Monday, February 15, 2016

civil unions, Woods and the last mediation in the Democratic Party: “From deputy, not as a minister” – BBC

Milan , February 15, 2016 – 23:16

This time Maria Elena Boschi not wearing the clothes of the minister combative and determined that it is able to send in port in the Senate is the Italicum that constitutional reform. Which of course does not mean that civil unions have no strong views and very precise: “The law is no longer be postponed. It is essential that closes, “explains colleagues to Palazzo Madama. And with regard to the delicate chapter of the adoption of the partner’s son, the so-called stepchild adoption, Woods has no doubts: “It is right because it is in the interest of the children.”

“the government is out”

But are not his views that the Minister for reforms and relations with Parliament must pass at all costs in that gathering. And it is not there in the role of government representative: “I participate as a member of the Democratic Party, not as a minister. The government remains out of this affair, as it always has been. ” The role to be played by Woods is, if you will, even more delicate than usual, because this is the time of the mediation. The captive-dem feel a little ‘neglected by their party, and who better than the minister can prove that it is not, that the leaders of the Democratic Party are open to discussion?

dialogue and mediation

“dialogue is important,” he often repeats the Minister for reforms. Moreover, it is for this reason, to facilitate comparison, this story is also followed by Assistant Secretary Lorenzo Guerini, but yesterday was not present at the meeting because he was busy on another front. Guerini, in fact, is the mediator par excellence, the man trying to de-mine the land. Plus it’s a very sensitive Catholic to certain subjects and it is something which is good at a time like this.

Far from the microphones

So, the minister, who on this occasion this is not, carefully avoids the cameras, microphones and reporters. There is no need to make official statements at this juncture. “Maria Elena is here as a member of PD that has always followed these issues,” the leader of the Senate presents Luigi Zanda, which at this time is fully engaged on the front of law for civil unions. The “simple MEP» Woods uses soft tones of someone trying to find an honorable compromise within the Madama Palace Group, which, however, does not amount to “a further postponement because you have to vote.” So much so that the proposal of cattodem to reformulate the “kangaroo” Andrea Marcucci is rejected for this very reason, because it would reopen the terms of the amendments and, in essence, call into question once again the law. On this point the leaders of the Democratic Party are adamant.

A solution you can

Woods manages to keep calm and groped to understand that a solution “can be found,” as long as you want to do really, even in a context that is certainly not idyllic. The terms of the discussion are raw, voices occasionally get up and, on the other hand, its boundaries set by cattodem do not drop. But the minister still does not despair. She believes, and not from now, that if everyone will get rid of their prejudices and give up, as he said herself a bit ‘of time ago, to want only “to put their flags”, you can find a way out . This is the main goal that arise Woods, Zanda, Guerini and the secretary-Prime Minister Matteo Renzi.

The front cattodem

If you do not will be able to achieve this, the leaders of the Democratic Party are still sure to get at least one result. Ie divide the front of cattodem, promising them, in exchange for the stepchild adoption, the passage of amendments that, in fact, make it a little ‘more toned-down this form of adoption. In this way, only the hard-core among cattodem not surrender, while others will sign the agreement.

February 15, 2016 (edited February 15, 2016 | 23:38)



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