Monday, May 30, 2016

Milan prosecutors, CSM chooses Greek pm The evasion of war | Video – BBC

ROME Arriving at the last minute in the early afternoon, after the current” centrist “Unit for the constitution had chosen to focus on alternative candidate stronger, the resignation of the chief of staff of the Ministry of Justice John Melillo has opened the way to the wide majority for the appointment of the new public prosecutor in Milan. Francis Greek, former prosecutor in the pool Clean Hands and until recently deputy prosecutor in the same office, has collected 17 votes in the plenum Council of the judiciary, compared to 4 for Alberto Nobili (also a deputy prosecutor until a few months ago) and 3 abstentions.

the analysis of the vote

A close result unanimously , as called for by vice-President of Cam Giovanni Legnini that, respecting the practice, did not participate in the vote.

To Greek have voted those who had proposed more than a month ago, that is, the left togata Area and the “secular” center-left Paola Balducci, plus the 5 councilors Unicost two “lay” center-right (Zanettin and Alberti Casellati, the latter initially favor Melillo) and another center-left (Fanfani). For Noble, which also has the reputation of toga “progressive,” he voted the right of an independent judiciary and the Autonomy and Solidarity (the new Piercamillo Davigo current, another former PM of clean hands), while the abstainers are “lay” of center-right Leone and the two components of law: the first president of the Supreme Court and Attorney general John Canzio Pasquale Ciccolo. Would vote for Melillo (also attached to Area), which, however, has run he marched when he heard that the internal debate at Unicost had concluded with the decision to vote compactly Greek. By that time, deemed to be lost the game and probably to avoid cracks in the CSM on its name and its current role, sent a email to Legnini to announce his resignation. On him he weighed the veto (politely explained by only Zanettin) linked to direct from a position of close collaboration with the Minister of Justice in charge. A question of inappropriateness linked to issues of image and appearance, but has become “a sort of preliminary and undisguised mistrust ‘: so put it,” a worried bitterness, “President Canzio, who preferred Melillo for its’ excellent professional biography undocked from prolonged stay in the same office and territorial context “; something that can not be said of Greek nor of the Nobles, always in service to the Milan prosecutors. Where there is need to “innovations” that the chosen “will certainly be introduced, ‘he emphasizes Canzio: like saying that the management of the former prosecutor Edmondo Bruti Liberati has left some cracks. Thesis that the stipendiary Morosini and Aschettino Democratic Judiciary wanted to challenge and topple: the appointment of Greek is also a certificate of recognition to the work done by a judicial office often at the center of “polemics and exploitation”, characterized by “moments of fibrillation, also institutional, perhaps physiological when the prosecution is incident on interests’ strong ”.

The role of Unicost

The decisive choice was however, to Unicost, where initially the Greek position was supported by only one councilor in five: former ANM president Luca Palamara, who managed to convince both those in favor and those Melillo geared for Nobili. On the grounds of an internal appointment, that would give continuity to the leadership of a prosecutor so important and would enhance the unique experience in financial crimes. “But ours is also a response to allegations of illicit trade of the vote and eterodirezione of the CSM choices,” explained Councillor Sangiorgio; although in the Marshals already there is talk of an exchange palace corridors for the future: the support of the candidate to Unicost Area will be returned at the time of the imminent appointment of the President of the Court of Appeal of Milan.

the interruption

But beyond the more backstory or less truthful, remains the appointment of a judge who “has gained a wealth of unrivaled knowledge in economic criminal law ‘, as stressed by the rapporteur Balducci:” it’s the perfect prosecutor in a context in which, sadly, the economy affects almost all criminal activity. “ About hoped to rupture and discontinuity as solutions in other Procure, from Palermo to Turin via Naples and Reggio Calabria, will have to wait for the next round .

May 30, 2016 (modified May 30, 2016 | 23:06)



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