The Senate voted confidence to the decree Milleproroghe with 155 votes in favor and 122 against . With the Senate vote the decree was finally passed into law. As reported by the ‘ Ansa the norm most contested by the parties concerns the very same political forces. In the name of transparency, as stated by the Democratic Party, parties that do not present the financial statements may be fined 200 thousand euro . According to the M5s this rule is at risk for the same movement as such and no party could have applied the sanction. Beyond the controversy, there are many other rules, but there are those who like The Journal emphasizes the forcing of trust. Minister for Relations with Parliament Maria Elena Boschi has put the issue of trust, which has also called for the House and has been made even more necessary in the Senate, where the government numbers, as noted, are tight to. “The confidence yesterday is number 49 . At civil unions, the honor of the trust number 50,” quips the newspaper.
Here is a ten measures of the many products in the decree:
SCHOOL – by the end of 2016 should be the adaptation of structures to the fire regulations. Extended to the 2018/19 the validity of the rankings while for teachers.
SELF EU CITIZENS NOT – one year Sledge term under which citizens no Ue , with a regular residence permit, can use self-certification.
OUTS TELEPHONE – In the case of crimes of criminal association, terrorism and subversion, crime and smuggling, there are six months more to preserve phone records.
WASTE – Return at the end of year of the new rules on waste management (Sistri).
BUDGET PARTIES – Take a fine from 200 thousand euro for parties that do not report. Instead extended the presentation of the accounts 2013 and 2014.
STOP CROSSINGS NEWSPAPERS-TV, BUT NOT FOR WEB – New stop for a year for owners intersections. Those exercising television activities at national level and telecoms companies can not acquire interests in newspaper publishing companies or participate in the formation of new publishers of newspapers, excluding famous newspapers exclusively via the web .
pART-tIME POST aND FS – The part-time for over 63 will also apply to employees of Post and Fs.
tHE LAND oF FIRES – Extended to July 31 the duration of the management commissioner for the reclamation of areas.
NCC TAXI AND IMPROPER – Referral end of the year of the term for the Ministerial decree to prevent taxis and rental service with abusive driver.
POMPEI – Increase in 500 thousand euro per year , until 2019, the resources related to the structure that works at Pompeii project.
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