Rome – After the Thursday, a second black smoke in the House this morning to elect the President of the Republic. Are unable to reach a quorum of 673 votes.
The third vote will take place at 15, but all eyes are on Saturday for the fourth called that, unless carried sensational and improbable “swarms” of snipers, should instead be that good to elect the candidate wanted by the Prime Minister Matteo Renzi .
It will be the first vote where just an absolute majority, then 505, and yes, at the time, Renzi can count on 554 votes confident with the hope that the number will grow to more than 580 units. A majority, therefore, autonomous from the front of the center consists of FI and Ncd.
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16:05 hours: “We are working, we are very determined to achieve the goal. We have no particular concern. ” So the Democratic Party leader, Robert Hope, after a meeting with Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and deputy secretaries of the Democratic Party, Lorenzo Guerini and Deborah Serracchiani. As for the decisions of Ncd says Hope, “we respect the current debate and go back to argue that it can vote Mattarela all.”
15:55: “For me, tomorrow we should not participate in the vote, to prevent some of our do the “rescuers francs”, ie that give aid to the candidate of the left because they have it with Berlusconi. ” So Maurizio Gasparri, PDL senator.
15:53 hours: “The Movement 5 Stars, contrary to rumors circulated artfully parties to mess up the cards, there is voting Sergio Mattarella the third called. ” The state parliamentary groups of House and Senate of the M5S. “The Movement 5 Stars reserves the right to assess whether, in the fourth ballot on, submit to a vote Network flash” they conclude.
15:47 hours: “If I were in Parliament would vote Mattarella as president of the Republic. ” This was stated by the leader of the Fiom-CGIL, Maurizio Landini, interviewed by telephone: “I consider that it is the suitable shape, with the autonomy necessary to implement and enforce the principles of our Constitution. And more – continued Landini – in a moment of detachment and mistrust of people from politics, consider the ethics and morality with which Mattarella made a political point and a very important qualities. “
15:37 hours: Sergio Mattarella “is a great name, it is wrong the way in which you have arrived and the election of the President of the Republic is above all a question of method.” This was stated by the deputy Ap, Giuseppe De Mita, interviewed on the line that the centrists will adopt the nomination of Mattarella to Colle. “But now you have to think of it, and especially the Democratic Party has to think about it, because a good name accompanied by a proper method seems to be the best way out,” adds the exponent centrist.
15:36 hours: “Sergio Mattarella represents a compromise choice of President of the Council with the left of his deployment. You could hope for in a figure with greater acceptance by the Italian people, a figure of real change that would represent something new. I think in the long regret President Napolitano. ” This is the comment of the Mayor of Verona Flavio Tosi of the vote going to the election of the President of the Republic. “I do not know – he added Tosi – if President Renzi has really broken the covenant of the Nazarene with Berlusconi or if there is some other counterpart, we will see this in the future.”
0re 15:19: It began the third vote, secret card. The call starts by Senators, followed the deputies and the regional representatives. Each elector, called by a deputy secretary, receives a card and pencil from salesperson, enters one of the booths set up between the bank of the presidency and the government, and after expressing the vote deposited in one of the three polls. The counting will be public at the end of the vote.
15:14 hours: “As I said yesterday, I have nothing against Mattarella, but not a shared name, Renzi has the wrong method which politically can not support this application. ” A repeat is Silvio Berlusconi over the phone with the top blues House and Senate gathered in the House. The former head of the Government, to tell some present, would express once again the indication of vote white card (still would be considered a gesture of respect), but the invitation extended by the staff blue is to consider other solutions, one of all those not taking part in the vote. President, was the reasoning by the top Fi, with white board give you the opportunity to fittiani and all those who want to challenge you to vote Mattarella to show that you have no control of the party. One consideration that this would then lead the Knight to delegate the leaders of what is “technically” the best route to go. The decision will be taken in a new meeting scheduled t his evening after the third ballot. For now, therefore, the former head of the government to take time, we evaluate what to do, he told his executives. Inside Fi voices scenarios multiply and some people think that in the end the former prime minister can totally change the cards on the table and maybe give the green light to support the candidacy proposed by Renzi.
15 Hours: The Grillo’s blog: Mattarella lied Uranium depleted
The blog of Beppe Grillo publishes a long post, the journalist Lorenzo Sani , which accuses Sergio Mattarella had denied, when he was defense minister, the presence of depleted uranium in ammunition used by NATO in Kosovo and the Balkans. “I had the opportunity to meet the candidate of Renzi at the Quirinale, Sergio Mattarella – reads the post of Sani – when he was defense minister of the government Amato. I worked for several months on the issue of uranium depleted and the impressive number of acute lymphoblastic leukemias and lymphomas among our soldiers who were or had been on a mission in the Balkans, especially in Bosnia, but not only. Sergio Mattarella denied on several occasions the possible link between the onset of the disease and the service. He denied that NATO had ever used depleted uranium (DU, Depleted Uranium), nor that this was contained in Tomahawk (missiles) fired in a war zone by US ships in the Adriatic. ” “I mean, Mattarella, candidate Renzi at the Quirinale, – continues – denied across the board. He denied me just what was possible to find in the early days of the Internet on the same sites of Defense, extolling the effectiveness of armaments to DU and dictated, contextually, the health precautions to be taken when cleaning up: very strict safety protocols, which included the use of overalls, gloves and protective masks, to do the work instead with bare hands and without protections did our soldiers. They, meanwhile, continued to get sick and die … “. The January 27, 2001, tells finally Sani, “Mattarella walked through the crowd of journalists and managed to ask him a few questions, which, quite pointedly, refused once again to respond. Or rather, on that occasion also denied any link between DU and lymphomas or leukemias. Fantasies of printing. I tried to ins ist, but he pushed me away with tones and definitive way. ” “Mattarella turned on his heels went – concludes Sani – so I butchers also the reproach of his colleagues because I had run away with the minister questions tema’` off ‘.
14:38 pm: “Even today we voted Stefano Rodotà. Our choice is a conviction. ” It said in a statement the coordination of former senators M5s. “The name of overspend for us is the demonstration of a consistent line that goes back to the first truly free quirinarie Movement. Any speculation on our account – the statement concludes – is instrumental backbiting. The truth is only one: our actions, past and present, are inspired by the good of the country and not to play games positioning or power. “
14:12 pm: Matteo Renzi brings together the House delegation Pd responsible for following the game of the Quirinale. Dribs and drabs, in the room adjacent to the Chamber of Deputies of the government, have come the deputy secretaries Lorenzo Guerini and Debora Serracchiani, the group leaders Robert Hope and Luigi Zanda and President Matthew Orfini. According to reports, the meeting is to make a point on the progress of the votes, ahead of the fourth ballot tomorrow, when the Democratic Party will vote Sergio Mattarella.
13:55 pm: In conjunction with the meeting of the General Staff of Forza Italy in the House, also ended the meeting of the frond blue led by Raffaele Lease. The meeting with the MEP were 38 electors blue.
13:53 pm: The meeting of the Summit of Forza Italy, which was held in the House ended with the ‘ orientation not to take part in the fourth ballot for the election of the President of the Republic. A new meeting will be held after the third ballot, and in the day will also pursue contacts with the delegation of Ncd.
13:29 pm: “I read from an imaginary meeting of agencies so-called “bureau” of the parliamentary groups of the Senate and House. It is an excellent initiative only if it is a harbinger of resignation and reset. Otherwise, it is yet another self-assembly and free of legitimacy. ” This was stated in a note Raffaele Lease.
13:18 pm: Here is the result of the second ballot for the election of the President of the Republic: Present and voting: 953 Majority: 673
Imposimato 123
Felt, 51
Castellina, 34
Bonino, 23
Rodotà, 22
Sabelli, 14
Gualdani, 10
Pagano, 7
Versace , 6
Prodi, 5
Severino, 5
Mattarella, 4
Rockets, 4
Sangalli, 4
Crude, 3
War, 3
Messina, 3
Barani, 3
Bersani, 2
Cimmino, 2
Finocchiaro, 2
Frattini, 2
Marinetti, 2
Scognamiglio, 2.
Votes dispersed, 143 white sheets, 531 Cards null, 26.
13:14 pm: Black smoke in the first vote in Parliament joint session to elect the new president. At the end of the examination, the President Boldrini announces that it will come back to vote at 15.
12:49 pm: ‘Sorry that Brunetta evokes early elections. But the good Brunetta you put your heart at rest. We will vote in 2018, after the reforms. We want them together in Forza Italy, but if Brunetta Berlusconi does not want and will follow its leader in the House, we will make no Forza Italy. ” So Undersecretary Luca Lotti.
Hours 12:33: If the head of state will be elected, as expected, the fourth ballot, the new President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella could swear According to reports, before the Parliament met in joint session already in the morning of Monday. The official decision rests with the new tenant of the Quirinal, and it is possible that the oath may be postponed to Tuesday. Since the rooms will be engaged until early afternoon on Saturday, in fact, more than a few parliamentary prefer to have at least 48 hours of time before having to return to Rome.
12:25 pm: black smoke, no candidate over the quorum. Bare still ongoing, no one can reach 673 votes.
12:17 pm: “I hope there is a chance to mend relations with Forza Italy, perhaps as early Saturday in the classroom », but« we will mend, there is much work to do. ” This was stated by Minister for Reforms, Maria Elena Boschi, speaking to reporters in the House.
11:29 pm: troubled waters inside Forza Italy in view of tomorrow’s vote on that paper would lead to the election of Sergio Mattarella to the presidency. The idea of voting white card as decided yesterday by Berlusconi with his party began to create many doubts within the party and to fuel suspicions that then in the secret of the urn the team orders is not observed. That’s why at this time have intensified contacts between the former premier, returned to Arcore yesterday, and loyal blue to hypothesize a Plan B and that is not participating in the vote.
The hypothesis will be discussed in the meeting of all the staff blue in permanent contact with the leaders of Ncd. Even within the Ncd clutches would be considerable, especially for those who judge not negative vote Mattarella and break the pact with Renzi. The situation is evolving, explain in Forza Italy, and it is possible even a possible twist by the Knight who eventually could ask his support for the candidate of Renzi.
9:59 pm : today too great reception Napolitano. President Emeritus of the Republic was among the first to show up to vote in the election of the new head of state. After depositing the ballot box was surrounded by parliamentarians. One of them even asked for a signature on a piece of paper, something that Napolitano did leaning over the counter of stenographers, visibly surprised by ” special guest ‘at the center of this House. Shortly after, Napolitano came to the president’s table where they were the president Laura Boldrini and Vice President of the Senate Valeria Sereni: leaning with his arms to the chairs of the presidents, with the two he met in a conversation lasting five minutes after which after a handshake, he started toward the exit of the House
9:40 pm : at the start in the Hall of the House the second vote to elect the President of the Republic . The quorum required for the first three grades is 673 votes. If, as expected, is not met, there will be a new vote at 15:30.
The vote is secret and card. The call starts by Senators, followed the deputies and the regional representatives. Each elector, called by a deputy secretary, receives a card and pencil from salesperson, enters one of the booths set up between the bank of the presidency and the government, and after expressing the vote deposited in one of the three polls. The counting will be public at the end of the vote.
Berlusconi and the Pact de Nazareno that there’s
L or tear with the Covenant of the Nazarene has been and it is consumed in a moment. A few minutes before 14, Matteo Renzi announced the assembly of degrees voters that the Democratic Party would be Sergio Mattarella dem candidate for Colle. At 14:11 came the first statement of the leader of the Senate Fi, Paolo Romani, “ Forcing unilateral, we do not we vote .” She jumped well, a few meters from the finish line, the possibility of a shared choice for the election of the successor of Giorgio Napolitano.
A decision, that of Renzi, that one side has served to regroup around the Democratic Party on behalf of Mattarella but that the other is likely to endanger the path of reforms. If there is a tombstone on the pact of the Nazarene, close enough. Also because Silvio Berlusconi , which feels “betrayed” from the choice of the prime minister, has already set the record straight: “What happened to the choice of the new President of the Republic is a halt to the pact signed with Renzi. ”
Renzi: “I propose the name of Sergio Mattarella for Colle ‘
The road map indicated by the Prime Minister is clear: for Pd white board in the first three “exclaimest” then go to vote for Mattarella the fourth, when the quorum will drop from 637 to 505 . The line indicated by Renzi was then widely implemented during the first vote, which took place yesterday afternoon. Black smoke , as widely expected, also because of the choice of Fi and popular area (UDC + NDC) to vote in mass white card.
M5S and former photographing and tweet your vote
And so, in addition to the 538 white sheets, to signal the vote M5S that, in a compact, voted Ferdinando Imposimato (120 votes), the candidate who won the “quirinarie” flash that took place yesterday morning. Among the candidates of the flag, took votes (49) also Victor Felts supported by the League and Brothers of Italy.
In the video, the deputy M5S Di Stefano that is a kind of journalistic filming everything:
The next two votes , for which it is always necessary quorum of 637, will be held today and Saturday morning will be “only” 505 votes. If it will be the right day, as indicated by Renzi, you will also understand from what will happen today.
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