit of the world’s largest. “Many of the arguments that the Japanese Presidency has put on the agenda of the G7 – wrote in his e-news the head of government – and many are the points that interest and affect our country starting with the issues on which we will introduce the debate, namely energy and migration “. The head of government said he was “very happy with the renewed attention to the proposals of Italy”, in particular the Migration compact . He adds: “I wish there was place at the table of the powerful, even and especially for the voiceless: I wish there was place at the table of the powerful, to the eyes of the children Idomeni stand out in all the front pages of international newspapers today. Yesterday began the evacuation of that camp. And in front of the demagogy and sometimes the verbal violence against refugees would that we should remember – as we pointed out yesterday, the Secretary-General of NATO – that the threat to our cities often comes from extremism and radicalism suburbs, not by migrants Idomeni or Lampedusa “.


The prime minister explained that “this is a time when the world is very easy to get up and do controversy. But launching concrete, alternative proposals, it is not always easy. We are trying the second option: do not play to those who shout the loudest, fueling tensions, but propose concrete ideas. This is why we insist on a strategy for Africa and with Africa, with the so-called Migration Compact. And that is why we insist on energy, on a global strategy which invests in new technologies, as they are doing to our main industry, from smart to renewable counters. ” As for the theme of immigration, states: “The threat to our cities is often from the suburbs of the ‘ extremism and radicalism , not the migrant Idomeni or Lampedusa . The killer who shocked Paris and Brussels have grown a few kilometers away from the headquarters of the Born or dell ‘ European Union , not from the coasts of the Mediterranean . But often the truth does not make news, fear yes. “



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