Sunday, August 16, 2015

Pd: “Salvini blocks Italy? Nice program”. While the attack on the bishops divides Force Italy – The Republic

Rome – The three-day Salvini , the 6 7 and 8 November would stop Italy and the dismissal of the government. That more “free church in a free state”, ie, immigration, “the bishop and the bishop does not break the balls to the mayors and those who administer the city.” Are the two peaks reached by the secretary of the Northern League last night at the party League of Ponte di Legno, which today are found in the majority think so, reached by the threat of shoulder-November, so the center, where the outputs of Salvini always have the power to put one against the other.

From the Democratic Party, commented so far released more weight is that of the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry. Maurizio Martina , which focuses mainly paralyzed by the prospect of an Italy League three days of November. “Salvini has a really nice program for Italy: block it,” said the minister, adding that the leader of the League “did not understand that Italians are asking all except lock the country. Let’s say Salvini explained the difference between us and him: on this side who fight every day to restart the country, its people who want to block it. More clearly than that. “

Vannino Chiti grab the” free church in a free was “evoked by Salvini for sentencing:” Cavour must be turning in his grave. ” “Cavour – explains Chiti – expressed in 1800 the outcomes most advanced in terms of secularism of European liberalism: landings important though insufficient today in front of the duty of democracy to organize the public presence of a diversity of faiths and cultures. Salvini steal a phrase and it puts it in a setting not only the enemy of the Catholic faith, but of human solidarity. ” An “electoral cynicism” that cozzerà against feelings of solidarity and justice of the majority of citizens. “” I am not surprised the league but a right that Italian like Forza Italy plans to realize you credible coalition government. “

There is also the chairman of the Supervisory Committee sull’anagrafe Tax, James Portas , which Salvini asks not to “lock Italy” but to give “some concrete idea to lower taxes and simplify our tax system. The protests of the Northern League leader not serve the majority of Italians. “” In September, the Stability Law, we must continue with a lower tax burden. This is what they want businesses across Italy, “concludes Portas.

From the Democratic Party, other interventions are instead a shield to the bishops. For Stefano Pedica , the” vulgar populism “of Salvini as “sole aim of fostering fear and not to solve the immigration problem. But get to attack the bishops means exhausted all the arguments. “The deputy Edoardo Patriarca reminds Salvini that” Italians are grateful for the contribution that many bishops, through the local Caritas, to give our society. While he continues to attack to break fall backwards. Demagogy that clashes with the reality of the country, which sees in the Church one of its pillars. “

Giorgio Merlo , national leader of the Democratic Party, calling upon” Catholics involved in policy: raise your voice and say loud and clear that it is the Italian Church is doing, long, coherent and courageous assistance to migrants “, in response to those who would” turn these issues into a mere instrument of electoral collection of consensus “. Matteo Colaninno defends bishops and actions of the government on immigration:” From the Northern League comes yet another ‘lesson’ ideological fielded to manipulate the words of Monsignor Galantin. The government Renzi did everything that needed to be done and certainly much more than the previous governments and of those who today instrumentally index finger pointing to the end of political demagogy and electoral “.

From the New Centre-Right, the tweet national spokesperson Valentina Castaldini .

Then Dorina Bianchi , vice president of People’s Deputies of area (Ncd – UDC) to bacchettare Salvini for “unacceptable words on the bishops” in a debate that “can not and must never end nell’insulto”. “This government – also reiterates white – and in particular the Minister Alfano, has done a lot, forcing Europe to take note of the problem jointly. And words like those spoken by Salvini, cutters and rough, do not help in fact degrade the confrontation and give a little uplifting. “

The majority, therefore, all united against Salvini, his” vulgar populism ” and his “lack of arguments.” On the other side of the fence, especially in Forza Italy, the new release of the Northern League leader, the only figure on the rise in the panorama of the center, dividing the front between who dissociates, embarrassed by the attacks the Church, those who, while not sharing tones, finds a way to retract Salvini from the window.

The harder, more direct is Osvaldo Naples : “Salvini in one shot missed twice: at the level of civilization and that of political communication. Think of addressing an Italy raucous and descamisada, but it is increasingly minority. Vulgarities against the bishops have an assist at the club doing good and the welcome at all costs because it shifts the focus from the question, uncontrolled immigration, the relationship between the state and the Catholic Church “and” do damage to the relationship of the center with the Catholic world “.

Even a little ‘softer the senator Francesco Giro , which considers Salvini King of paradox and as such should be judged his words. It would demonstrate the that “in regions governed by the League, like the Veneto and Lombardy, the links between local authorities and local dioceses are historic and very solid.” “For us Forza Italy – Giro concludes – the controversy is only the result of a tactical decision that consider anachronistic and superseded by the reality of our many cities that are caring “.

We then MEP Forza Italy Lara Comi that invites to go beyond the vulgarity of Salvini. , “It raises a legitimate theme: while not sharing in any way, his bad language, it is clear that politics must be free from external constraints in dealing with the theme of immigration,” said Comi, who then holds “The position of the Spanish Bishops, which as evidenced in the Church there is a polyphony of positions. Not a good service to exploit the Pope’s words to try to dictate recipes frankly inapplicable in Italy “.

To finally get the” I’m with Salvini “of Daniela Santanché , which to he explains: “I am the Piedmont and have remained in Cavour, who said ‘a free church in a free state’. That said, the bishops can not, as it did the other day the secretary of the CEI, get a straight leg in the policy and then not want to debate. So, if after opening the debate, I have to accept. “The announcement of the leader of the Northern League on the intention to block Italy in November for three days, here Santanché made a dash, but only because” we think already Renzi to block the country. “

Raffaele Lease , leader of the Conservatives and Reformists:” Okay very clear opposition to Renzi, but our job is to unlock Italy, not block it . Our challenge to Renzi must be for those drives and does more: more tax cuts, more spending cuts unproductive, more reforms. The opposition must show a clear alternative to the government. And also to the bishops feel oversize shades. I also do not agree with the statements of Monsignor Galantino, but insults to all the bishops in response to that need? “.


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