They voted for 10 thousand, and today the results of the consultations to the gazebo in Rome organized by the League for the candidate of the center in the capital’s mayor will be announced by the President of NCS, Matteo Salvini, to 13 in a press conference at Montecitorio. We are closed at 13 yesterday, 41 banquets arranged to ask the Romans who prefer it as candidate for mayor of Guido Bertolaso, Alfio Marchini, Francesco Storace, Fabio Rampelli and Irene Pivetti. And if Rampelli asked to remove his name from the card as Brothers of Italy was annoyed, and not just from the streets consultations that are played at all as a lack of confidence in Bertolaso, Marchini, Pivetti Storace and you are gone to vote. on Saturday, however, most of the polls in the street noise did two episodes of aggression: one in the morning to Torpignattara where fifteen people overturned the tables of the gazebo in the square Malatesta shoving volunteers and agents, the other in the afternoon in via Tuscolana where the gazebo was the target of a roll of the eggs. Four young people instead were charged with possession of ‘improper’ weapons following the reporting of suspicious car seen passing several times the height of the league table in via Mario Rigamonti, the height of the ‘barns’. The four were found holding a big stick and an animal bone, club-shaped. The banquets were set up in different squares of the capital. Citizens is a card was delivered where they indicated a preference among the five candidates. There was also a white space where you can write the name of any other candidate, not among the ‘pre’. The Romans could also indicate what must be the two priorities for the future mayor: traffic, safety, cleanliness, welfare, public transport. Finally, in the gazebo you could answer a last question: if you are in favor or not in the Olympics and the candidacy of Rome.
- Topics:
- elections Rome 2016 – municipal
- municipal 2016
- us with salvini
- alloy
- primary alloy
- Starring:
- Matteo Salvini

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