Friday, January 30, 2015

Here are the cities with the worst air quality according to Legambiente – Il Sole 24 Ore

Here are the cities with the worst air quality according to Legambiente – Il Sole 24 Ore

Energy Technologies Here are the cities with the worst air quality according to Legambiente

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L ‘ dirtiest air of Italy is breathed not where the chronicles of the prosecution and the imagination of the most active committees NIMBY: air dirtier and dangerous is where the sensors measure and certify more dirt and danger. Ie the entire Po valley with the Venetian plain. This was stated by the 2015 edition of the dossier Mal’Aria of Legambiente.

What is the main cause of pollution that damages the lungs of citizens? The research points the finger of Legambiente accuser against trafficking, first poisoner not only mood but mostly air. Even the log fires and the burning of agricultural weeds contribute a bit ‘, but certainly an important factor in the city of smog comes from heating systems, the use of diesel (engines and boilers), from the smokestacks of’ industry.

However the air is a bit ‘less dirty than in the past. Consolation lean, but surveys continue to point to a slow (and insufficient) improvement. Fine dust (PM10) the ten worst cities of Italy throughout 2014 are in the order Frosinone, Alexandria, Vicenza, Turin, Benevento, Lodi, Cremona, Avellino, Milan and Venice.
For fine powders (Pm2 , 5) the worst of 2014 are Brescia, Milan, Monza, Turin, Cremona, Mantua, Padua, Venice, Vicenza, Alexandria. That is again the Po Valley and the Venetian plain. For nitrogen the ten worst: Rome, Turin, Milan, Trieste, Messina, Palermo, Como, Genoa, Novara, Monza.

For ozone, the five worst are Lecco, Udine, Bergamo, Pavia, Modena.
Air among the best of Italy in Taranto Ilva; better still at Spezia where committees nimby accuse the central Enel and even better in Savona of Tirreno Power plant at Vado Ligure under investigation for pollution. On this breathtaking scenery, the Legambiente noted that already in the first month of the situation of air pollution is out of control. In January 32 provincial capitals have registered more than 10 days of exceeding the maximum allowable daily PM10 (particulate matter) and in 14 of them there was a passing one day out of two. Among these cities from the air fetid find all the main centers in the valley and some large cities in central south as Rome (12 exceedance days) and Naples (11). They open the ranking of cities most affected by particulate matter in January 2015 there are Frosinone and Parma with 20 days exceeding the limit.

A figure in line with the year just ended, as shown by the figures for the 2014 on air pollution caused by particulate matter, ground-level ozone and nitrogen oxides in our cities. From monitoring done by Legambiente campaign “PM10 you keep an eye”, in 2014 were well 33 of 88 provincial capitals (37% of those monitored) in which at least one monitoring station Urban has exceeded the limit of 35 days over the maximum permissible threshold for PM10. Although there was an improvement of air pollution in our cities and a reduction in the emissions of some pollutants in recent years, the levels of exposure of citizens remain high and often still far beyond the thresholds set forth by law.


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