Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Italicum clash in Pd: Renzi-summit Berlusconi. Former Cav: Tuesday … – The Messenger

Italicum clash in Pd: Renzi-summit Berlusconi. Former Cav: Tuesday … – The Messenger

A year after he signed the pact of the Nazarene, Matteo Renzi convinces Silvio Berlusconi to lock down its electoral law. It prepares the ground for an acceleration enabling dell’Italicum approval in the Senate before the start of the vote for the election of the President of the Republic.

“Let us go forward with pace of brakemen,” exults the premier. But his Democratic Party splits: two-thirds of the senators dem follow the line of the secretary, but 29 others are continuing the battle against the list headers blocked, counting on the support of M5s and former grillini. It is also in Forza Italy clash, with Raffaele Lease to lead the revolt against the decision “suicidal” to pay “rescue blue” Renzi. “It is the night of the long knives,” assures the prime minister. But clashes’ fratricidal reforms make it more dangerous crossing with the upcoming game of the Hill. And the opposition, M5s and alloy head, announces battle without discounts.

By the way controversy erupts after the chairman of the Senate of Forza Italy Paolo Romani law so the day: “Right now, because of this political situation in which Renzi no longer has a majority in the Senate, we replace the senators who do not contribute ‘to the approval of the electoral law” with our. He takes the ball the League’s leader in the House, Massimiliano Fedriga, asking Renzi formalize the crisis.

The day begins with Berlusconi who makes his entrance at Palazzo Chigi in mid-morning: is the sixth face to face in a year. It comes at a crucial time, a few hours after the start of voting in the House to the Senate. To be able to bring home the result, Renzi must overcome the obstructionism of 40 thousand amendments leaguers but especially the minority opposition Democratic Party, which asks you to change the system of 100 dell’Italicum list headers blocked. So the prime minister needs to lock down content and path of the law with the votes of FI. The meeting, also attended by Verdini and Letta, Lots and Guerini, lasts an hour. “ We made our proposal, FI will make its assessments. The Democratic Party will find its synthesis , summarizes after Lorenzo Guerini.

But when, half an hour later, Renzi sets foot in the Senate for the meeting Senators dem, the Bersani Miguel Gotor makes it clear: “ Now there is no negotiation with the secretary of the minority, we are in 29 to confirm the line of no to list headers blocked . The discussion of the group reflects the rift. Some, like Doris Lo Moro, after signing the amendment of Gotor say they are ready to leave his position as leader in the committee.

And there are those who, like former Dalem Nicola Latorre, reminds companions of many battles that “ preferences have never been in the DNA of the Democratic Party . Renzi listens, then draws conclusions, without changing idea: 100 blocked list headers are not equivalent to the current blocked lists, ensures. And if there had been this electoral law Bersani would go to the ballot and would become premier . His Democratic Party, said the premier, is democratic and therefore does not hunt the minority but after comparing decides .

So , no freedom of conscience for senators dem: Renzi put to the vote his line and he lined up 71 to 102, one refrains and the minority vote. “ I hope that the minority adapts , said Maria Elena Boschi. But still the numbers are .

Meanwhile, Berlusconi meets the top of the party at Palazzo Grazioli and that the line: yes the covenant of the Nazarene, and also to the premier of the list, so far opposed. The indication is the senators vote the amendment of Senator dem Stefano Esposito transposing the text dell’Italicum Renzi and acts as a ‘supercangurò able to speed up, cutting 90% of the amendments. But when senators gather, FI lives a split parallel to that of the Democratic Party. Between ten and twenty dissidents side with Raffaele Lease and say no to what they call an unacceptable position.

The agreement is made: “ accelerate , declares Renzi in the afternoon, after a meeting of the Council of Ministers and before leaving for Davos. On the reforms will go ahead at a rapid pace, ensures, in spite of who recommends caution. Do not choose the caution, the prime minister, and not avoid confrontation even in view of the delicate game of the Hill. Next Tuesday, in a round of meetings with all parties, will review Berlusconi to try to agree on a candidate. By then expects to have in your pocket the electoral law in the Senate and constitutional reform in the House. But the minority inside and outside will try to not make life easy: assume any initiative to prevent a law inadmissible as the Italicum, announce the 5 Stars.

You have to have “the courage to take a little ‘dust from our country and win some veto power,” will highlight later Prime Minister Matteo Renzi in a meeting with representatives of the Italian economic world in Davos. “With thousands of problems are the country whose verbs are declined to the future.”

Berlusconi “The law in the Senate may perhaps be the tool to overcome the fragmentation of the endemic political framework that we believe to be one of the worst evils of our democracy and that too many times, in the past decades, has helped to undermine the effectiveness of the action of any government, “he says in the evening Silvio Berlusconi. “The award of the prize to the majority in a list can be an important stimulus to overcome selfishness of political forces, almost an imposition of law for the unification of the Center-Right”. This is another “attempt to reach the bipartisanship.”

“always say that, since 1948, we Italians have never learned how to vote. The law in the Senate – said Berlusconi – may perhaps be the tool to overcome the fragmentation of the endemic political framework that we believe to be one of the worst evils of our democracy and that too many times, in the past decades, has helped to undermine the effectiveness of the action of any government. In the so-called First Republic were indispensable five parties to make a majority and a government. With the result that the fights were the rule and governments lasted an average of eleven months. From ’94 to now – adds the Knight – the situation has changed a little. Right in the Centre we tried with the People of Liberty to put together seven parties (all but the league) but the experiment worked only in part.

Now with the new electoral law to award the prize to majority in a list instead of a coalition can be an important stimulus to overcome selfishness and particularism of political forces, almost an imposition of law for the unification of the Centre-Right. This is another attempt to reach that bipolarity that truly believe to be the best solution to govern a country. We Will See. The new law will be applicable only between one year and eight months. A sufficient period – concluded Berlusconi – a desirable maturation of all movements moderate and perhaps to introduce the direct election of the President of the Republic, in order to finally make Italy a modern democracy. Wait and see. ”


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