Monday, August 10, 2015

Galantino (CEI): “Against migrants salesmen from 4 money.” Salvini: “Who defends invasion or does not understand or makes money” – The Republic

CITY ‘VATICAN – “salesmen from peanuts that just to get votes, to pick up votes, they say things extraordinarily silly.” So the Secretary General of the CEI (Italian Episcopal Conference), Nunzio Galantino , but without specifically mentioning anyone, qualifies political leaders in recent days have said the need for more effective restrictions on entry in Italy of new immigrants and refugees. In recent days, both the blog of the leader of the M5S League Secretary, Matteo Salvini , had expressed very polemical tones on landings.

And now, shortly after the comment Galantino, Salvini is back on the question: “Who defends this illegal invasion, which is ruining Italy, or does not understand or makes money. It’s not about being Catholic or not, it is common sense. I’m glad of the support that comes to me and the League, as so many women and men of the Church without slices of salami on the eyes and pockets full! “he said in an interview with the online newspaper . Sentences which Galantino has replicated against interviewed by Tg1: “To many times I hear ‘if they bring home’ say that probably does not know that our parishes, our communities, many realities also are embracing non-religious immigrants.” The Secretary General of the CEI has then added: “One can speculate as in Mafia capital earning money, but also speculates when scanning or buy on the basis of consensus reality and dramas that instead should be viewed with great realism and with a little more attention and heart “.

” Distinguishing ‘perceiving’ the real ‘. “As Italians we should learn a little more to distinguish the ‘feel’ from reality,” the prelate affirmed to Vatican Radio, who interviewed him the return of his trip to Jordan, a country that welcomes millions of asylum seekers who have fled to Syria and Iraq. “We are here – explains Monsignor Galantino we hear and we hear about ‘unbearable’ in the number of asylum seekers: Look, this, in my opinion, is an attitude that, these days, is unfortunately fueled by these four salesmen”.

The welcome. Monsignor Galatino spoke reception, a subject on which the Vatican in recent days had been severely criticized by Salvini. “I know that the welcome is tiring; I know it’s hard to open up their homes, open your heart, open your reality reception,” said Salvini. The secretary of the CEI has indicated Italy and Europe the example of countries that are ready to accept more. “Jordan – he explained – has a population that is about 6 million, 6 million and a half, but you know that there are two and a half million refugees are welcomed?”. “What sets the Jordan, Iraqi Kurdistan and other areas that are embracing the refugees at this time from Italy, from us is this: not because they have more resources, probably only have a heart a little bigger.”

557 million from the EU. Meanwhile, it does not stop the emergency landings. A total of 1,552 migrants rescued today off the coast of Libya in the course of seven distinct relief efforts coordinated by the operations center of the Coast Guard. To address the situation, the EU has approved 23 multi-annual programs until 2020 for a total of 2.4 billion euro (part of the 7 billion allocated for 2020 in the field of security and immigration) in support of the member countries that are faced in forefront the impact of the waves of immigrants who land on their territory. Italy has been allocated 557 million divided into two programs: Asylum Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) and the Internal Security Fund.

The reactions to conflict. The President CEI, Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco , has put the emphasis on the issue of immigration in a homily given in the cathedral of Genoa – City of which is Archbishop – stressing “the practical indifference in the face of exodus of desperate people forced by poverty, war, persecution, to seek his fortune elsewhere. ” While Antonio Satta, board member of the ANC and secretary of the Popular Christian dettto: “Salvini know that the Church, through its local Caritas, plays a vital role in the reception of refugees. Many municipalities would be in serious trouble without the charitable activity of the diocese. It serves more than for the church. “

On the ongoing controversy also involved the deputy of the Pd Edoardo Patriarca , Commission Vice-President d ‘survey on migrants . “If anyone makes money on the immigration issue is the league, that just to have a few more votes speaks emergency and rejections – says – The number of landings are essentially in line with last year, but our line is still clear: more help from the EU, redistribution at European level of the arrivals, and where there are no conditions for refugee status, repatriation “. “The Church does not gain in assisting refugees, without them, many local communities would be in trouble. But Salvini pretends not to know.”

On the clash between Salvini and Monsignor Galatino intervenes Forza Italy. “We respect the views of all, and also that of the secretary general of the Italian Bishops Conference, Monsignor Galantino, but speak in a frank and sincere the issue of immigration also involves examining all the elements in the field, beginning with that of safety and Italy citizens. If we close our eyes and we give in to doing good do not solve the problems – attacking Mr Daniela Santanchè Forza Italy -. It is not a matter of manipulation or not: here it comes to saving the ‘ Italy from invasion because this is when thousands continue to arrive in an uncontrolled way. “


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