Monday, January 19, 2015

Justice, Orlando: “Corruption has dimensions intolerable” – The Republic

Justice, Orlando: "Corruption has dimensions intolerable" – The Republic

Rome – “An efficient justice is an important goal, a pillar of any modern democracy. I appeal to all forces policies because justice do not come back to represent terrain miserable controversy, but of collaboration. ” It concludes with an appeal for cooperation open to all political forces, the annual report on the administration of Justice explained to the Chamber of Deputies of the Keeper Andrea Orlando.

The most important step is to corruption, a real emergency of our country as confirmed also by the minister: “Surveys show that corruption has reached intolerable even for the frequently entangled in the mafia-type organization. This has devastating effects on the economic and citizens.”

The Minister did not want to hide “the dust under the rug” and also addressed the most controversial issues as “the failure of the judicial system is, depending on who is looking at us from the outside, one of the largest boulders the path of growth. ”

Justice and civil liability magistrates . The minister has not eluded the thorniest issues on the table, beginning with the civil liability of the robes: “A reform – said – that does not have a punitive purpose” but is born “from the need to co-responsibility of those who caused the damage” and does not intend to “compress the autonomy or freedom of the magistrate.” The ANM had aspramento criticized the measure, as it had rejected the reduction of paid judges. Orlando stressed that the government opposes “any hypothesis compression of the autonomy of the judiciary, and the interpretation of the rules.”

From the Keeper came a firm defense of the crime of false accounting, “a theme crucial in the fight against the most serious forms of economic crime and I sincerely hope that the parliamentary confrontation can develop profitably, helping to find balanced solutions and effective. ” Then he explained the proposal of the executive on the subject, already turned into amendments to the text under consideration in the Senate, which is to “consider the conduct of forgery as illicit danger elevating the pains to ensure the deterrence of the sanction and the efficiency of the investigation “.

The Civil Justice, under reform, passed by Parliament in November, is down of cases pending on June 2014 (just over 4 million 800 thousand) for the first time since 2009 the figure drops “below the threshold of 5 million.”

In criminal matters instead the objectives to be pursued are the “strengthening of the plea agreement and the reform of the appeal, to be transformed into a control of first instance, and rationalization of cases of ricorribilità Cassation “.

Strengthen protection instruments against terrorism . A passage of the report was devoted to the terrorist threat, reached a very high level in our country: “The increasing threat of terrorism poses an obligation to strengthen the instruments of prevention and repression” and is “inescapable introduce new measures to make selective and stringent controls on materials that could be used for attacks and measures against foreign fighters, “said the minister.

Prisons, data enhancement . Inevitable then a reference to the prison situation: Minister announced that as at 31 December 2014 are 53 623 inmates in Italian. A situation improved compared to 2013, when the in our prisons were crammed 62 536 prisoners (66 000 were when came the condemnation of the European Court of Justice). Orlando announced that “the filing of the more than 3000 appeals to the Strasbourg Court” by inmates, thanks to the compensatory measures prepared by the government, “will result in a saving of 42 million euro.” This is thanks to the compensatory measures introduced by the government, promoted in November by the European Court of Human Rights. Finally the announcement of the next appointment of the national detainees

Justice Reform
civil trial
andrea orlando


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