Thursday, August 13, 2015

Migrants, the CEI also rejects the Government – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This entry was posted on August 13, 2015 at 6:38.


Back to accuse those in the opposition speculates on immigration, blaming the “salesmen boasting tavern, bar talk that relaunched by the media are likely to cause conflicts. ” But this time attacking the government in no uncertain terms also guilty of being “absent.” The Secretary General of the CEI (Italian Episcopal Conference), Monsignor Nunzio Galantino, in an interview on the website of the Christian Family, terraced bishops in no uncertain terms in favor of acceptance and integration. It does this by rejecting the accusation to the CEI to earn with immigrants (“A frightening banality”) and fighting back, “There are bishops that house immigrants at home and have never filled their pockets with money, indeed. So do Salvini, Zaia and Grillo? “. A lunge harshly criticized by the leader of the League (“Immigration without limits or rules is only chaos. I ask you friends Catholics but this Galantino broke the boxes?”) And by the same Grillo, which takes issue with the ” rhetoric of hospitality. ” In the evening, however, it comes the reverse of the Catholic weekly, for which the statements attributed to Galantino “were reported in exaggerated tones in a confidential talk.” Meanwhile do not stop landings on the Italian coast, with about 650 refugees arrived yesterday in Pozzallo (Ragusa) and Reggio Calabria. From January 1 to date (data Interior Ministry) arrived in Italy 102 thousand people, against 98,400 in the same period of 2014.

Galantino, that two days ago at the Vatican Radio spoke of “salesmen from peanuts just to pick up some money that they say silly things,” things worse, accusing Salvini of “leverage perception” (wrong) of migration. He cites a survey according to which “Italians believe that immigrants are 30%” of the population, “are less than 7 percent.” But the novelty is heavy accusation executive. “The government is totally absent on immigration – the number two of the CEI-attacks. Do not just save migrants at sea to put in place the national consciousness. ” Viewfinder end the laws passed (“before the Turkish-Napolitano and now the Bossi-Fini”) that essentially “reject immigrants and do not provide for positive integration ‘. But also the problems unresolved by the current government: the “long practice ‘for asylum, the” ordeal “represented by the” request for a residence permit. ” To end up with a hard lunge: “We could learn from Germany and copy its laws” instead “parked immigrants here and there in Italy. If there was at least one weary of temporary residence permit could work and people would see them no more loitering around and would not say who eat at the expense of the Italians already in crisis. But no one says that it is the law that requires the non-integration. ”

No response from the executive. At home, however, the Democratic Party intervenes Deputy Secretary Debora Serracchiani, claiming: “To all those providing solutions to those judgmental ungenerous, to those who make it easy, we say that this government is dealing with a rational solution difficult.”

Shoot instead buckshot Matteo Salvini. “The immigration without limits and rules is just chaos – writes on Facebook League secretary – For the 4 million unemployed and 9 million poor, no hotels?”. While the president of the Lombardy Region, Roberto Maroni, speaking of ventilated resorted to using hostels to accommodate immigrants already present or arriving in the region, announced on Twitter: “Stop contributions from the Lombardy Region to the municipalities that use hostels for illegal immigrants, rather than to our kids. “

Even Beppe Grillo does not fit. And after criticism Senator Maurizio M5s Buccarella (guilty of having challenged the line of the close of humanitarian permits and repatriation), even without mentioning Galantino, takes issue with the “rhetoric of hospitality”, thanks to which no one bears the ‘ blame for the biblical exodus that is in place and that no one knows where it will lead. ” Uncomfortable with the line of bishops seems well Fi. And if the governor of Liguria Giovanni Toti uses soft tones (“If a politician tries to find solutions to prevent it lead to increasing social tension in the sight of all does the job”), Daniela Santanchè Galantino accused of “ideological fury ‘.

Meanwhile, while continuing the fruitless search for the missing – fifty, according to the survivors – the sinking of two days ago off the coast of Libya, two other landings were recorded yesterday. The freighter “Phoenix” brought 232 migrants in Pozzallo (Ragusa). In Reggio Calabria has landed the Swedish ship “Poseidon”, with 417 refugees on board.




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