GENOA . Continues to hold court the story of the Democratic Party primary in Liguria. This morning came the minutes of Trustees who have decided to cancel the votes of 13 seats in the region. There are those who photographed the ballot box; who accompanied foreigners who even knew Italian and paid for them two euro required to vote; even those who still threatened voters and wanted to check how they voted because they “do not want to make fun of me.” The primaries of the Democratic Party in Liguria has happened too. The reports made by Sergio Cofferati the Board of Trustees have all been verified by comparing the minutes of the seats and listening to the testimony of the voters. Thirteen were polling stations where the votes were canceled. The press office of the Democratic Party Liguria has released t he minutes of the guarantors. Starting from the analysis on the seat 8 of La Spezia, one where a small group of Chinese occurred to vote. E ‘was found that an interpreter “explained to non-Italians they had to do and provided for them to pay the two euro contributions”. The same seat where a voter took the photo to the card. And then there was “interference”. or vote. people of the center, one of the main reasons invoked by the Guarantors to justify the annulment of the vote in thirteen of the 29 seats contested. In the seat of a Blackboard Electric said that someone has given the euro needed to vote before entering the polling station. Or in the seat of Santo Stefano al Mare where the guarantors have cancel the vote because “a scrutinizing complained about the presence of a city councilor of Pompeian who” repeatedly demanded the list of voters to verify that all the people he sent him to vote they had, adding that otherwise would ha ve to ‘settle accounts and did not want to be teased.’ “Similar pressures even in the polling of Moconesi where the vote was canceled because” people outside the polling station, belonging to the opposing center-lists even threatened the voters. “
Meanwhile, Matteo Renzi comes out and attacks Cofferati:” Cofferati is in Europe with the votes of the Democratic Party … I respect the choice, when you lose ago bad but you do not go away. If you had problems on the values could say six months before when ever I have a candidate in the European and if the party was the fruit so was the one who took 40 percent . “

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