Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Italicum splits Pd and Forza Italy In Classroom psychodrama frond – BBC

The Italicum splits Pd and Forza Italy In Classroom psychodrama frond – BBC

Milan , January 21, 2015 – 8:48


There are scenes that explain a lot. This
in the elevator, to say.
Senator Francesco Nitto Palma has jumped in with a leap.
pushes the button “T”, snorts, raises his classic look (do not know if it’s ever a sneer of contempt, or a grimace of patience).
“What?”. There
that the covenant of the Nazarene holds, no?
“We Forza Italy, here in the Senate, voting as was decided. Score. Indeed, full stop. “And
Lease? And fittiani?
“I fittiani? The fittiani not exist. If you manage to get to ten, it’s all fat that runs. ”
This time the grin was just contempt. The doors open, out, she goes for a round of Rummy (“Your friend Ciro Falanga, the other day, has won 20 euro, and now has to give him a rematch,” is the voice of Monica Cirinnà amused, Senator Pd).
Clim b.

shadow carousel

Here are the 29 senators of the Democratic Party dissidents


Return to the first floor, cross the corridor of busts, try Miguel Gotor.
They say that the head of the rebels bersaniani both pretty nervous. There are politicians able to hide feelings, tears, sweat. Gotor, no, he was drafted by Bersani Gotor to cover the role of the intellectual is not organic, perhaps to make even the Minister of Culture – scholar of saints, heretics and inquisitors, philologist Aldo Moro, researcher of Modern History in Turin – but not has never suffered a real genetic mutation; remained a university professor, and so, if he gets angry, or sorry, or if you know you lost, you see.

A couple d ‘ hours ago, in the dining Koch, during the meeting of the senators of the Democratic Party, tense atmosphere, the woods wearing black Gotor stood there, sitting at the center . Very restless, with loosened tie, hands on the phone to send text messages, receive, reply, and then shop around, especially watching him, Matteo Renzi, who called him “my favorite enemy” (when the Bersani Paolo Corsini s ‘stood up and announced a policy document drawn up its hostile all’Italicum by Gotor and signed by 29 senators, Renzi has swallowed, the leader Luigi Zanda has run past a hand through his hair, Giorgio Tonini and Stefano Lepri they looked as usual you look at the ones who end up “Seriously”).

Gotor, l ‘ you have done it.
“We followed our conscience.”
Someone, however, now seems to regret.
“He wants to know if any of the 29 is changing idea and, instead of going out from the Chamber, will remain? I do not know, maybe. Their problems. I do not want to be partly responsible for this painful, tragic story …. ”
is using strong tones.
“They want to pass an electoral law adopted only with Verdini. 70% elected by Renzi and Berlusconi, elected with 30% of the preferences. An absolute disgrace. I, for consistency, I pull out. Others will like me, others maybe not … That one, for example, what will you do? “.
Indicates Ugo Sposetti.

Sposetti, indeed, during the Assembly, was the author of an intervention vibrant and sophisticated , recalled that a parliamentary group has the duty of synthesis of compactness, which can not be divided into winners and losers.
Skip Senator Donella Mattesini. Call Sposetti: “Hugh, you’ve been very good. We have to stick together. ” Comes the news that three of the 29 rebels thought they would officially: are the Puppato, the Ditto and Albano. Vote yes to the now famous “amendment Esposito,” built to incorporate all agreements sull’Italicum majority, and therefore would invalidate other 48 000 amendments. Senator Gal, Vincenzo D’Anna says that, at this point, “most of which would be appropriate to speak of Italicum Espositum.” The bersaniani seem stubborn and swear on their abacus case continue to count 29 dissidents. Lease sends sms to her: and fittiani counted would per haps twenty (maybe you do not go and tell Nitto Palma).

At the refreshment stands is Mario Michele Giarrusso (M5S) .
“What little show … We grillini we are against this lousy law imposed by Renzi and Berlusconi. Unfortunately, now there is little to do … “.
rumor that Sel League and will try to lengthen the time. Roberto Calderoli, for long minutes, beautifully holds the Aula.
Beautifully, then, is clear: it depends on the tastes.
Augusto Minzolini out.
Minzolini, for some time, is enlisted among the rioters of FI. But if you go to tell him, he rages. The truth is that you are in front of a senator who reasons with the head of a political reporter. Skip instinctively some step, risks, bluffing, understands.
“How boring now talk Italicum … come on, we speak rather of Quirinale! I say that Berlusconi is pushing for Amato. But if Renzi, who like Nero lives of suspects, not falling, then there may be a similar figure t o Mattarella … “.
‘type Ugo De Siervo … Oh, but I would not have told you anything … Do not put me in trouble. ”

January 21, 2015 | 08:48



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