the totopresidente
Milan , January 28, 2015 – 9:32
” We note, but do not accept “no” Forza Italy a candidate to the presidency with heightened militancy Democratic Party. ” He said Matteo Renzi during a brief meeting of the deputies of the Democratic Party, convened to take stock of the Quirinale. The name of the candidate to the Hill again – officially – there. Renzi its said that “we do not, nor do we accept diktat”, implying that the candidate may be an outsider, a man chosen ie outside the covenant of the Nazarene. The prime minister has not denied that understanding, but he pointed out that “although the president of the Republic, in recent years, has always been elected with the votes of Forza Italy, this does not mean that we take the name from them.”
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Quirinale, the day of consultations Renzi
It takes on particular significance in this context, the meeting took place in the late morning at Palazzo Chigi with Pier Luigi Bersani : the secretary tries to understand what margins we have to unite the party if not all involving at least a large part of that minority rebel again yesterday issued a warning to the Senate thereby removing its support all’Italicum , without compromising the viability of the majority. “We started to think – said Bersani then leaving the presidency of the Council – we reasoned well. The road is still long, there are still a few days. ” And reporters who asked if they had been made of the names he replied: “Of course we talked about it,” without going into the merits of the candidates advanced. Later at Palazzo Chigi arrived Silvio Berlusconi for a face to face perhaps decisive after the meeting between delegations Pd-Fi Tuesday night in which the blue leader had not taken part. Former premier occurred around 13:40 accompanied by Gianni Letta and Denis Verdini. The meeting lasted about two hours and after Berlusconi has turned away by car without releasing statements to reporters. Not conducted instead announced the meeting between Berlusconi himself and Alfano, expected before vis-à-vis Renzi, although sources from both parties reported by agencies speak of an agreement intact and telephone contacts continue between the two .
“It will be a political and not a technician “
Renzi said that during the meetings yesterday the request of several delegations prevalent was to have a head of state” political “and not technical, with relations International. But then he added: “There is a desire of understanding but without renouncing our values and ideals. The President of the Republic must be a story narratable especially within us. As secretary no wonder loyalty, but a basis for the sense of responsibility and awareness of all. Our numbers require us to be united and compact. ” The intention of the prime minister is to close the game Quirinale by the weekend, “even forcing the pace to the sessions’ of Parliament in joint session. Renzi, however rush to get to the election already the fourth ballot, Saturday morning, when they have an obligation to qualified majority (two-thirds of the assembly). “I listen to all – he continued -. It will not be an election by the m ethod of winner is “And then he played down with a joke: the dealing room of the candidates at the Quirinale, now,” is more fluctuating Nasdaq: everyone has one her. ”
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The game of the Quirinale: the totonomi
Di Battista (Five Star), “Bersani in pink”
Surprisingly, comes the proposal to Alessandro Di Battista , M5S representative and member of the” directory “, during the meeting of the joint 5 Stars.” I think it is right that in the pink names there is also that of Pier Luigi Bersani, because, after all, who knows what may be a name of guarantee and can keep your back straight against the alliance of Freemasonry. I did not say that I will vote for strength, but I’d like that members also have this option. ” Meanwhile, Luigi Di Maio , vice president of the Chamber and in turn a member of the “diretotrio» grillino on Facebook to Renzi defines a ‘method by the KGB, “for choosing to hold still hidden, two days before the first ballot, the name of the candidate of the majority party unlike the movement that submit it to a public trial. The assembly of the movement also emerged a couple of proposals unlikely, suc h as those of Giancarlo Magalli (in his favor the intervention of Paolo Bernini ) or Roberto Benigni (proposed by Danila Nesci ), while among the more realistic we are Ferdinando Imposimato, Salvatore Settis and Nino Di Matteo, as well as Umberto Eco and Dario Fo.
“Felts for president”
Meanwhile, the leader of the Northern League and Brothers of Italy, Matteo Salvini and Giorgia Meloni , have announced that their electors will write on the cards for President Victor Felts. Option, explained in a press conference, addressed “to whom there is to vote white card” in “part of the center that you do not recognize in the covenant of the Nazarene.” “Our – clarifies Meloni – not a candidatera flag and, paradoxically, make a name not only neither our nor the League but closer to Berlusconi and the rest of the center, because we hope that it is a name that can aggregate.”
January 28, 2015 | 09:32
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