Wednesday, August 19, 2015

In July landed 107mila migrants, Frontex “three times last year” – AGI – Agenzia Journalistic Italy

A July landed 107mila migrantiFrontex triple of last year 08:21 August 19, 2015

(AGI) – Rome, Aug. 19 – For the first time the number of migrants registered at the borders of EU countries in July this year has exceeded the 100,000 units’ in a single month. They say the data released today by the EU border control, Frontex, which refers to an “unprecedented pressure on the authorities’ for border control in Greece, Italy and Hungary.” For accuracy are 107,500 migrants came to the borders of the European Union in July (the third consecutive monthly increase), more than three times compared to July of 2014 while, on the whole, since the beginning of the EU were recorded about 340,000 arrivals, a figure much higher than the total arrivals occurred in the past year.

Most of the landings of a month ago have been reported in the Greek islands of Lesbos, Chios, Samos and Kos (about 50,000), while in Italy arrivals have exceeded 20,000 units’ in July, bringing the number of total arrivals in the country so far this year to 90,000. According to data provided by Frontex, the majority of migrants arriving in Italy are Eritreans and Nigerians and in 90% of cases come after departing from Libya. Also on the rise they are migrants who arrive in the EU via the Balkan route.

Meanwhile, the investigation in Catania have reached a turning point with the arrest of eight people, mostly young, thought to have driven the boat in which the hold 49 immigrants died. “The investigation began in the immediacy, and as soon as the Norwegian ship ‘arrived in port – said in a press conference the prosecutor acting Michelangelo Patane’ -. Some of the survivors have indicated who was the captain of the vessel and members of ‘ crew and above all they have said who were the people that prevented those poor wretches who were in the hold to get out to breathe ‘. ” The eight smugglers, including a 17 year old Syrian, are accused of multiple murder (and favroeggiamento illegal immigration) ’cause, according to initial investigations investigation, “many have tried to go out to get some air but were defeated in strokes belt and other taken kicked in the head. As a result they have caused the death, probably from suffocation, of those 49 people crammed into the hold, where upto the exhaust gases. ” A Moroccan, as revealed by the investigation, served as commander while others were in charge of water distribution, the provision of passenger and for maintaining order on board, where overcrowding caused voltages.

Complete identification procedures and ‘found that among the 416 migrants aboard the vessel there were 116 Moroccans immediately after landing were transferred to CIE of Trapani but will soon return to their country of origin with a charter flight: for them the superintendent of Catania issued an order of refoulement and deportation at home ’cause are not entitled to asylum and are therefore’ considered illegal immigrants. Finally, 113 people, mostly of nationality ‘Iraqi, who were on board a wooden barge in kind “gulet” at the mercy of the sea, were rescued by the Coast Guard off the coast of Calabria. The intervention ‘was performed yesterday (but it was’ was reported this morning), a few hours by a similar operation, two patrol boats located in the ports of Roccella Jonica and Crotone. In the group there are 56 men, 31 children, all minors, and 29 women. One of these ‘pregnant eight months pregnant. They come mostly from Syria and Iraq. Among those landed there are also five disabled helped down with wheelchairs. (AGI).


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