Wednesday, February 17, 2016

M5S takes off, to risk civil unions: the Democratic Party asks the new postponement of the vote – The Messenger

New application for the referral of the bill on civil unions in the Senate. This time in Rome to reflect “a few days” is the Democratic Party after last night the House of the Senate had approved the advanced suspension request from Sel. The request of the Democratic Party comes as a surprise the classroom. “But how?”, He screams from Ncd benches, while the League roar and M5s looks incredulous. You should go to a postponement of the text to the next week.

The president of Luigi Zanda Dem senators called for the convening of the Senate group leaders conference to take stock of the ddlì. “Yesterday we registered a new political fact – says – a group that seemed favorable to a passage of the measure has second thoughts. So it needs a reflection work to resume the political wires. ”

It started uphill all the discussion of the bill Cirinnà after the choice of the Movement 5 stars not to vote on the amendment “kangaroo” of the Democratic Party, which locks down the adoption of the child partners and jump 500 obstructionist amendments of the League. The move slows down the process of the law. The Democratic Party has to find an internal majority for the “kangaroo” or face a long and risky discussion on the amendments. The cattodem continue to demand the dismissal of the stepchild adoption by the bill, against the will of the majority of the party.

Renzi lands in Rome this morning, after a visit to Buenos Aires; and it may have to at least be peacemaker among his arrayed on opposite barricades: cattoDem and laymen like Marcucci. The Democrats are looking for a “Plan B” to save the law that threatens to scupper for tricks regulations put in place by the League with its amendments. In fact, a flurry of mini-kangaroos by secret ballot of the Northern League is afraid to Dem a definitive impallinamento the bill Cirinnà by grillini. Hence the launch of a risky game of chess in and out of the majority party on with the search for a series of exit strategy.

One possibility suggested by Andrea Marcucci, the super-kangaroo presenter , however, it is to put to the vote on his amendment, “the only one capable of saving the law.” The move “would M5s his own responsibilities: they want to or not a law on civil unions?”. Marcucci is convinced that even without the yes pentastellati of the votes there are, since the suspension of the session yesterday there were 155 yes and 141 no. But Alessandro Maran, Sherpa of the Democratic Party with the other groups is safe, “the kangaroo has no numbers in the classroom, because the cattoDem would vote against.”

Opinion shared by Loredana De Petris, leader of Sel: “Dem agrees to withdraw Marcucci, much would be rejected, and the climate will harden.” A Sel kangaroo did not like: “But we are interested in bringing home the law before they put Renzi difficulties”. The problem is that immediately after the Marcucci should be rated less than 38 mini-kangaroo League amendments by secret ballot: are written in such a way that each one refers to Article 5 on adoptions that, in fact, requires the secrecy of the vote.

at home Dem everyone is sure that M5s will vote for the amendments of the Northern League to put Renzi difficulty, although pentastellati, questioned by reporters, claiming instead that they will vote for the bill Cirinnà. Removed the 30 votes of M5s must recover at least those of cattoDem (30), if not also of Ap (32), ie by reconstituting the government majority. The first move in this direction should be then the split vote amendment Marcucci: the first one on the stepchild adoption, which could also be rejected so as to enable then to vote on all the amendments to Article 5, and then the remainder of the kangaroo; once approved this second, they would decay thousands of amendments, including the ‘trap’ of the League.

But this move would concern only the first step, namely relative to the super-kangaroo Marcucci wiped out by the obstructionist amendments. Later it would arrive nevertheless in Article 5 on the stepchild adoption and the Democratic Party here should decide whether to accept the substitution of the foster care strengthened asked by cattoDem, thus maintaining the compactness of even government majority for the final vote. Or, in the name of freedom of conscience, do not give voting indications entrusting the outcome that the House will vote by secret ballot: this alternative does raise doubts in those Dem who no longer believe in the support of M5s, who have already changed position four times. But the idea of ​​giving up the stepchild adoption as would be taken by left-wing members of the Democratic Party?


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