Napolitano speaking of the reforms is as if the Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI dictate the theological line of Pope Francis. Could not be more trenchant the founder of Republic Eugenio Scalfari in stigmatizing a letter sent to the Courier by Giorgio Napolitano, while also taking the distances from the plant of the constitutional reforms and the combined Ddl Woods-Italicum, an explosive mixture that can undermine the foundations of democracy Italian dragging it even further into autocracy.
An article, published yesterday by those Founder, taken from the Mattinale , the known policy of Forza Italy in the House, traditionally critical of Scalfari. Renzi power, slide the unapproachable unless, of course, the different souls of the Democratic Party. Those are very distant. FI did not take it well intervention Napolitano-Benedict XVI and the leader in the House Renato Brunetta appeals to Mattarella-Pope Francis.
“With regard to the reforms and to government numbers, with respect, ask the president Sergio Mattarella, to examine the question in its objectivity and dramatic in light of the most immediate antecedents – says Brunetta – This government does not have a majority in Parliament ( as well as in the country): 176 senators out of 320 have signed amendments tabled to slam big constitutional reform that the current Prime Minister has referred to as the backbone and meaning of his tenure as President of the Council. Invoking the ordeal, the confrontation on a matter which is decisive for the broad support of Parliament and of public opinion, is something dangerous and desperate. “
Then the jab against the Head of State emeritus: “In November 2011 – remember Brunetta – for much less, without any rejection, and even after a favorable vote of the House, the President Napolitano called Silvio Berlusconi and laid his resignation. Now, with very little sensitivity institutional and personal, the president emeritus Napolitano seeks to pre a way for his successor, asking with his silence to endorse a kind of moral suasion of a Quirinale shadow. “
It is exactly the line of Scalfari, that in the silence of the institutional Mattarella – that is silent waiting for the launch by the Parliament of the final text on reforms before deciding whether or not to send it back to the Chambers – the intervention of Napolitano was at least inappropriate but certainly useful to Renzi.
FI for the prime minister is struggling. Brunette recalls 46 votes of confidence in a year and a half “of secondary issues and after in every way not to compromise kneaded serious government, but by non-government”, while the deputy chairman of the Senate Maurizio Gasparri warns: “Renzi is forced to Senate to chase the votes of even reputable verdiniani. But picked up with the votes will not go far. To make the reforms needed confrontation, not some mezzuccio. “
The Movement 5 Stars, in favor of the elected Senate, criticized the initiative of Napolitano. “The simple life senator Napolitano continues to monitare – writes Senator grillino Vito Crimi – Someone should explain why Napolitano does not want the future Senate is elected by the citizens. Someone should explain to us why he wants a Senate councilors, nominated by other councilors, chosen from among councilors, or at least among those that have not yet been approached by remanding people in custody, subpoenas, or convictions. Someone should explain why Napolitano wants to lock down this elite of politicians with parliamentary immunity. Someone should explain to us why launches warnings was not even the President of the Republic. Mattarella, you have nothing to say? “.
The position of the M5S is clear and the Senate is elected in line with that of the opposition Democratic Party and of the 28 dissidents. But grillini vannno even further by demanding the abolition of parliamentary immunity, the halving of the number of all parliamentarians and the ability for citizens to have recourse to a referendum proposal and advisory “so as to offset the bulimia of power which will be invested in the future government. “
Critics also with the reform of the Conservatives and Reformists Raffaele Lease. “We hope that the choice of the popular vote remains a constitutional principle – the leader in the Senate says Cinzia Bonfrisco – We intend to work so that the right of Italians to choose their representatives through voting should never fail. Even on the election of the head of state have tabled an amendment so that the word distance to the people if the Parliament is unable to elect him after the fifth ballot. What is behind the fear of letting Italians decide who should represent them? Perhaps a government unelected – ends – fears the popular vote? I would not want to threaten the elections proves a boomerang for the government Renzi. “

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