Monday, February 22, 2016

civil unions, Alfano: green light to the law if there is stop the stepchild – TGCOM

– “If there were to be an agreement on a amendment that rewrites the bill Cirinnà on civil unions with the elimination of adoptions and equal to marriage, you could vote with confidence. ” This was said in “The Phone Call Belpietro” Interior Minister Angelino Alfano. “I also think – he added – that a text so we can vote with the consent of other sectors of the Parliament, such as Forza Italy.”

 Ddl  Cirinnà, Alfano: ok no stepchildRenzi: & quot;  Close quickly the Senate & quot;

Renzi: close quickly in the Senate – so Renzi, the meeting with the foreign press, explains the change in strategy on civil unions: “so you do not go back anywhere, so either an amendment of the government or with the way the agreement Parliamentary hope that within a few days you can close the Senate. We have to put up with a long constant postponement. “And, the premise of being in favor of stepchild adoption, adds:” There can be no children of Series A and B but at the moment in Italy there is no law either civil unions. “

the letter-appeal to Parliament – it’s a common front against the correction of the law instead of the world culture, music, entertainment, art , which is mobilized in support of the bill with a letter to Parliament signed by more than 400 characters , Andrea Camilleri to Eros Ramazzotti, Tiziano Ferro Roberto Bolle, by Paolo Virzi Laura Pausini . the promoters the document is Sebastiano Mauri, writer, Vittorio Lingiardi, psychiatrist, and the actor Filippo Timi.

“the law Cirinnà – says the appeal – today is a historic opportunity to take a first step towards recognition of fundamental civil and human rights. And already very compromise with Parliament which, in the name of an alleged child protection, choose to ignore the Italian children now grow their private rights. “

The document continues by saying that the bill “guarantees the minimum of rights to LGBT people. A minimum beyond which no one can intrude , because it would pass a bill facade or worse detrimental, referring to the sender recognition of legitimacy of millions of Italians and their families. “In the text is underlined then that “notice injustice and correct it in half means perpetuating. And ‘enough not to be racist, homophobic or sexist, you must be industrious in the fight against racism, homophobia or sexism , fight them wherever they conceal, especially through gil legislative instruments in the hands of Parliament ” .

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Angelino Alfano
civil Unions
Ddl Cirinnà
Forza Italy

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