Saturday, February 20, 2016

civil unions, it is and you litigaLo clash between Cirinnà and Lorenzin – BBC

Milan , February 20, 2016 – 22:27

ROME the duel between the two protagonists of the battle on unions Gay is the tweet shots, which does not softens the harshness of the confrontation. Beatrice Lorenzin begins, raising the deletion of stepchild adoption from the text of the law that is taking (and sharing) Italy and the Parliament. “Against surrogate unnecessary administrative penalty – sculpts via internet the Minister of Health – must be a criminal offense with inadottabilità”. A night here is a replica of Monica Cirinnà: “Just as you who are the mother … dell’inadottabilità proposal ?? Want to penalize the children as they are born ??? “. By return, the minister dell’Ncd try to score the point: “MonicaCirinna NO! We guarantee protection to children already born but to stop surrogate. Is universal offense. You give up your mother? “.

the text in the Senate

it is, and you fight in the return leg in plenary on Wednesday, the Senate (final vote expected within two weeks), the law on rights for gay couples. The majority is divided, the Pd is torn in its interior. Maria Elena Boschi admits that “the Democratic Party is not self-sufficient in the Senate,” and continues to mediate because they are “a meeting place”. thrilling prospect for the left of the Democratic Party and Sel, who want the law with adoptions and say no to any mediation downward. To mark the day was the attempt of Lorenzin to agree to make surrogacy universal crime by strengthening criminal penalties for those who, contrary to Italian law, got a son abroad thanks to the practice of the uterus for rent. The Keeper Andrea Orlando works in a shared text to avoid the dropping, but at the top of the Democratic Party are concerned that, if you continue to subemendare, times might be delayed again. For the Minister Maurizio Martina time of mediations has now passed: “Unlike the Lorenzin Minister I believe that this country has waited too long. The difficulties faced in the Senate should not make us retreat. ” The League has withdrawn thousands of amendments, there remain 1200, and the votes will be about 500, such a law “normal”. But the risks and unknowns are still many and the fear that the entire measure falls alarms the Democratic Party. “We do not want to be last in the standings, we have rights to assert and we will do it with balance,” promises the parent Rosato.

the timing of the House

the move of President Pietro Grasso, that in accordance with the Democratic Party is preparing to declare inadmissible kangaroos, supercanguri and other tools MPs devised to lock (or bury) the law, so he de-mined land by the opposition traps, but also dilated time. This does not seem to mind too much about the Democratic Party, as the cul de sac which had slipped after the change of the M5S line. When you return to the classroom, we should finally see a substantive discussion: obstructionist actions unless new, Grasso intends to proceed without quota times. How repeats Renzi “the classroom is sovereign” and it’s up to Parliament to decide whether to approve or not the law and if you reject secret vote, as now seems likely, the controversial stepchild adoption.


February 20, 2016 (edited February 20, 2016 | 23:29)



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