Friday, February 19, 2016

Civil Unions: The cross is not working majority – AlessandriaNews

VIEWS – the approval of the Ddl Cirinnà in the Senate on civil unions seemed a done deal, however the last moment the M5S decides not to vote the ‘ amendment Kangaroo . The Democratic Party accused the movement of having lost once again an occasion of unreliability and institutional illiteracy that he stood on the positions of the Northern League and the PDL and be addicted to the oldest politicized calculation. The center-right party, the Northern League and PDL rejoice and claim that the transversal majorities do not work, aberrant believe that proposing the surrogate mother, while the M5S argues that after the withdrawal of thousands of amendments there was no longer a prerequisite for voting amendment Kangaroo and rejects accusations of the Democratic Party. Some commentators argue that the back of the M5S is due to the fact that the summit was afraid if they voted the amendment kangaroo to be penalized in the upcoming local elections in the municipalities of Rome, Milan, Naples, etc. But there is also those who argue that the draft bill Cirinnà might even be a rock on which the majority of the ship is in danger of sinking. A story that leaves a little bitter and as it developed so far has not declared winners, on the other hand, however, there are already losers, all the couples concerned, but not only, that await a law on civil unions for years.

A further confirmation, if there were any need, that all parliamentarians without exception, continue with their political games and are concerned first and foremost part of the benefits they represent, thus putting into the background the interest of citizens. The law on civil unions is obviously a hot topic on which we have long been enormous pressure from various quarters, then you will see what will happen next week when it will return to the polls. In the meantime, we asked local politicians, regional and national regarding this matter, these are their opinions:

The 21 Senators minority Democratic party Renzi: bill Cirinnà not touch
Federico Fornaro, Senator Pd: The group has already approved that facility, we expect consistency.
 The incident occurred yesterday in the Senate was a procedural problem that does not change the field positions on the merits of the measure. As for the Democratic Party, the party of the Senate Assembly approved the installation of the bill Cirinnà and pledged to vote for him, leaving freedom of conscience on three amendments. There are no reasons to change this location and on this line we expect consistency from all over the leadership of the Democratic Party and its secretary. “They said in a joint statement, the 21 senators of the minority Democratic Party Broglia, Casson, D’Adda, Dirindin, Fornaro, Cats, Jacob, Gotor, War, Warriors, Idem, Lai, Lo Giudice, Lo Moro, Manassero, Manconi, Martini, Migliavacca, Pegorer, Ricchiuti, Sonego.

Daniele Borioli Senator Pd: civil unions, forward without distorting the decisions already taken
 We must move forward without distorting the decisions already taken. A vote on the text as it is. Including stepchild adoption. On this point we have already ‘provided free vote. Everyone votes conscientiously putting his face. No tricks and no games in 5S that threaten to destroy it.

Cristina Bargero, Deputy PD: Ddl Cirinnà, 5 Stars have lost yet another opportunity

 I am very regretful for what happened yesterday in the Senate and the 5 stars have once again missed an opportunity. It was not about procedural skirmishes but considers kangaroo would open the way for approval of a law guaranteeing civil rights. The battle is not over, however, and I hope that in the coming days in the Senate prevail the light of reason, that is, those that allow the full approval of the bill Cirinnà.

Fabio Lavagno, Member of the Democratic Party: civil unions, giravolta M5S on the issue of rights
 The one written in the Senate these days is certainly an ugly page. An ugly page written thanks to the gyrations performed by the 5 Star Movement on the issue of rights, assestatesi, despite claims to the contrary, in the last hours, on the same positions of the League, Giovanardi, Gasparri. Like it or not, the choice of grillino movement that continues to represent themselves as an innovator but instead becomes increasingly addicted to the oldest calculation politicized, is perfectly matched to the purposes of a heterogeneous and cross-front that is opposed to an advanced nature of civil rights . For too many years, men and women await a law on civil unions, for too many years waiting for the recognition of the equal dignity recognized by Article 3 of our Constitution. And ‘in this sense that, despite the temporary difficulties, should continue the way for approval of the bill Cirinnà without it being distorted taking into account the sensitivity of the country on the issue of the rights of homosexual persons it is much more advanced than that of the Parliament.

John Barosini, UDC Alexandria: civil unions, the Cirinnà is miserably shipwrecked
 The Cirinnà is miserably shipwrecked, including kangaroos, of course, fail to make leaps forward. On ‘ethical’ issues can not be improvised cross majorities, do not hold pathetic political exploitation. The contradictions emerge, it is manifested relentlessly lack of a solid foundation of cultural identity. Hope for unity of the forces that clearly draw upon the Catholic principles is not an anachronism, indeed. I reiterate my personal NO to the global system of the botched law on civil unions.

Domenico Di Filippo, M5S: civil union, is the real face of the Democratic Party!
 The reasons for this controversy are carrying off the track as well as the actors in the field, even public opinion, which is well operated, can be misled in judging, these are the facts that I now list:
 1) We have supported for over a year and a half (in Judiciary Committee) a bill that finally bring Italy in step with other “civilized” countries regarding the rights of homosexual couples.
 2) We are for freedom of conscience on the specific issue of the possibility of adoption of the partner of the child’s biological parent, the protection of the latter and it is no secret that about 90% of the parliamentary group is in favor of the cd. “Stepchild adoption”.
 3) We did not even presented an amendment to the draft bill. These are the facts.
 4) The amendment “kangaroo” could have a reason for being against a filibuster that we know well (those who have followed the Justice Committee, all 72 sessions also hearing of psychologists, teachers, magistrates, pediatricians, Catholic associations ” for life “and” family “, etc.), but after the withdrawal of thousands of amendments made at about 16.30 today, it is indefensible that only consider the need that finally the Parliament, made up of representatives of the theory citizens, is measured in transparency and honesty to see if it is “the time has come”, even to the bitter end by voting from Monday to Saturday,
 5) The “Kangaroo” is the instrument with which the Democratic Party, while not ricorrendone as the conditions after the withdrawal of obstructive amendments, trying to cope with the ITS divisions (CDs. Senators “captive-dem”), cleverly trying to download over us any liability in the event that the DDL does not pass or is distorted substantially.
We say: tomorrow the Democratic Party withdraws his amendment “kangaroo” and bearing the request of votes overt and no secrets, let the debate and voting in the classroom takes place in transparency that this country deserves, especially for the minority of its gay citizens so far despicably discriminated in their rights.
 Today the Democratic Party threw the mask and voted “no” to the 5 Star Movement required to immediately continue voting on the bill Cirinna ‘, also working on Fridays, Saturdays and Mondays. In a few days we would have respected both the parliamentary democracy is the Civil Rights and the Senate approved the law on civil unions with the Movement 5 Star rating. But the Democratic Party has said ‘no’. “Evidently, the Democratic Party does not really hold to this standard and everything and ‘lawful for Renzi party to cover its own divisions and blame others.” This was declared by our senator Nunzia Catalfo, leader of the Movement 5 stars in the Senate after the rejection of its proposed schedule presented in the classroom that would have allowed the passage of the law on civil unions in a few days. Here is the true face of the Democratic Party, these are the evidence! Anyone who claims otherwise, consciously lies wanting to hide the many internal contradictions. These contradictions, according to the specific interests, are burying the rights of those citizens who represent an important part of this society. They will try to make believe anything to the citizens, we pray only to pay close attention, inquire, go to the site of the House and Senate to monitor how they vote.

Domenico Ravetti, Pd, counselor Region Piemonte: civil unions, not seeking mediation downward
 Italians have demonstrated in the streets of our cities and virtual squares of company to share the contents of the bill Cirinnà. That is, Italians have proven to be far ahead of a part of the policy that sits on Parliament’s benches and that claims to preserve a medieval state in terms of rights. The Democratic Party go the way down without seeking mediation downward.

 Walter Ottria, Pd, Director Region Piemonte : civil unions, a clear indication of unreliability and institutional illiteracy M5S
 The postponement to Wednesday, February 24 of the Senate of the bill is a defeat Cirinnà especially for the multitude of people who are waiting for years for such a measure to regulate a situation that is already very common and widespread in our country and which, however, does not enjoy those already guaranteed minimum protection in other European countries or to other categories of people in Italy. When we talk about civil unions are talking about the simple extension of the enjoyment of rights in Italy already the majority of women and men are ensured. It is worth pointing out, in fact, that when it comes to civil rights, and civil partnerships in the specific case, we are talking about human beings whose lives can radically improve in the presence of a simple law.
 From the political point of view, it seems quite clear that yesterday has sanctioned the unreliability of the M5S very clearly and institutional illiteracy that pervades the same movimento.Resta the fact that the Democratic Party, especially on civil and ethical issues but even on other, discounts a lack of leadership and political direction; gaps probably inherent in the Party since birth but to whom we must all together remedy.

Roberto Sarti, President Group North League: civil unions, stepchild adoption, abhorrent that proposes the ‘surrogate
 The Northern League is firmly opposed to the bill on civil unions Cirinnà and then will vote no to this measure. A no convinced no ifs, ands both in substance and in method. The League does not intend to remove a legal right for children to have a father and a mother and at the same time we believe that any survivors’ pensions granted to same-sex couples would represent too high a cost for the società.Ma the League says no to also method: we do not intend to do it as a crutch to Renzi Government and for this reason we will continue with our strong opposition in a clear, transparent and consistent. The bill Cirinnà in fact approaching gay unions to marriage by introducing them directly into the civil code. On the subject of adoptions then the text extends to civil unions the possibility of adoption of a child who lives in a same-sex couple, but that’s biological child of one of the two. Everyone at home can experience sexuality as he wants and stupid is who discriminates against a gay, a lesbian, a transvestite in the workplace, at school, in society in general. But we are also convinced that something has to be absolutely certain and unchangeable and that is that a child must have a father and a mother. We find it incredible that you speak of stepchild adoption and abhorrent that proposes the surrogacy. Where are the feminists who in sixty years rightly claimed the role and dignity of women and expected to arise from situations such as this? We must not be sacrificed on the altar of relativism those values ​​that are fundamental to our society by preventing a creature that is already person to grow up in a context of gender difference and have an awareness of being a bargaining chip-bought dell ‘ selfishness, of, vanity and cowardice.

Piercarlo Fabbio, President PDL Group: civil unions, the Renzi head is worth a gay wedding
 Understand little neurotic outburst of the Democratic Party which has found, in the Senate in a moment, from being in charge of each roped possible for a majority any, to beg for votes in the classroom, groped for the same big voice to a Just before the decision 5 Stars he managed so well. There is a content problem? It is gay marriage does not work? It is the stepchild adoption to be unpopular? Nah. The grillini, as it did other political forces, including being completely useless to continue to support a virtual political centrality of the Democratic Party. If the Democratic Party has the numbers, it does pass its own law without ifs and buts; but if the majority there, for what mysterious reason should be an opposition party to always offer it and in any case on a silver platter? Renzi thus appears as Bersani: skewered by always possible, but never definitive, allies. Moreover, the Movement 5 stars aims to open like a tin of tuna Parliament, not to do the professional ally of the Democratic Party, who hates just as the other pole of the system. There’s only one problem, which is also a paradox: to do this, the Movement must draw into the trap the powers that be then affossarlo and then plays the part of the ally and then deny it at the last second. Filibustering? Mah?
 Especially a problem for those who believed that truly grillini chose the contents from time to time were their subordinates with Solomonic wisdom. The Herods-system strategy and patience must prevail if anyone was hurt, never mind if it is homosexual, never mind if it is the people of the network that sustains and supports by the minute. The head of Renzi is worth a gay wedding.

Renzo Penna, councilor Sel: M5S-directed and unable to look to the general interest
 The law on civil unions at risk. The Democratic Party pays for the ruling alliance with the most reactionary positions on the subject of civil rights, while the 5 stars, every day is show-directed and not able to make policy looking to the public interest.


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