Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Migrants, Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, “Petty speaker of invasion” – the morning of Padua

ROME. “We save as many human lives as possible, knowing that there is no invasion. The numbers are always the same, more or less. ” After the last shipwrecks that have made hundreds and hundreds of deaths, Matteo Renzi dedicated to the drama going on in the Mediterranean large space in his eNews . He does it to remember that those boats are loaded with men, women and children but also to respond to attacks by Matteo Salvini, that in view of the June 2 speaks to Radio Padania “Republic Day invaded and unemployed “.

But the prime minister is there and replies point by point. “What a little ‘stride, and sometimes it seems petty, it is the attitude of one who cries and screams. Of those who use the media, and not only words like: the collapse system, emergency, invasion. The numbers in the media perception seem much larger. But they are on average with the past and not superior to other countries. ” Migration, says the president of the Council, represent a phenomenon that will last years and requires action in Africa to do as the European Union. “Until we will help them for good at home, we will continue to seek to buffer, but a buffer is never the solution. Finally something is moving and the European Union seems intent on actually bet on the Migration Compact proposed by Italy, “says a satisfied Renzi. And the League? Replication Salvini arrives via Twitter: “Renzi defines mean those who speak of invasion. #iosonomeschino but not slave, an accomplice or a fool. “

On immigration, from Berlin, also intervenes Maria Elena Boschi:” Germany supports the Migration Compact in its structure, as Angela Merkel also said in his recent visit to Italy. ” The Speaker of the House, Laura Boldrini, explains that there is no invasion and defines the Migration Compact a “good basis for work.” After the local elections, the Interior Ministry will return to discuss with regional and municipal authorities to seek a common solution. Undersecretary, Domenico Manzione speaks of a number of ‘incentives to allow 800 of 8,000 municipalities that make hospitality can become a much more significant number. “

The fact remains that at sea rescues continue. And the budget is worrying. On May 26 last year, off the coast of Libya, there was a single shipwreck, with a budget of about 300 missing. This was established by the Coast Guard, who listened to the approximately 150 survivors arrived on board of ships operating in the Strait of Sicily some in Taranto, others in Pozzallo, others in Porto Empedocle. And even taking the first restrictive measures. Two men believed to be smugglers boat loaded with migrants sank in the Strait of Sicily, killing at least 45 people (including three children) were fallowed Police after disembarking the survivors two days ago. Instead moored in Pozzallo yesterday morning the ship “ Dattilo ” carrying 321 migrants. Among them many children, it is estimated to be 130. And again.

The Irish patrol vessel L.E. Roisin did land at Brindisi 346 migrants of African origin rescued in the Sicily Channel and arrived in the port of Corigliano Calabro the ship Doctors without borders with 403 people on board.



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