History Article
This article was published on 28 January 2015 to 06:36 hours.
The last modified on 28 January 2015 to 06:49 hours.
There have voted 24 senators of the minority Democratic Party
12 and Forza Italy:
quorum votes to 127
for the green light to the law
Matteo Renzi is satisfied. A few days before the vote for the selection of the successor of Giorgio Napolitano at the Quirinale, the prime minister has ripped the green light by the Senate all’Italicum. “The courage pays’ tweet right after the” yes “of the Senate. We are not yet final approval, the Italicum now goes back to the House, but there is no doubt that the major obstacle, given the numbers of the poor majority, is to be able to overcome almost unscathed the verdict of the Senate. Almost precisely because in fact yesterday’s vote confirms that for the prime minister steps in the Senate are far from risk-free.
The courtroom yesterday was seething. The final vote was preceded by a heated debate between the majority and the opposition on the coordination of the text to be put to the vote, which is then passed with 184 yes. A decisive factor was the choice of the minority Democratic Party and that of Fi not to participate in the vote (24 dissidents dem, 12 absentees Fi not justified, in one mission). A vote was only 252, thereby bringing to 127 the quorum necessary for the green light to the reform.
“We brought home the result,” says Maria Elena Boschi, while recognizing that the role of “important” Forza Italy claims that “in terms of numbers,” the majority was self-sufficient. This is because the votes of the governing parties have been 131 or 4 more than necessary. In fact, this result was possible because the minority Democratic Party decided not to bring to the end the rift with Renzi well as fittiani with Berlusconi. If senators bersaniani had voted against or abstained you were, the government would make it. “We decided to express our dissent that was wide and motivated in about a quarter of the group of the Democratic Party has not participated in the vote in a unified manner,” says Miguel Gotor who led these days the group of dissidents. To make matters worse we think Maurizio Gasparri. “Forza Italy was decisive, Minister Woods once again demonstrates his incompetence: Senators are not 137 (in the computa tion Gasparri also fits those of Gal, ed), there are another 180, a number higher than that of the parliamentary majority who voted in favor of the law. “
Skirmishes that should be interpreted taking into account also the appointment tomorrow, when it will officially open the race for the Hill.
The comparison staged yesterday in the classroom of the Senate has been very hard. Since the activities of dissidents dem (particularly Corradino Mineo and civatiana Lucrezia Ricchiuti). But the highlight was reached just before the final vote, with all opposition, League, Sel and M5s, who attacked the majority and the government as it was “coordinated” the text of the measure. Roberto Calderoli spoke of “coup”, Michael Giarrusso (M5s) of “undermining constitutional bodies”, while the parent company of Sel Loredana De Petris turned presidential screaming “mica will take us for fools.” Bone of contention a few entries in the final text that had never been discussed in the amendments submitted and approved. Accused in particular a change to the text only on electoral laws relating to the counting of votes. Although not on the contents of interventions, the opposition stressed that it was not only a formal coordination, but rat her a real amendment, which would need a discussion and a vote. Precisely for this reason also the two socialists, Buemi and Longo, although it had declared in favor of electoral reform, have decided to abstain on the final vote (which is equivalent to the Senate to vote against).
The President Valeria Fedeli decided to keep going and has voted on the text that now awaits the yes of the House, expected, according to the estimate of Reforms Minister Maria Elena Boschi, by April. The intention of the government should be the final one, even if the battle against the preferences and the list headers blocked certainly will in the House a large group of supporters.
threshold of 40% for 340 seats
With the ‘ Italicum 2.0 the list that receives, on a national basis, at least 40% of the votes (it was 37% in the text released by the House) is awarded a prize of majority of 340 seats out of 630. If no party reaches the threshold, it plays a second-round runoff between the two top rated, for the award. Not allowed connections between lists or apparentamenti between the two rounds of voting. The parties are divided losers 290 remaining seats proportionally based on the percentage of votes
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