Milan , February 18, 2016 – 24:47
a morning in chaos, a skipped the summit, the candidacy of Guido Bertolaso, who seems to wobble wildly. Then, in mid-afternoon, comes the note of Silvio Berlusconi: “The three forces of the center-right Forza Italy, the Northern League and Brothers of Italy, indicated Dr Guido Bertolaso as their candidate for mayor of Rome. I am convinced that Bertolaso is the only professional in circulation able to fix up capital. It is not the candidate of a party, but it has to be the candidate of the whole city, to all the Romans who care of their property and not of the individual parties. Statement on common sense of the Romans and assure Guido Bertolaso all our support. ” An attempt, that of the former Knight, to put a little ‘order in the ranks of a center-right, and not just Roman, it appears all the more torn by an endless feud.
Salvini: “A pig in a poke do not I take nothing, “
it was in fact Matteo Salvini, on Thursday morning, February 18, to” open the dances, “torpedoing in fact the candidacy of the former head of civil protection: “Now I go to lunch with Berlusconi, who will tell me what is good and clever Bertolaso …”, he was first attacked. And then, immediately afterwards: “A closed box – says Salvini – I do not buy anything. Before we see what the reaction of the Roman citizens, then decide what to do. ” But Bertolaso had not already been “crowned” as a candidate “official” of the center? “On his behalf there was an indication. But all the matches are always open “, the Salvini answer. A kind of cold shower, motivated by two aspects. The national balance of nominations across Italy (the league has yet to close the circle with allies) and the first releases of the same Bertolaso, who is called “a Democrat,” a “friend Giachetti and Williams ‘, said the’ he never voted for Berlusconi ‘and that, on the chapter nomads, he said that “the Roma are a harrassed category: do not serve the bulldozers.” All hell broke loose. Too much to bear for Salvini, that the Roma issue and immigration is played most of his support.
The” friendly fire “
The lunch, so , it fell through. Prior to the defection of Giorgia Meloni, waiting to see the orientation of the allies after ‘contradictory words of Salvini, “it has taken a pause for reflection. And then, at that point, the decision taken by Berlusconi, increasingly with his hair. All canceled, need a pause for reflection. Ostensibly to call the table on other cities, led by Altero Matteoli, actually to wait for things to calm the waters. The note of the former Knight ( “full support to Bertolaso, is our candidate ‘) does not seem to have ended the game because now, on the former head of Civil Protection, has started shooting of” friendly fire.
Storace: Bertolaso not arrive in March
Francesco Storace, leader of “the Right”, is ready to stand alone and Thursday morning organized the press conference starting his campaign in Sant’Angelo bridge, a few steps from Vatican, that the same Bertolaso had planned to blow up during a flood of the Tiber. Storace, who also spoke of “calls” to ask him to withdraw his candidacy, attacks: “We – he says – to February 18, which is the shortest month. Perhaps Bertolaso arrive until March but I’m beginning to get the feeling that sooner or later it will release, call the Civil Protection and will bring forth. ” Storace, however, says he is ready “to ally myself with Marchini, if I go to the ballot.”
Lease raises the primaries of the center
Other lunge, to Raffaele Fitto who returns to clamor for” primaries center. ” The former governor of Apulia, now leader of the Conservatives and Reformists, attacks: “Now – he says – is all a blinding clarity. Berlusconi chose cupio dissolve. ” Lease insists: “The only reason I say no to the primary in Rome is that they represent a precedent with respect to the 2018 Nationwide race the choice is between those who want to block the center with nominations to lose and who, like us, want to open doors and windows to build a credible alternative to Renzi. We chose Marchini in Rome just for this. And so we will move in the other reality, refusing a closed scheme, and loser. And we support the primary (both now and in 2018) just to rebuild and reopen what others want to close, lock, seize. “
And Bertolaso focuses on the Capitol accounts
Bertolaso, meanwhile, flaunts serenity. And, glissando on the political controversy, focuses on the situation of the capital and its debts: “The report on the management commissioner signed by Silvia Scottish – said Bertolaso - highlights two pure emergency items: a forgotten city and its citizens reduced to oxen park harass, or the need no longer be postponed to play around with the accounts of the Capitol. ” Berlusconi’s candidate insists: “The 13.6 billion set by the Scottish represent a further hole compared to the previous Commissioner legacy. It’s a huge mass of money that you will still have to pay respect to the advances requested, after serving 15 billion future. So the total debt of Rome to the commissioner management exceeds 25 billion Euros, of which only about half have found the resources. On balance, without intervention, the Romans will have to pay again for another 50 years, seeing decreasing more and more opportunities for investment and growth of the city. Unless, that debt is not addressed as “emergency”: a spending review fierce through the definition of standard costs, a talk about the companies providing public services (Atac only lost an average of 150 million euro per year), with the containment personnel costs, a management resource management since the rents and the value of these assets. All this is to reduce waste and focus resources to be allocated to other dramatic emergencies in which it was left this city. “
February 18, 2016 | 24:47
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