Via the stepchild adoption and rules photocopy between civil union and marriage. But the reversibility. It is almost ready the new maxi-amendment to the bill Cirinnà. And the government blinderà with a vote of confidence.
“We think it’s time to put an end to the constant reference that there was. We believe that you have to close, “he said clearly yesterday, the foreign press, Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. And to end the controversy over the “surrender” all’Ncd Angelino Alfano, against the adoption of the son of the companion and all the rules that make the overlapping of gay unions to marriage, said: “The Democratic Party did not win the elections. ” Accounts in hand, remarked: “In the Senate, 49 votes are lacking. There was an agreement with the Movement 5 Stars, but twenty minutes before the vote, who withdrew. ” A clear allusion to the fact that, always in favor of the measure, the Five Star does not have wanted to know to vote on the so-called “supercanguro ‘means a premissivo amendment that would have deleted all subsequent ones, thus skipping the parliamentary debate.
“Let’s see what will decide the future of the Democratic party in the Senate, I hope in a few days of parliamentary debate will close the debate in the Senate and then go to the House,” Renzi said yesterday. And today’s meeting, anticipated 20 to 13, in which the choice of the maxi-amendment with confidence will be put to a vote, there will also be him, groped to dispel all doubts. Although the risk that the entire measure getting bogged down forever could be averted by an open vote and the lengthening of the time by a quota or a “trap”.
One thing is certain, with the confidence of the TopClass will not vote the bill and Renzi can point finger at them. Accusing them of being the source of the extract and in the end not to have voted. Beppe Grillo smiles and compares dem to those who make the “dead hand” on the bus: “If we’re going on, if we’re not telling you it’s your fault, because you supported.” M5S vain appeals to Senate President Pietro Grasso, and asks to convene urgently a group leaders’ to define a certain timing and avoid the maxi-amendment and trust, with which the government wants to deprive the Parliament. ” Thing that Fat can not avoid. Carla Ruocco challenge the Democratic Party: “The law can be voted on in a few hours.”
Contrary to “kangaroos and cangurelli” Forza Italy. While verdiniani Ala morning decide whether to vote for the first time the confidence to Renzi. Gloats the leader of Ncd, Angelino Alfano because it is “common sense prevailed”. “Yes to also rights for gay couples, but without putting half the children, who need a mom and a dad,” he says. As it transpires from the Democratic Party’s intention not to compromise on the possibility of granting the surname to gay partners, and the reversibility of the board. And it kicks off in the House Judiciary Committee in the study of a new measure also on adoptions by gays. Meanwhile mounted the protest of intellectuals and artists who continue to sign the petition to leave the law as it was. The director Ferzan Ozpetek tweets: #senzavergognamatteorenzi “. But the realism of Renzi convinces even the rapporteur of the Bill, Monica Cirinnà: “On civil unions for two years playing chess and the government’s amendment can make us do checkmate.”
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