Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Galantino, the prelate that displaces the sacristy and the Palace. The Democratic Party: unfair with us – The Republic

ROME. Francesco Churchmen want them so. Able to speak clear and understandable, and above all they know to stay away from political games. It does not matter if they can create confusion even within the Church itself, causing no little irritation in the government and among the renziani. “It is the Gospel – says a man near the curia of Pope – which requires that the cards are always sparigliate. The Gospel, after all, is always opposition never with power.” For this last, the renunciation of the Plenipotentiary of Francis in the CEI, Secretary General Nunzio Galantino, to pronounce personally lectio De Gasperi in Trento, it has not meant a retreat on the contents. The Italian Church after years of flirting with governments on duty, does not cordate, not promote underhand agreements with anyone, just says what he thinks. In this case, words of fire to the political class tout court: “A small harem of co-opted and cunning.”

Galantino has gained the choice not to show up at Trent alone. He did not ask the consent of the Vatican and even the presidency of the CEI. And he did it just to be true to the line of the Pope. From his point of view, in fact, if he went to Trent would not have been able to steal questions from the media and present the contents of a desk study from lectio days would run the risk of overshadowing. The message is clear: for the CEI politics, all politics, did not care about the interests of the people, but only their own. Conduct that is to have an end.

Of course, to speak in this way there is the risk of getting many enemies. But so it was for De Gasperi, indicated yesterday by Galantino as a “model” to follow. The bomb dropped by yesterday produced shocks that have come to Rome. Although Renzi has given orders not to respond, preferring to keep the government out of the controversy, the discontent is palpable in the Democratic Party for a considered judgment “ungenerous” and especially expressed crudely, without distinction.


Nunzio Galantino


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