– The law on civil unions has not been approved by the Senate just as they would have wanted Cirinnà, nor Renzi Alfano. Of course the dropping of adoptions and not equivalent to marriage was the only sensible way to address a political issue but especially thorny ethical. And yet the way chosen by Renzi in his double role, it should be remembered, as Chairman of the Board and Secretary of the Democratic Party, was profoundly wrong.
Why is the Prime Minister wavered all the way, sometimes favorably with the original of the law, sometimes the contrary; sometimes squeezing the eye to 5stars, other Alfano demonstrating a ruthlessness really unknown to Italian politics. In short, he could assume its responsibilities from the outset (as he likes to repeat the Palace). But he has not been waiting for, to decide, to see “the current climate.” To do so choose, in short, it was not an argument “top”, but the parliamentary calculations: how many votes I in the Senate? How many did I lose in the PD? How many do I take from others?
An own goal also yet another appeal to the Trust, an executive legitimacy vote on which dipped to fish WING Verdini. Thing that has really made up their noses a bit ‘to everyone: to the opposition but also the Left not only radical. With this vote Renzi reaches the trusts records over the 50 mark, surpassing the Berlusconi government but had ruled a year more ‘. It is astonishing that we vote on it was also a senator for life Napolitano -by President of Repubblica- own against the abuse of this institute had thundered, calling it “an unacceptable compression of the rooms prerogatives”.
Ugly, ugly, then, the invention of supercanguro, the-killing amendments invented by PD and approved by Senate Speaker Grasso, which however did not have the audacity to readmit the stepchild adoption. And that however will weigh as dangerous precedent on the future parliamentary life.
Why on Renzi civil unions has -lo says he- “risked their necks”? Certainly not “to win the love” as claimed in the usual tweets but to entice an electorate -what gay- looking for a political reference more ‘effective of reference associations in society. Mission accomplished? Certainly not with the last few steps behind the Cirinnà text, the gay world has seen clear the home straight a fully equal to the straight world. In the bad-demsono Party furious over the concessions approved by the Senate (as well as a part in the NCD Alfano who voted against) and very upset is the left bersaniana, but for opposite reasons.
In short, the vote on civil unions leaves a majority crumbled and heterogeneous; a triplofornista leader pulled his jacket from the right and the left; a dangerous super kangaroo ready to even jump in the House; the record of over 50 trusts; homosexual associations and Catholic ones on opposite barricades just as before. This would be a victory?
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