Friday, August 14, 2015

Renzi: reform of the Senate with or without Access – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This entry was posted on August 14, 2015 at 6:37.


“The reform course will go, see if we can involve more parties possible, but it seems a very agostano theme. Forza Italy? Voted for this reform at first reading in the Senate with the Romans then came Brunetta and changed his mind. If they will be fine, if we do not we will stay without them. ” So Matteo Renzi, yesterday late in the evening at the party’s regional Pd Villalunga of Casalgrande, in the cheese, cut short on the assumption to resume negotiations with Silvio Berlusconi on constitutional reform.

All the signals coming from the majority confirm that reforms the way is one and only one. Which is to overcome the skirmishes Agostini pointing straight objective without concessions to internal revolt. This does not mean of course for the prime minister to ignore the pitfalls of a vote on the wire if the situation would not have arrived at a compromise, first within his own party. The risk of a rupture if hovers in the air more than ever to evoke implicitly is concerned minister Martina among the promoters of the proposed mediation on the list (“I do not want to imagine a split would be a resounding defeat”).

So the situation remains stalled, waiting, after the summer break, the debate enters the concrete proposals put forward in the Senate.

Fi expects a step forward the premier and in the meantime insists on conditions considered mandatory. Ensure the necessary representation system according to Maurizio Gasparri is a duty of the executive. “We continue to think that there should be space for citizens to choose the new Senate that, or should be abolished altogether, or, if you must stay even with limited functions and not cast votes of confidence to governments, must maintain its popular roots and democratic. We have tabled amendments to the Senate and the majority can not ignore that on this point there are significant convergences. ” One point is this. The other calls into question the electoral law, because the idea of ​​the current Knight Italicum the needs of corrections that give the prize to a single party but no longer in the coalition.

No space in the negotiations related to the search a compromise will have the theme of the justice, like one to understand confidentially men close to the President of the Council. Giovanni Toti (Fi) says loud and clear that it can not be a bargaining chip for concessions on institutional reforms. Different thing to imagine a convergence of troops on aspects forziste always flag blues. That is, if Renzi put in the pot topics such as separation of duties, dual CSM, limits to eavesdropping and detention, the party of the Knight is more than ever ready to consider the merit in Parliament. Although according to the head of the Democratic Party Justice David Ermini the audit work done so far is already at an advanced stage with some stakes. “The wiretapping as an investigative tool not touch each other and respect the rest we have already approved a lot of things.” Then “there is no matter for negotiation, let alone linked to reforms,” ​​reiterates Ermini.

Attack the leader in the House of M5S, George Sorial “Renzi Berlusconi and only pretend to leave and recover . The covenant of the Nazarene is more alive than ever because their goal is the same: an undemocratic electoral law, with which the two of them will decide the fate of citizens without thinking nor the citizen’s income or tax cuts. ”




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