Sunday, January 25, 2015

SYRIZA, Tsipras: “The troika is over, now back on Greece the sun” – BBC

SYRIZA, Tsipras: "The troika is over, now back on Greece the sun" – BBC

Milan , January 25, 2015 – 23:04


” Today the people greek made history. The troika is over, we have shown the way of change to Europe. The vote against austerity was loud and clear. ” So Alexis Tsipras, leader of SYRIZA, the party of the radical left Greek, said the election result which sees its deployment on the wire triumph of an absolute majority. The first thought is for the loan of 240 billion euro in 2010 and obtained in 2012 from the European Central Bank, European Union and International Monetary Fund, now SYRIZA according to renegotiate.

“rating historian, the sun shines on Greece ‘

” With today’s historic vote the people greek gave an order very clear: Greece time page, abandons austerity, catastrophe, leaving fear behind him, roach five years of suffering and closes the vicious circle of ‘austerity, austerity cancels the agreement with the troika that is the past, “is the explosion in first official speech after his victory Sunday night. “Today the smile back on the face of the Greeks,” he continued. “The sun of justice, dignity, democracy. We continue along this long and beautiful struggle. Together we will win. ”

“No break with the Troika, but a sustainable solution ‘

The rally was welcomed by an explosion of joy, began shortly after 23 am local time. On University Square the crowd, from the closing of the polls, dancing and celebrating. But the leader of output per hour is not tired. The slogan for the campaign, “Hope”, is more alive than ever. Tsipras then sends a message to the European Union: Tsipras added that “there will be a break with the Troika but even continue to subdue us.” We will find, he said, a “sustainable solution” with creditors to cope with the debt. For Tsipras, waiting outlining his plan, the priority now is to “restore dignity to the people greek and disprove the Cassandras,” ie, the pessimists.

shadow carousel


Greece, Syriza triumphs: the jubilation in the streets


“Defeated also elites and oligarchs’

There ‘is, then, only to celebrate a victory of the party and the defeat of austerity. According SYRIZA today, in Greece, also lost ‘the country of the elites and the oligarchs. The new government will try to greek all the Cassandras of the world that they are wrong. ” Tsipras opens, then, to other camps and immediately collects the yes of the centrist “To Potami” (The River), close to 6% and ready to offer outside support.

Prime Minister Samaras:” We hope the worst will not come true “

Shortly before his speech Tsipras had received a call from outgoing Prime Minister, Antonis Samaras, who congratulated his opponent. In his official speech, then, the prime minister said he hoped that “not come true his predictions” about the consequences of the victory of SYRIZA. “I respect the choice of the greek people,” he said adding that New Democracy (Nea Dimokratia) will be the guardian and guarantor of stability in connection with Brussels. Samaras then proudly claimed to leave “a country without deficit” and that despite the weather was terrible for those in government, New Democracy, his party, contained the perdiet: were lost 2 points since the last vote in June 2012 .

January 25, 2015 | 23:04



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