Not recedes, Ignazio Marino. “I’m calm,” he repeats to his lawyer, Enzo Musco, and the most trusted friends that have been called when the news on double closure notified by the prosecution investigation for embezzlement, forgery and fraud began to make the rounds of the network. a mood formalized by return in a statement to reiterate that “I have always acted in full compliance with the law and that is why I will continue to commit myself to Rome.” Clear message: I will not be intimidated, my programs do not change. On the other hand the former mayor – who has always professed a stranger to all charges – had reckoned. He knew that the indictment, which he still hopes to ward off, it could happen during the election campaign. This is also why he had decided not to find out the cards. Remain vague. Do not lift the reserve of its own, still, new descent into the field. The real problem now is that this ugly stumbling still take the time and energy. To be used, from now on, to study all the cards and argue blow for blow. Sure you can find irrefutable evidence on 56 dinners that the prosecutors want to consume along with “his relatives and other unidentified persons” taking advantage “of the entity’s financial framework”, thus paid for with the credit card of the Capitol. What then is the real surprise: the high number of suspected cases. Marino was convinced they were limited to no more than 7. All he documented – and believed clarified – in the famous statements provided voluntarily (not that it had been requested) before pm in mid-October: as mayor in office, although resigning. Nor is it particularly care about the investigation for fraud established within the Imagine Onlus, founded by the then senator pd in 2005 to provide medical aid in South America and Africa. Investigated, along with three other people (Rosa Garofalo, Carlo Pignatelli and Federico Serra), for having drawn up, between 2012 and 2014, the certification of fees related to services provided by collaborators fictitious or non-existent subjects. A modus operandi that, according to investigators, would have resulted in a damage to INPS of about six thousand euro for “non-payment of social security contributions owed for work performance actually carried out by one of the suspects in favor of Onlus” write the pm. Also here: “I will know show that has nothing to do, if anything, I am a victim,” he insisted yesterday, repeating the mantra recited for nearly two years. A script already seen. Whose final, however, it remains yet to be written.
- Topics:
- Capitol
- survey
- accusations
- double process
- Starring:
- marine ignazio
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