Thursday, August 13, 2015

CEI against Italy here is what is behind the offensive on immigration – The last rebound

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He’s turning the political debate of the summer the clash between Monsignor Galantino and Italian politicians, last in chronological order with the representatives of the government Renzi:” Italy is not doing enough to accommodate migrants “accused the secretary of the CEI; “It is not true, we are doing all that is humanly possible,” they replied the deputy minister of the Interior, Philip Bubbico and the responsible security of the Democratic Party, Emanuele Fiano.

In recent days they did discuss the statements with which Mons. Galantino criticized positions Matteo Salvini and Beppe Grillo on immigration. The statements of the two leaders of the League and the Movement 5 Stars, which asked for more control on landings, have been determined by the Secretary of the CEI worthy of “salesmen from peanuts in search of consensus”.

Really ‘ absurdity hear certain statements on the part of a good example just hard to give and merely give moral lessons from some altar. If the princes of the Church manipulate the Gospel teaching “I was a stranger and you have welcomed me,” certainly forget the fourth commandment that Moses received at Sinai, or at least of the precept in its entirety: In addition to the renowned “Honor your father and your mother” the command continues with “your days may be long in the land, which the Lord your God.” But this, cardinals and monsignors, if too often forget it, and so launched attacks to Italy, the country in which they are four-star resort owned by the Vatican: estimated 4 million tourists each year who are housed in structures “religious” with prices – as for a double room in the Domus Carmelite – 120 € per night. The tax, then, are very convenient thanks to the benefits enjoyed by being classified as charities.

Of course the attack of CEI to the Italian government on the face of hospitality to migrants in Italy hides another : someone thought to be due to inaction on the requirement for Catholic schools to pay the IMU sanctioned by the Supreme Court. Someone else, however, suggests that the offensive of Mons. Galantino is due to the pressure of the Italian Government on the approval of the bill CirinnĂ  concerning the regulation of civil unions, and the normalization of homosexual marriage with the risk of opening practice womb for rent.

A strategic war of the Italians, and especially Catholics, would rather avoid.


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