Thursday, August 20, 2015

Bindi on funerals Casamonica: “They show that there is mafia”. Orfini Rome scarred – The Republic

Rome – That coach and six horses accompanied by the notes of The Godfather is nothing but “show of power of the mafia.” Those rose petals thrown from a helicopter are “intolerable insult” to all citizens. The whole “staging” is “an affront to Rome.” Become a political funeral of Victor Casamonica , 65, one of the elders of the clan of the same name specializing in racket and wear in the southeast outskirts of Rome. A clan that appears in 30-year history of the city – from the Magliana gang Mafia capital – and on which explodes the controversy today. In the viewfinder, the funeral complete with a carriage motorcade opened by a Rolls-Royce to transport the coffin, band and giant poster with the word King of Rome on the facade of the church of St. John Bosco, to Tuscolano, where we held the funeral.

READ Who was the clan leader

A lavish ceremony hyper inducing Rosy Bindi , President of the Anti-Mafia commission said: “It is alarming that the funeral of a member of the clan Casamonica, involved in many surveys on crime and Mafia Roman capital, has turned into a show of mafia power. How took place in Rome today is frankly not acceptable. It will be necessary – he adds – whether this happened with or without the due authorization. Worries anyway climate of consensus that has accompanied a similar staging, which should dispel any doubt on ‘existence of the Mafia in the Capital and redouble their efforts to counter the strength of the institutions and the ability to pollute large sections of society and public administration “.

And while sources of the Vicariate comment emphasizing “embarrassment” for the “scenes of Hollywood” on Twitter is Matthew Orfini , President of the Democratic Party, wrote: “Never again. Rome can not be scarred by those who would like to make a set of the Godfather. “A wheel, a part on social repartee between the Commissioner of the Roman party and Roberto Maroni , governor of Lombardy League. The second answers the first: “Yes, with thepdnetwork the government, Rome is just #mafiacapitale.” Ready replication Orfini: “The Mafia in Rome has ramped up when there was your friend and you governavi German. Have the decency to keep quiet “.

A few hours later the deputy mayor of the capital, Mark Cause , to declare: “It ‘intolerable: it is an offense to reach all the citizens of Rome. What happened is the clearest proof that the mafia exists in the capital. “A wheel, the mayor, Ignazio Marino , post a message on Twitter:” It ‘intolerable that funerals are tools of the living to send Posts mobsters. I called the prefect “.

Just Palazzo Valentini, however, is the number one Franco Gabrielli to let people know that “this affair the prefecture had no cognizance. We will ask account, to try to understand, beyond the clamor, any liability. No doubt there was a lack of communication, and I say this without wishing to process or put anyone in the dock. Therefore it is appropriate to understand the precise terms of what happened, without underestimating, but without even drag us from the hype. I expect the office to report and then we will decide. “

And just Gabrielli Minister of ‘Inside Angelino Alfano has requested a detailed report on the matter, as to sources of Interior Ministry.

In addition, about the overflights and the launch of petals from a helicopter during the funeral, the Rome police announced in a statement that it had initiated investigations with ENAC. “At the state – the statement – is chartered commercial aircraft of a private company in the process of finding that, for ordinary mode of overflight in an area not affected by security restrictions, does not need permission. “

From the left, Sel is to announce that the funeral will be presented to a parliamentary Alfano. The leader Vendola Arturo Scotto and the deputy Celeste Constantine speak of a story “incredible” and also ask a distancing from the Church. Pure Roberto Morassut , honorable Democratic Party and former councilor in Rome in the joints Veltroni, announcing a parliamentary question. While the president of the Lazio region Nicola Zingaretti expresses his outrage on Twitter:

The priest who celebrated the function said that he had not been informed of the staging out of the church. The same as in 1990 was celebrated the funeral of the Magliana boss Renato De Pedis (then buried in the Church of St. Apollinaris) and that in 2006 denied the religious funeral to Piergiorgio Welby, the radical militant with Duchenne muscular died due to a doctor who helped him die. The Vicariate is not granted to the funeral Welby a religious service, as was the wish of his wife, Catholic, and 24 December 2006 a final farewell to Piergiorgio was done in secular form in Piazza Don Bosco, right opposite the church where, Today, the celebration of the funeral Casamonica. “I do not know – says now Mina Welby – if Casamonica was a boss or not, but many bosses were sentenced and had a funeral in church? None of us has the right to judge but I can say that the decision of the Vicariate of Rome My husband denying religious funeral I still have it in my throat. That no Camillo Ruini I never digested and will never forget it. “

In the event also involved the president of Libera Don Luigi Ciotti : “The scenes seen outside the church where – with a pomp and an input of resources, band, helicopter threw rose petals, we imagine authorized – is the funeral of Victor Casamonica , can not leave us indifferent. This is not of course question the right of a family to celebrate the funeral of one of its members and the participation of friends and acquaintances. Grave is the obvious manipulation of a religious ritual to strengthen positions of prestige and power . We know that the gangs have never failed to demonstrate a religious facade, ‘fig leaf’ of their criminal enterprises. Once more, and even more so after the excommunication of Pope Francis of the mafia and their accomplices, the Church has the denounce and reiterate that there can be compatibility between the mafia violence and the Gospel. “

From M5s is Roberta Lombardi to attack via Facebook: “The folded right and left have allowed, with their silence, failure and most of the time with

real articulated complicity infiltration unprecedented.”

The funeral rites are not even liked to Angelo Bonelli , spokesman of the Greens: “A message of strength against the State and the ostentatious wealth of the funeral Vittorio Casamonica. Wonder how it was possible that in the center of Rome a helicopter was able to fly so low and so gorgeous that a funeral was celebrated in a church. “


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