Elections in Greece will go towards the triumph of SYRIZA, the leftist party of Alexis Tsipras, who based his campaign on austerity and no request to renegotiate the debt greek with international creditors.
According to the first exit polls, SYRIZA has gathered percentages between 35.5% and 39.5% of the votes. New Democracy, the party of conservative Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, have between 23 and 27%. Third party tied Potami (center) and Golden Dawn (neo-Nazis) between 6.4% and 8%.
“It is a historic victory. It is the victory of the people who have mobilized against austerity. ” This is one of the first comments of the leaders of SYRIZA collected by the press at the headquarters of Tsipras, likely future premier greek.
When the giant screen set up in the headquarters of the party sent the television pictures with early exit poll, the militants present shouted for joy and the silence of waiting was broken by thunderous applause.
The results of the first exit poll circulated soon after the polls closed in Greece indicate that Syriza could get a absolute majority of 158 seats (out of 300) in the new Parliament. Commentators interviewed by Greek TV emphasize, however, that these results are provisional and liable
of changes.
Following are then the Communists of the KKE between 4.7% and 5.7%, with 4.2% Pasok -5.2% and the Greeks with the independent 3.5% -4.5% of the vote.
If you were to hold the data of exit polls, SYRIZA would gain more than 10 percentage points higher than in the general election of 2012, when it achieved the 26.89%, ranking as the second behind New Democracy party. Just the center-right party of the current Prime Minister would drop instead from 29.66% in 2012 to the current range of between 23 and 27%.
Sources close to the New Democracy party, talking to the issuer private Mega TV, have recognized this evening’s victory SYRIZA. Sources however pointed out that, “since so far we have only the exit poll, expect to have the final results.”
The vote of nearly ten million Greeks called it intended to have strong reflections on the whole Union euroea. Tsipras, the man who in 2004 joined the fragmented Greek left in a party, has convinced most of the Greeks, crushed by the economic crisis, that time of austerity should end.
One stop to the sacrifices but which also include the rejection of the agreements signed between his predecessor, the conservative Samaras, and international creditors. And that this generates concern among advocates of European rigor, favor a continuation of the current policy. A victory for the left, they say, could send Greece to bankruptcy and get her out from the Eurozone. One hypothesis, however, flatly denied by the same Tsipras, who thinks that we can reach a reasonable agreement.
Tsipras, 40, a civil engineer and former member of the Communist Party KKE, became known in Greece when it is unsuccessful candidate for mayor of Athens in 2006. Initially, followed by the electorate especially the youth, has succeeded in broadening consensus to classes most affected by the crisis.
On the Greek elections is also an eye particularly Italian concerned: that of the “Brigade Kalimera”, a large group of over 250 people consisting of various souls of the Italian left, arrived in Athens to support SYRIZA. But also to learn and eventually use even in Italy the ‘recipe Tsipras’ left for a massive and successful.

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