Via the consultations of the pd for the Quirinale. The President of the Council, Matteo Renzi, is the headquarters of the party off of the Nazarene in Rome for consultations with the other parties to the election of the President of the Republic. Renzi, with the delegation of the Democratic Party, has initiated meetings with the representatives of 9:30 To Italy, Democratic Centre and Civic Choice.
Renzi is seeking an agreement for a shared nomination for the Quirinale. The meeting will be to highlight the 19 with Forza Italy, led by its leader Silvio Berlusconi: based primarily on the method – it is learned – sull’identikit and is not expected you do names. But tonight at 21 will see the arrival of the former M5s – Today 9 deputies said they will leave the group – has informed the deputy secretary of the Pd Guerini. Meanwhile, the Senate electoral law goes towards the final grade, today at 17. Although there is always dissent of the minori ty party of the prime minister.
“In a very clear we asked that the next president of the Republic is a politician who has played in the institutions, international relations, and has both a politician. This is no time for a technician at the Quirinale. ” He said the Interior Minister, Angelino Alfano, leaving the Nazarene after consultations with the Democratic Party.
Alfano stressed that the new president will have to accompany the end of the path of institutional reforms: “it is essential, after which for decades has not got the change that we are building.”
Even Popular Area (Ncd-UDC) will give an indication to their electors to vote white board in the first three votes for the Quirinale. Straight to the fourth or fifth grade: ACE the fourth, not the double fault in the fifth, still says, using a metaphor tennis, Interior Minister.
The meeting “we go there for education, well aware that we are living a farce, “says the League Secretary Matteo Salvini to Radio Padania. “I think – he adds – that will be a very brief encounter, we will tell you probably have already decided with your friend Berlusconi who propose, we will give confusion, regret, concern about how Italy is handling the economy. We will try to limit the damage, we will not choose. “
I am therefore officially open the games for the election of the President of the Republic. In meetings with his MPs, Renzi has begun to show his cards. The Democratic Party, announced, will vote white board in the first three votes. Then, on Saturday morning, the fourth and “decisive” ballot, when the quorum will lower to 505 votes, will try to elect its candidate, born from a share also with other parties.
“We can redeem fool of 2013, which is printed in the curriculum vitae of all “, motivates Dem, trying to ricompattarli. But if Stefano Fassina goes to bless the search for an agreement with Forza Italy, Pippo Civati with a letter launches, in a “Not Nazarene”, the nomination of Romano Prodi. And they try to climb over the prime minister and also Beppe Grillo Gianroberto Casaleggio, who write to MPs and senators to ask them to make the Democratic Party of the names to be submitted on-line vote of members at M5S. But, in what is a real earthquake, lose another ten MPs, who will leave the movement.
In a game still to be played, full of unknowns and possible plots, Renzi will exercise to the full the his right to make a proposal. “I will name a dry, not a triad,” anticipates first to Members, then senators Pd that meets in the morning. So not a list of candidates from which to choose to Berlusconi and Alfano. But a proposal gained after a comparison.
Today is fixed a busy schedule of consultations at the Nazarene: open the delegation centrist, FI and will close in the middle of all the other parties, except M5S (a refusal “senseless” their comments Renzi). First, though, is the comparison and sharing within the Democratic Party, confirmed the meeting his parliamentary secretary.
It appears conciliatory Prime Minister, MPs and senators dem. Who does not share a name “should say so openly,” he says. “Do not bet on your loyalty but on your intelligence,” he adds, “I do not praise the sniper but – will surprise you – I defend the right to dissent,” a conscience vote, ensures the senators. But if Pippo Civati, absent at the meeting, shall send him a letter in which candida Prodi as an antidote to the agreement with Berlusconi, makes it clear that no one can afford to put “veto” nor do names “against”.
The minority inner asks Renzi to make a name of the Democratic Party: a “political” that is “self-government”. Some MPs call for a woman. And the prime minister nods: “It’s an anomaly that no one has ever been elected. We will verify if there is space to close. ” But the path is full of unknowns. So much so that the secretary recalls that “even Carlo Azeglio Ciampi had 180 snipers and Francesco Cossiga 170 ‘. But then flaunts optimism: the Democratic Party can redeem the failure of 2013.
In the afternoon Renzi shows up in the House: a presence, for him that is not parliamentary, also “symbolic” in view of the vote. In Classroom meanwhile continue to vote the reforms. In the Senate, the electoral law runs to the final vote, scheduled for today at 17. A Montecitorio pass the articles of the constitutional reform that also change the quorum for the election of the head of state. But sull’Italicum continuing dissent of the minority Democratic Party, with over twenty senators on the barricades. And the House votes against internal revolt FI.
Today Berlusconi in Rome and will bring together the leaders of the party before the consultations with Renzi: the indication in FI would be to vote white board in the early ballots , such as Pd. It could do so even Ncd, which is, however, puzzled by the fact that the prime minister will not propose a list of three names.
A variable uncontrollable might be however that the M5S. Grillo and Casaleggio evidently wish to stay in the game by writing directly to the parliamentarians of the Democratic Party to ask him to forward nominations to the Hill as to vote online (although no estimate is an opposite hypothesis Giuliano Amato). But the movement continues to lose MPs: ten more are close goodbye. Ten electors that Renzi could try to convince.

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