Saturday, February 20, 2016

civil unions, the Minister Woods: “We need agreement, the Democratic Party is not self-sufficient” – TGCOM

– “Laws are made if there are numbers. Today the Democratic Party in the Senate is not self-sufficient, neither is if we add up the votes of Sel . So we have to create a meeting point “. So Reforms Minister Maria Elena Boschi on the civil unions bill. “We have chosen to address this issue, aware that we are a government with different sensitivities. I do not know what the end result, but it is an important step that should be discussing,” he added.

civil unions, the  Minister Woods: & quot; Serving agreement, the  Democratic Party is not self-sufficient & quot;

Fat: “Kangaroos inadmissible” – the assumption, which radically change scenarios in the Senate, comes directly from the president of the Senate Pietro Grasso. The cut of kangaroos is “a hypothesis in the field,” explains Grasso reasoning that these amendments “are tolerated weapon in front of a filibuster in exasperation. Now we are facing only a few hundred votes.” The amendments, purified by 4,500 withdrawn from the League, are about 1,200 net of admissibility and the possible incorporation of some of these.

are back in play possible alliances –
The proposals, in the end, might fall well below the thousands with a range of secret votes is not very wide. The scenario, in short, would change, leading to a climate likely “brightening” in the House, completely exposing the stepchild to the Assembly’s decision and prompting the Democratic Party to pick up the threads of a middle ground inside and outside the party. With the M5S back in the game (although contacts with the Democratic Party on the issue is now closed) to approve the bill Cirinnà after Alessandro Di Battista points out how the 5 Stars put their votes “at the disposal of the law and not the pd “. And the decision to Grasso, at the same time, it could create a precedent to be considered later in the term

The Democratic Party already assumed archiving kangaroo – The Democratic Party had taken already consider the storage hypothesis amendment kangaroo: the other, at the time still valid, it is to ask her unpacking (with separate and secret vote on its adoption point). Option, the latter, against which even today are hurled Ap and M5S, and that it is only “tolerated” by Cattodem. So much so that Rosa Maria Giorgi judges to Grasso “a wise idea, which would lead the discussion on the merits”, in compliance with the “freedom of conscience shown by the secretary.”

But divisions remain – But times, however, do not seem to be quick especially if you have to face all the amendments still on track. The divisions remain in the Democratic Party, so that the party, waiting for a “signal” of Matteo Renzi Assembly on Sunday, appears locked in stalemate with more than half of the senators still in demand the maintenance of the stepchild and thirty Cattodem (which in this case could make axis with the centrists) instead consider the excerpt still the best solution.

Ap against stepchild and article 3 – Excerpt but those of Ap feel inadequate, because in their judgment already article 3 of the bill, on the rights / duties, gives white paper adoption special. Certainly, no kangaroos, in plenary will be a battle of any amendment to Article 3 as the first central hub. “Could be a Vietnam” is the fear of Sergio Lo Giudice (Pd), one of the “champions” of the stepchild. But from here on Wednesday the Democratic Party will try to avoid it.

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civil Unions
Maria Elena Boschi
bill Cirinnà

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