An ill after a night at the disco is dead so Lorenzo Toma, Lecce 19 years. Twenty days after the death of sixteen year Lamberto Lucaccioni to Cocoricò Riccione, the tragedy is consumed in Salento, in front of the disco Gwendolyn Santa Caesarea, one of the most famous in Italy. The same as for August 12 organized a “Cocoricò night”, an evening in support of the local Emilian that, after the death by overdose of ecstasy the young customer, has been closed for four months by the prefect of Rimini. For the structure, however, it has not been adopted no measure. And the controversy flared up, starting with the comment of the Mayor of Gallipoli shock, Francesco Errico, in a post on Twitter accusing the parents: “If families exercised a bit ‘more control over their children would not die a week in 18-year old record” . Until sentencing: “If you do not know educate not procreate.” Only then, hit by criticism, Mayor backtracked with another tweet: “If I have offended the family I humbly apologize. My post just wanted to protect the children who need help to avoid drugs.” That would be the argument of those who were with him: “He drank something and immediately fell ill” And ‘what they reported to the police friends and girlfriend. But investigators have strong doubts about this version. The young man was already dead when he arrived at the hospital Vito Fazzi of Lecce. After the warning given by phone to ’118′ and the police just after 6.30 this morning, they came the soldiers of and medical and health personnel. The latter has tried in vain for over an hour to resuscitate the young man on the spot, found lying on the ground near the entrance to the nightclub. The magistrate on duty to the Public Prosecutor of Lecce, Stefania Mininni, has already ordered an autopsy and is very likely to be carried out toxicology tests to determine the causes of death. Among the persons to be examined also Holders of Gwendolyn and security officers, who may have noticed Lorenzo and his entourage and – according to some rumors – they would also rebuked just before he felt ill. The death of Toma shifts to the attention of the public and law enforcement on the Adriatic coast of Salento, in recent weeks after the spotlight has been focused entirely on Gallipoli and its wild nightlife, complete with documented incidents of drug dealing in front of the most famous clubs. THE JOURNALISTS / The nights rocking Gallipoli Meanwhile, the Prefect of Lecce, Claudio Palomba, convened for tomorrow at 13 Prefecture in Lecce a meeting of the provincial committee for order and public safety. Last week, at a meeting of the committee, had discussed the measures of prevention to avoid tragedies in clubs, including any sanctions appropriate to the curriculum of the previous premises. reactions. It is controversy. There are many reactions that are coming in these hours. Calls for “legislative action by Parliament to tighten up drug trafficking and increase controls in clubs considered most at risk” family Lamberto Lucaccioni, the sixteen of Citta di Castello died on July 19 after having used ecstasy and spent an evening at Cocoricò Riccione. The family Lucaccioni pointed first to join the “great pain” of the joint Young died in Puglia. He then pointed out that “the brave conscious and determined action taken by the superintendent of Rimini Maurizio Improta (which ordered It closed for four months of Cocoricò – ed) certainly can not alone solve the problem in twenty days of the deaths of young people in Italy for drugs. ” And while Codacons asked to close the premises, operators, through their associations, urge caution.
And now the spotlight is all focused on disco Salento and the cause of death of Lorenzo. The boy – according to preliminary reports – would have felt bad just outside the room and was immediately rescued by the health of the 118, who were unable to revive him. The death came lightning, under the astonished eyes of the friends with whom he had decided to spend Saturday evening. The same people who were heard for hours by police investigating the Core of Lecce and the Society of Maglie, keen to see if the nineteen year old has consumed alcohol or drugs, or both, and whether it could have been killed by deadly mix. Among the hypotheses also to an illness caused by an iced drink that might have caused him a fatal congestion.
- Arguments:
- disco
- Cocoricò
- Rimini
- Salento
- santa cesarea
- Gwendolyn
- ecstasy
- alcohol
- drugs
- Codacons
- Gallipoli
- Starring:
- Lamberto Lucaccioni
- Lorenzo toma
- stefania Mininni
- Claudio Palomba
- Maurizio Improta
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