Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The plan of the minority pd: “The jobs act in the Senate will miss” – The Republic

The plan of the minority pd: "The jobs act in the Senate will miss" – The Republic

ROMA . The battle continues on the Jobs Act in the Senate. At least for the moment. The meeting of the 30 senators dissidents, or the signatories of 7 amendments which correct profoundly reform the labor renziana is served yesterday to show the tightness of the minority. “We all agree on the principle of autonomy of MPs when it comes to a central theme such as work,” says Miguel bersaniano gotor. As if to say, the vote in favor of the direction of the Prime Minister, an overwhelming vote in the Senate is worth up to a certain point. The senators are free and based primarily on the electoral mandate. That does not include the deletion of Article 18

But the situation is moving. Today comes the new amendment on the reform of the executive. An amendment that incorporates the openings made by Renzi Monday: With the restoration planned for discriminatory reasons and discipline, the end of the co. co. pro, resources in the budget for social safety nets universal. For many, even among the dissidents, Renzi’s move is considered a “step forward.” So the new text could change in the balance of dissent and create other fractures among the opponents. That is still weaken that front.

this Renzi is safe. “The dissidents also lose pieces in the Senate. Reform will pass, votes against will not be more than 7, a maximum of 8 Less than even those of constitutional reform,” says his co-workers after a series of contacts with the Senate. Votes that may be lacking in individual occasions, perhaps compensating for aid Forza Italy. “But at the moment of the final grade will fall even as the Jobs Act and adopt it with our majority,” announces the premier safe. “It is normal that the reform we do now anyway, even more so – says Renzi BallarĂ² -. We voted, now the labor reform is a matter of days, not more than years as in the past. But the thing that strikes me most are those who say that we should not do anything. Forgiveness a great opportunity. “

The interventions of deep criticism came from Massimo D’Alema and Pier Luigi Bersani not have sown new doubts in the Democratic Party. Or not yet. D’Alema flew to Brussels for the foundation of European Socialists. Bersani has avoided public statements. In the House we have seen Stefano Fassina, and Civati ​​Pippo Gianni Cuperlo. To make the point. And to find their own autonomy from the big speakers in direction. If there is a battle to do against Renzi, would lead the mortgage without the former Secretaries. “We expect between 20 and 25 senators prepared to vote on the amendments also in case it is asked for their retirement,” says Fassina. But it is a very theoretical data. Count the corrections of the government, the general climate. And the outcome of the Senate vote will affect even the next in the House. Where disagreements are very far from the numbers of the congress that saw at least 150 members lined up against the premier.

So Renzi seems to already claim victory. “The CGIL take to the streets?’m Not worried, it is legitimate to fall in place. If I understand correctly October 25 when we will be doing the Leopolda. They also solved the problem of who makes us a demonstration against” quips in ‘interview with BallarĂ². “I have great respect for all the unions, but where were the years in which the rights of the kids were erased? There were not. Now are back to square? Well! Viva! Che bello! Meanwhile I do not give up and continue to trying to change a country that needs to have maybe a little ‘less abstract discourses and a little’ more concrete proposals. ”

After the vote, the direction, the attempt to Renzi is to isolate D’Alema and Bersani. “D’Alema, if there were to be invented. Whenever you talk about a recovery point in the polls – repeats the prime minister -. Grande esteem and respect for D’Alema but please let us not continue with the controversy and the absurdity. we made a deal with Berlusconi to the electoral law and the reform of the Constitution because the reforms are written all together. then we are ruling us, with all our limitations, we are a party that is trying to change Italy and make those things which in 20 years has not been done. ” Words of challenge. Followed by a new jab: “If the government was D’Alema when we did the labor reform as they did in Germany or the UK we would not be having this conversation now.”

The minority will now look for a weld between the Jobs Act and the law of stability. To crush once again the government Renzi right and rid the field of the left. It is an operation that the prime minister has understood and try to stem. Not only in words. For this raises the possibility of severance pay slip payroll: “Instead of keeping the money by the end of the work you do them every month. Means that, for someone who earns 1,300 euro, another hundred Euros per month joined the 80 euro starts to make a nice gift. ”

jobs act
minority pd
Government Renzi
Matteo Renzi
Massimo D’Alema
Pierluigi Bersani


Pd: less item 18, most entrepreneurs. Renzi breaks with the ‘old’. And D … – The Daily

Pd: less item 18, most entrepreneurs. Renzi breaks with the 'old'. And D … – The Daily

The day of reckoning in the Democratic Party on the theme of the work is staged at national leadership . Following the debates in the newspapers and on horseback Italy and United States (where Matteo Renzi was traveling in recent days), is the time of face to face in the Jobs Act (here the content of the reform point to point). Opens the President of the Council and launches challenge to unions , without excluding the possibility of comparison. The conclusion is that the direction of the Prime Minister is strengthened: the motion was adopted by the secretariat 130 votes in favor , 11 abstentions, 20 against. An outcome that indicates the new direction of the Pd Renzi : “Today we say with confidence that entrepreneurs are workers and not with masters and that the left is a candidate to represent them. ”

It gives authority to the Assistant Secretary Lorenzo Guerini , appreciated by all for its own diplomatic skills, to deal with the minority for a common final document. The mediation at the end jumps, minority voters in no particular order but nothing changes for the prime minister: at this point, intended or not, the management decided and “from now everyone will have to adapt.” So, with regard to the discussions within the party “are beautiful even when we disagree,” but then “at the end you vote the same way Parliament . This for me was the pole star when I was not “at the helm of Pd , said Renzi .

Clash D’Alema-Renzi
During the leadership responds lasts the minority Democratic Party , led by Massimo D’Alema that is up in the pocket to the executive: “I’ve heard phrases that have little relevance to reality. It is not true that Article 18 is a taboo for 44 years because it was changed 2 years ago. This reform coast more than 2 and a half billion and not enough money announced. ” Words that Renzi not let it slip away without replying. In conclusion, the President of the Council responds to D’Alema and reminds him, citing Joseph Stiglitz , that the reforms were to be developed when the country’s economy was in a growth phase. When, for example, Palazzo Chigi was D’Alema. “It happened to me to govern when there is growth , President D’Alema had a fortune opposite,” he said.

Responding to Bersani , who asked the Prime Minister a proposal for a “solid and strong”, Renzi said that “the Pd is putting in place a solid and strong government proposal; if they do not go well they will tell citizens the markets. ” Return it to the sender of the allegations represent a government of only slogan (“define the government devoid of solidity and depth, all slogans and ads is a representation that goes against the facts”) then attacks the unions , because “it is not acceptable that do not say that in recent years have had a dramatic liability” because “they represented only one part. If you do not tell us to do harm to the union, “he added speaking in Management.

The minority Pd
In the course of direction, and D’Alema , the former president also spoke harshly dem Gianni Cuperlo : “There is a dominus in the Democratic Party, look for the synthesis.”
The Prime Minister in his opening speech proves not want to change lenses, but is said to be willing to change (albeit slightly) the road to get it identified. And this is said to be willing to dialogue, even with the Democratic minority. The first important change is the opening of the social partners Renzi: “I am willing to reopen the Hall Green Palazzo Chigi for a comparison with CGIL CISL and Uil and all the other unions. I challenge you on three points : a law on representation union, the connection with the second-level bargaining and the minimum wage. ” The Democratic minority, which is at least a small part in the numbers of those who then will vote against (or abstain) shoots to zero, however, the secretary Pd . If that was not enough the finding of the “feasibility of ads” Massimo D’Alema (“Just slogan”), comes the former secretary Pd Pier Luigi Bersani : “We we do not go into the abyss to Article 18, but for method Boffo. Here, if someone wants to should be able to tell her without problems. ” Not to be outdone Goofy Civati ​​: “On 3 Rai on Sunday night I have seen a prime minister who said things right , similar to what he said the right ten years ago. ”

CGIL intervenes at a distance with a note on his website where he comments on the words of President of the Council , which “remains vague, indefinite and contradictory, from claims on Article 18 “although the union recognizes that the intervention has” different tones from the past, on the issues of the reform of the labor market and on the revision of the law 300/1970. ” According to the union of Susanna Camusso “even the wording of the objective, shared by all, the elimination of the insecurity and the overcoming of the dual labor market, does not translate in real proposals for the reduction of contractual forms. While it is certainly noticeable the further extension to all the working women of the right to maternity and commitment to a law on blank resignations – continues the statement – the enlargement of the rights to all workers requires you to consider other safeguards. So how about shock absorbers of the resources listed do not foresee, unfortunately, effective universality . “

Renzi’s speech:” The respect for the constitutional law is in having work “
” Respect for the constitutional right, “ Renzi said in its 44-minute speech, “is not in having or not Article 18 but in having work. If the reference was to Article 18 constitutional then why for 44 years there was no difference between companies with 15 employees or more? “. The President of the Council , the stage direction of Pd entirely dedicated to the labor reform , it sends them to say . And back on the point on which most beat in recent weeks: the overcoming of the system of restoration except for cases of discrimination and disciplinary reasons. Precisely for this reason, to hear the Secretary dem direction must be “an opportunity to overcome the taboos” and to “vote with a clear document that marks the path of the Democratic Party on issues of labor and allows us to overcome some taboos that we characterized in recent years. ”

The leader of the Democratic Party proposes, inter alia “profound reorganization of the labor market and also the system of welfare “. According to Renzi “is a country that wants to invest in and provide answers to the weak new which are many and need answers than those given so far. The safety net is broken, should not be eliminated but sewn up, knowing that there is a State friend who helps them. ” But in the face of confrontation within the party, the margin for negotiations appears to be limited, “Mediations are fine, the compromise is fine, but you do not make compromises at all costs.” On the other hand, adds Renzi, the Democratic Party “is not a club of philosophers but a political party that decides, and discusses some splits on the outside but is all together. This is the company for me. ” All positions must be respected, to the President of the Council: “Who does not think like the secretariat is not a Flintstones and those who think like your voice is not Margaret Thatcher. There are two places that deserve respect, compared with one vote and in parliamentary work. “

Renzi added that” the Democratic Party is the reference of a challenge to change the ‘ Italy and l ‘ Europe . Voters with 40.8% in the European elections have entrusted us with this goal. But it is not a percentage or absolute number of votes to count is the fact that Italians have told the Pd ‘you have to change you Italy. ” The leader of the Democratic Party stressed that the outcome of the Democratic Party, first in Europe, “he stopped the advance of anti in Italy.” He added: “We can not do the analysis of the vote the following week and forget it after 5 months.” And to defend the Jobs Act also involved the Minister of Labour Giuliano Poletti : “If we look closely we will find ourselves in the delegation of the wonderful things that we said we were done.”

The minority Democratic Party calls for a synthesis. Cuperlo: “There’s a party in the dominus”
It defends the position of the minority Democratic Party former president dem Gianni Cuperlo : “The make-up is the ideological whim of a left stops at the Polaroid compared to digital? Maybe not, in Europe exist. The rule on Article 18 is not 44 years old like cats but two years as children in the nursery, because it is 2012, and since then the cases of conciliation quintupled confirming that nobody forces us to follow the path of Squinzi and Sacconi because in principle exclude the reinstatement by the court is not possible under the Constitution, all ‘ Article 24 . Increasing protections mean that it applies to all the common law of work otherwise you will not understand why the new applies a different discipline. And then you can either take away the right to all previous or the new rules is likely to be unconstitutional, “notes Cuperlo, in his speech to the direction of the Democratic Party.

” If the government intends to amend Art. 18 for all the words of the texts have Renzi is right under the eyes because we speak of people’s lives. But then there is the huge problem of how to prove the discrimination occurred. ” “Article 18 has had the function of deterrence: if you change, say constructive spirit , creating difficulties for the worker must prove that” the illegality of discrimination or disciplinary action. “Remove a judge can determine the reinstatement also manifestly unfounded would not produce a beneficial effect on the recovery of the economy,” says Cuperlo.

according to Stefano Fassina , there ‘it is only a minority, but “a significant area of ​​the Democratic Party that is not in tune with the orientation of Renzi.” An element, says the former Deputy Minister of the Economy which must be taken into account “to avoid weakening the Democratic Party.” According Fassina setting Renzi “is part of a political baggage that is not our”. “Let’s face it – he continued – it does this because it asks of the European Commission , which is a technical body, but with a political orientation liberal : it is is to weaken the workers , to lower the salary in alternatives to currency devaluation. That’s the goal. ”

Massimo D’Alema: “Article 18 is not taboo for 44 years. E ‘was changed two years ago, “
To attack the President of the Council is Massimo D’Alema :” I’m an admirer of oratory of the secretary of our party, however, I think the political debate is to maintain a strong attachment to reality. I could make a long list of unsubstantiated claims. It is said that this is the first time you spoke on the cost of labor, but the Prodi government invested 7 billion tax wedge, the most significant intervention on the cost of labor, with important results. ”

It then goes on Article 18: “I have heard many phrases that have nothing to do with reality. The article 18 is not taboo for 44 years. I think that q uesta reform costs a lot more than two and a half billion. Costa tenfold if you want to do with some seriousness with 9 million unemployed and two billion and a half will not pay for anything . Personally I would like to see every effort concentrated on growth. It ‘a system of government intended to have very little effect. Less and less commercials and slogan government action more riflettutta I think might be the way for the results. In a civilized country every two years, which has made reform is done before the monitoring of outcomes. A little ‘people who know things exist Matteo. “

Pier Luigi Bersani:” Here we see the current method Boffo “
critical of the former leader of the Democratic Party Bersani: “We are on the brink of the abyss, there we go to the article 18 We go to the method Boffo , because if one says his, must be able to say without being deprived of the dignity. For newcomers to the company say that it does not work that way. I want to discuss before there is a take it or leave it, before my load of the responsibility of a party or topple the government. According to me here is a deficit of substance reform. Do not try to tell me that here we have not done anything. Here nobody is shaking the wrist to change things. Here is an opportunity lost. Such a reform should be framed in an examination of the economic and social situation. I see newcomers to the company of the new converts, I explain how you are in a party, but it does not work like that, because I want to discuss a change of this nature before there is a take it or leave before me assignments topple the government. “

Orfini seeking mediation:” We value the progress already made “
Meanwhile you try to write a text that allows mediation between the parties. An attempt does Matthew Orfini , President of the Democratic Party: “The urgency of reform stems from giving something back to those millions of workers which we have also helped to ruin your life in these years and that today need that you run meeting to give something in return. We do not agree on everything, but I do find it hard to accept everything that is said on Article 18, but we need to build on the progress made in this week. There have been some changes to the delegation that show that We’ve all done an effort to listen to each other, are steps forward that invitation not to disperse. At this time it would be unpleasant to entrust our unit to a disciplinary mechanism. We need to take a step forward in political, no one should give up their beliefs but we have a duty to live up to what we, the largest party in the country that needs to pull the country out of the crisis, which then is a summary and not divides. “



Legnini elected as the new vice president of CSM. Well (Pd) ineligible … – The Press

Legnini elected as the new vice president of CSM. Well (Pd) ineligible … – The Press

From the government Renzi at the head of the Supreme Judicial Council: John Legnini, fresh resignation from the post of undersecretary for Economic and who from the beginning had been indicated by the Democratic Party as the party’s candidate for vice presidency of the CSM, managed in the end to win the last resistance that came from a part of the stipendiary because of its coming directly from the executive. And at the finish line with a large majority, just narrower than that four years ago he received his predecessor Michele Vietti: 20 votes out of 25 (three white cards, a nothing, a vote for Giuseppe Fanfani, who yesterday in a pre -plenum informally called himself out of the running for the vice presidency, applying Legnini).

But at the same meeting, chaired by the head of state, the plenum of the CSM, with an unprecedented decision, declared ineligible due to lack of the requirements of another lay members elected by the Parliament: Teresa Well, in proportion Pd, consultant Andrea Orlando when he was environment minister. It is a decision “wrong, unfounded and instrumental”, “my participation rights were blatantly violated,” she protested before leaving the classroom. A story in which he expressed his “regret” the head of state, who spoke of “haste and carelessness in Parliament despite the laborious selection process for representatives of the CSM.”

instead Napolitano has expressed its “deep satisfaction” for the broad support received from Legnini “will give new impetus” to the CSM, to “deal with concrete even the most complex problems” “in a peaceful confrontation not tainted by conflicts. ” And calling the CSM to get “right to work” because “the time it took for the election of new members of the CSM is rapidly recovered,” the president assured his “scrupulous care” on the activity of the Palace of the marshals without ‘to miss also critical considerations when you need to. ”

A decisive factor for the white smoke pro Legnini, the meeting yesterday in which the stipendiary had asked those who aspired to the role of vice president taking a series of guarantees: bring back the true engine of the plenum CSM, emphasizing its nature as a collegial body and putting an end to a management deemed too top-down in recent years; and claim full ownership of the CSM to act on reforms concerning justice and that at this moment they see a strong contrast between the government and togas. Not by chance in his inaugural address Legnini has undertaken to assign “centrality” to the role of the plenum, the custodian of “collegial willingness” of the CSM. As well as inviting Palace of marshals to accept “the challenge of reform,” doing it right the goal of “full recovery efficiency of the Italian justice system,” stressed the legitimacy of the views of the CSM on reforms; a privilege that will be exercised “without pitch invasions,” but “reporting in a timely manner,” the rules in conflict with the stated objectives or that may affect ‘role and constitutional function of the judiciary “; function that “it is and will always be autonomous, independent and impartial.”

On the same line the call for a “comparison is not ritual but effective” with the minister Orlando. “Evading the temptations corporatist” was instead the stress that Legnini addressed to the members of the CSM, especially in view of the commitments that await them, such as “perhaps unprecedented,” the renewal of 400 heads and deputy judicial offices (including decisions ‘urgent’ is the appointment of the prosecutor of Palermo), to which must be “central” to the criterion of merit. Then, speaking with journalists, threw water on the fire on the burning question of the cut of paid magistrates, saying he was “confident in a successful conclusion,” and urged the Parliament to rule “promptly” on the crime of self-laundering; Finally, by replicating the premier Renzi on Article 18 and the timing of the delivery of reintegration too long, has ruled that the fault of the judges.

A Legnini – who is 55 years old, is a Supreme Court lawyer and was his second experience in government, having previously served as Undersecretary Letta executive with responsibility for the Publishing Industry – went the congratulations of the majority. While the five-star hotel with Senator Alberto Airola (M5S), believe that his appointment destroy “the independence of the judiciary and executive powers,” in “style fer.” Tomorrow it’s up to him to preside over the meeting of the new plenum for the election of members of the disciplinary section.

instead continues to stall for the election of two judges of the Constitutional Court.

The fifteenth ballot ended with a black smoke. House and Senate will then return to meet in joint session, to the House for a new vote.


Work, Renzi accelerates: “Reform in a few days’ severance pay on E:” With the … – The Press

Work, Renzi accelerates: "Reform in a few days' severance pay on E:" With the … – The Press

Look outside of the building and says he is convinced that the people are with him and “not with the unions.” Look inside the Palace and assures that “there is no fear of snipers in the Senate, because yesterday there was a serious discussion, long, after which the party has clearly expressed.” Matteo Renzi relies on answers to reporters upon his arrival to the Democratic Party to the secretary of the party and an interview with the Washington Post his assessments in the aftermath of direction that has marked his victory over the minority in terms of labor reform.


In the evening, in an interview with BallarĂ² advance by Rai, the premier raises the severance pay in payroll: “We will discuss this in the next few days. But instead of keeping the money by the end of the work you do them every month. It means that for one who earns 1,300 euro, another hundred Euros per month which joined the 80 euro starts to make a nice gift. ” A jab is reserved for unions, which in the years in which it was created insecurity “were not there. They return to the streets now? Well! Viva! How nice! In the meantime I do not give up and keep trying to change a country that needs to have maybe a little ‘less abstract discourses and a little’ more concrete proposals as we are doing. ”


D’Alema is another target dell’affondo the prime minister, “D’Alema if not we’d have to invent, all the times that speaks gain a spot in the polls. I have a lot of respect for him, but please let us not continue with the controversy and the absurdity. If when the government was D’Alema had done the labor reform as they did in Germany or the UK we would not be having this conversation now, “

ANALYSIS OF FEDERICO Geremicca – A ‘ shadow on the future of government


“After years of stagnation, I think it’s time that the ‘ Italy realized the things we are waiting for years, “added the premier. “The labor market is at a standstill for years because of an old law. If you are young, it is impossible to understand why it is a system focused on the past. In the digital age we can not continue with the old patterns. The future system in Italy will require a strong reduction of the laws. Secondly, it is important to allow an entrepreneur to choose a worker and, if necessary, dismiss him, “came back to say the secretary of the Democratic Party. “The government – sure – will support the dismissed employee with a training program and, at the end of the program, find a job with a national agency.”

PRESS TV – Orfini: “Those who voted against it will be fair in the House” –
interview with Francesca Schianchi

CGIL barricades

The unions appreciate the open dialogue of the premier Matteo Renzi, but remain divided on the merits of the reform on the work and initiatives to be put in field. Yesterday union leaders have reached an agreement and have issued a brief note to say that “the comparison continues to develop a common platform,” thus enshrining that remain standing events announced separately. The CISL has confirmed the mobilization for October 18 while the CGIL will be in square 25 (always a Saturday) and warned that in the event of a decree on the Jobs Act will proclaim a general strike. General strike also spoke about the UIL, in the event that lowered the protections afforded to those who have it not increase them for those that do not. Camusso raises: “The government does not think that once approved a provision of this kind, the game is over: we will continue our initiative.” Then reports directly to the Prime Minister: “He says that the people are with him? He is wrong, we have around us a lot of support, “


The direction of the Democratic Party ended with the overwhelming victory of Renzi. “In a group there are rules and the only democratic rule that I know is that the line is given by the majority and should be maintained,” warns the President of the Senate of the Democratic Party, Luigi Zanda. The President of the Senate of the Democratic Party, Luigi Zanda, who yesterday in direction abstained, ensures that “no one questions the government.” But Stefano Fassina not yield weapons: “The minority party is not divided,” he assures. “There will be a willingness on the part of the Senate to carry out the amendments,” he recalls. “The numbers in direction – still finds the exponent of the minority Democratic Party – were discounted and the result was a foregone conclusion. The votes of those who said no and abstentions will do the same path. ” In short, he concludes, “the passage of yesterday is just one step.” Forza Italy remains at the window, poised to deliver the votes in parliament to reform if they were missing from the ranks of the Democratic Party. “In what direction are we going? It is not yet clear – complains Paolo Romani – if Renzi wants to move forward or backward compared to the current legislation on disciplinary dismissals: the law Fornero has, in fact, in several cases dall’insussistenza of fact, only the compensation and not reinstatement . Until we have a clear text on which to discuss the enabling law remains, in our opinion, confused and inaccurate. ” “It will be yet another scam, another trick, and did not deserve it,” agrees Renato Brunetta. And right from the attacks of the right wing inspired a tweet the same Orfini, faithful to Renzi, to say that the reform is left.


On the enabling law that contains the labor reform, the hall of the Senate could begin voting on Tuesday, while the government may submit an amendment containing the agenda approved by direction of the Democratic Party yesterday.


First step for electric gun to the police – AGI – Agenzia Journalistic Italy

First step for electric gun to the police – AGI – Agenzia Journalistic Italy


First step for electric gun with the forces of order September 30, 2014 14:01

(AGI) – Rome, September 30 – The Joint Commissions Justice and Constitutional Affairs of the Chamber of Deputies, which examined the AC 2616, accepted the amendment with the proposal to start testing at the Ministry of the Interior, the Taser stun gun as a means of contrast in each of our police force, provided that this’ take place jointly with the Ministry of of Health.
It ‘the same promoter of the amendment, Gregorio Fontana (FI), to annuciarlo, expressing its satisfaction’ cause ‘and’ was made a first step in the introduction of the Taser as a true tool provided to law enforcement agencies. ” “The First Board – includes the deputy FI – has approved the amendment, although reformulated by the Government. There ‘s hope that this condition does not become an impediment maneuver toward an operation of technological modernization, extreme utility ‘for operators and safety for all citizens. ” “The Taser stun gun, and as ‘known, and’ non-lethal weapon of deterrence: it produces an electrical discharge that makes the affected person harmless for a few seconds, enough for the police to arrest her. Its use, therefore contributes both to reduce the risks to the safety ‘personal agents is – still observed Fontana – to drastically reduce the number of casualties in the operations of public security, as evidenced by the experience of many advanced countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, France and Switzerland. “

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Renzi: “I’ve leveled” photo | video, “Do not fear the snipers” – Corriere della Sera

Renzi: "I've leveled" photo | video, "Do not fear the snipers" – Corriere della Sera

Milan , September 30, 2014 – 7:53


“I’ve leveled ‘ after the management meeting, Matteo Renzi is revved up. His phrase refers to Massimo D’Alema and Pier Luigi Bersani. He managed to pull off a good part of the minority from the ‘old guard’. Not only that, he is convinced that “whenever Bersani and D’Alema you put together make me a big favor and a beautiful spot.” “Maximus, at the bottom – expects to employees – with all that resentment is giving us a hand. I told you he was still pissed for the history of European appointment. ”

shadow carousel

From D? Alema to Madia, the entire Democratic Party to the direction on the Jobs Act


The prime minister-secretary made a small concession to the more moderate of the minority (disciplinary dismissal to be defined) that has contributed to split the face of his opponents. Operation to which he contributed a convivial meeting yesterday between the Deputy Secretaries Lorenzo Guerini and Debora Serracchiani, the team leader Robert Hope and the party chairman Matthew Orfini.

 Renzi towards Pd (ANSA)

Renzi towards Pd (Ansa)

Bersani and D’Alema chew bitter for the defections and ostentatiously , while the secretary speaks watching their iPad. Normal version of the first one, a brand new mini tablet the former Foreign Minister who, from time to time, stops reading to make derogatory remarks that, then repeat on the stage. Of course, do not applaud. But the prime minister does not seem too concerned about the reactions of the two, in fact. There is only one thing that bothers him, as he confided in some party colleagues: “The exploitation of an important theme of the work to take revenge. Since they were not able to make changes that do not want to make them myself. But I see that there are many people in the minority who understands that you need to protect young people and workers and not the ideology of Article 18. ”

But there is also another operation yesterday Matteo Renzi did. It’s not about the party, but the unions. Inviting them for the first time in months at a meeting at Palazzo Chigi, the very day on which it is enshrined in the division between on the one hand and the CGIL, CISL and UIL other hand, will push even more Susanna Camusso on the path to isolation , putting it in difficulty, and at the same time attempt to recover the relationship with the leader of the Fiom Maurizio Landini.
Sure, the game is not over. Now moves to the Senate, where the numbers are quite different from those of management. There are those chosen by the parliamentary elections of 2013 Bersani ‘decisions must be respected, as I did when I was in the minority, “says Renzi. And anyway, is not the first time that the Secretary-premier force his hand and get results, although this time he also followed the advice of Napolitano who invited him to smooth out rough edges and contrasts.

“The music has changed,” he keeps saying the prime minister. That would remove once and for all to his party what he calls “security blanket” of past ideological left. I mean, would not want to hear Massimo D’Alema pronounce the word master when it comes to a ‘contractor who breaks his back to open the company “and that perhaps” should send home ten people not because it is bad, “but because it is and forced “is the state take responsibility.” What amazes Renzi (and amazes even his) is that the very same time there is a part of the establishment of the Democratic Party and the minority who “want to kill me.” The Prime Minister has already said to believe in coincidences. But it is also convinced that this “group is not united» angry with him because he does things “without asking for permission.” In short, without being influenced. But on this premier will not change his mind: “I will not go to terms with that part of the establishment that feels disempowered and wants back the power to influence policy. Let me be clear: us or them. ”

It is also clear another thing, lets you know at the end of the day, the President of the Council: “This is not over.” The intention of the tenant of the Palazzo Chigi “soft revolution” (but you can even really call it that?) Continues.

September 30, 2014 | 07:53



Renzi breaks dissidents “I’ve leveled» Photos | Videos – Corriere della Sera

Renzi breaks dissidents "I've leveled» Photos | Videos – Corriere della Sera

Milan , September 30, 2014 – 7:53


ROMA “I’ve leveled” : at the end of the management meeting, Matteo Renzi is revved up. His phrase refers to Massimo D’Alema and Pier Luigi Bersani. He managed to pull off a good part of the minority from the ‘old guard’. Not only that, he is convinced that “whenever Bersani and D’Alema you put together make me a big favor and a beautiful spot.” “Maximus, at the bottom – expects to employees – with all that resentment is giving us a hand. I told you he was still pissed for the history of European appointment. ”

The prime minister-secretary made a small concession to the more moderate of the minority (disciplinary dismissal to be defined) that has contributed to split the face of his opponents. Operation to which he contributed a convivial meeting yesterday between the Deputy Secretaries Lorenzo Guerini and Debora Serracchiani, the team leader Robert Hope and the party chairman Matthew Orfini.

Bersani and D’Alema chew bitter for the defections and ostentatiously , while the secretary speaks watching their iPad. Normal version of the first one, a brand new mini tablet the former Foreign Minister who, from time to time, stops reading to make derogatory remarks that, then repeat on the stage. Of course, do not applaud. But the prime minister does not seem too concerned about the reactions of the two, in fact. There is only one thing that bothers him, as he confided in some party colleagues: “The exploitation of an important theme of the work to take revenge. Since they were not able to make changes that do not want to make them myself. But I see that there are many people in the minority who understands that you need to protect young people and workers and not the ideology of Article 18. ”

But there is also another operation yesterday Matteo Renzi did. It’s not about the party, but the unions. Inviting them for the first time in months at a meeting at Palazzo Chigi, the very day on which it is enshrined in the division between on the one hand and the CGIL, CISL and UIL other hand, will push even more Susanna Camusso on the path to isolation , putting it in difficulty, and at the same time attempt to recover the relationship with the leader of the Fiom Maurizio Landini.
Sure, the game is not over. Now moves to the Senate, where the numbers are quite different from those of management. There are those chosen by the parliamentary elections of 2013 Bersani ‘decisions must be respected, as I did when I was in the minority, “says Renzi. And anyway, is not the first time that the Secretary-premier force his hand and get results, although this time he also followed the advice of Napolitano who invited him to smooth out rough edges and contrasts.

“The music has changed,” he keeps saying the prime minister. That would remove once and for all to his party what he calls “security blanket” of past ideological left. I mean, would not want to hear Massimo D’Alema pronounce the word master when it comes to a ‘contractor who breaks his back to open the company “and that perhaps” should send home ten people not because it is bad, “but because it is and forced “is the state take responsibility.” What amazes Renzi (and amazes even his) is that the very same time there is a part of the establishment of the Democratic Party and the minority who “want to kill me.” The Prime Minister has already said to believe in coincidences. But it is also convinced that this “group is not united» angry with him because he does things “without asking for permission.” In short, without being influenced. But on this premier will not change his mind: “I will not go to terms with that part of the establishment that feels disempowered and wants back the power to influence policy. Let me be clear: us or them. ”

It is clear another thing, makes known to end of the day the President of the Council: “This is not over.” The intention of the tenant of the Palazzo Chigi “soft revolution” (but you can even really call it that?) Continues.

September 30, 2014 | 07:53



Monday, September 29, 2014

The magistrates at Renzi, “Just falsehood ‘and more’ respect ‘- AGI – Agenzia Journalistic Italy

The magistrates at Renzi, "Just falsehood 'and more' respect '- AGI – Agenzia Journalistic Italy


The magistrates Renzi Just falsehood and more than September 29, 2014 20:51

(AGI) – Rome, September 29 – “The President of the Council, Matteo Renzi, even during the popular television show ‘Che tempo che fa’ aired yesterday evening 28 September, he repeated statements regarding the action ANM and the actual functioning of the judicial offices Italians that do not correspond to reality ‘of the facts. ” E ‘as noted “with deep regret” the National Association of Magistrates.
The Association sees “therefore compelled to remind everyone, with great firmness,” to have “never stated that the introduction of a roof maximum annual salaries of € 240,000 is an attack on freedom ‘or independence of the judiciary. Who says the opposite and’ invited to demonstrate, once and for all, when and how the Association would have made such a statement. ” The ANM also remembers that “this roof and ‘only reached by the top leadership of the Supreme Court and its Prosecutor General’s Office and that the average pay of judges and’ vastly inferior to that figure.”
“The offices Judicial – continues the National Association of Magistrates – never close and the ANM has never stated that the reduction of the working suspension and holidays (created by Decree-Law n. 132/2014) is an attack on the judiciary. Actually ‘ the institution of the suspension of the procedural time in the holiday period – until now fixed by August 1 to September 15 – and ‘destined to ensuring the effective exercise of the right of defense (Art. 24 of the Constitution.), in order to prevent the progression terms of procedural in the ordinary processes, in a time that people traditionally dedicated to the annual rest. “
As for the holidays,” so far determined in 45 days, during this period, however, the judges were required to deposit the measures, it is not no provision for suspension of the time limits. Therefore, the number of orders issued and ‘independent from holiday entitlement, the reduction of which can not’ cause any increase in productivity ‘. The judiciary has too much respect for his independence, to use it for ulterior motives. We expect the same respect from everyone. We hope, with this ‘, to get it done, hopefully final, clarity – said the association – in the interests of proper information and dignity’ of those who work with commitment and sacrifice in the sensitive area of ​​the administration of justice. ” (AGI).

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Reform of the labor unions divided Pd fibrillation before the … – Corriere della Sera

Reform of the labor unions divided Pd fibrillation before the … – Corriere della Sera

Milan , September 29, 2014 – 15:04


The minority Democratic Party unleashed attack against Prime Minister Renzi during the party leadership convened to discuss labor reforms. And ‘the old guard to monopolize the flurry of interventions. With the prime minister and secretary of the Democratic Party, Matteo Renzi , absolutely firm on his positions, and an adversarial hard and tight with his opponents. D’Alema Bersani in the first firing broadsides of fire on the President of the Council. On the reform of labor “you do not make compromises at all costs,” said Renzi. The reactions were swift. Pungent, Gianni Cuperlo , an exponent of the Left: “You are the secretary of my party and you’re not the reincarnation of Mrs. Thatcher, who, however, would be a reincarnation coming very bad. But you should try here in the parliamentary groups and mediation. ” Even more severe Massimo D’Alema: “Dear Renzi, less commercials, less slogan” and more reflections. “To deal with certain issues,” D’Alema said, “you do not need to know things. But, of course, it would be useful to study. ” D’Alema quoted the Nobel Prize Stiglitz, who says that “the labor market is not reformed when there is a recession, but when there is growth. Hear a prime minister saying “it is right that the boss can lay off” is something that does not exactly induce the consumer. ” Pierluigi Bersani, just as hard, “Warning: we go to the brink but not to Article 18 for the method Boffo , one must be able to tell her, without him taking off his dignity, and I want to discuss before there is blackmail, “take it or leave it. ‘”

We are not a club of philosophers

Matthew Renzi opened with a premise. “We’re not a club of philosophers, but a political party decides. In Italy, the Democratic Party is the reference point of a challenge that tends to change Italy and Europe. We are the largest party in Europe. Italians have told us that Italy has to change the Democratic Party. May 25 We have stopped the advance of anti. “It is not a case that has failed the strength of the Five stars : When the blue car, the salaries of managers are issues on which we act, there is less force of anti. I do not care about the plots of others, it is normal for someone to be afraid of being ousted by the Italian political scene and try to recover the place. Do not call them powers that be, as they were defeated by us. Let’s call … aristocrats powers. ”

The challenge for trade unions on three points

Renzi has challenged the unions saying he was willing to meet them but to talk with them about minimum wage, union representation and liaison between national bargaining and second-level bargaining. Article 18 showed only a small opening to the internal minority stating that he wants to keep only as regards’ discriminatory dismissals and disciplinary ones. ” “I’m willing to reopen the green room of the Palazzo Chigi, to confront the next week. With CGIL, CISL and UIL . I challenge you on three points: a law of union representation, the minimum wage, the connection with the second-level bargaining “states Renzi. The government works because “the severance pay can be inserted from January 1, 2015 in payroll, through a protocol between Abi, Confindustria and the government to allow a further step of purchasing power. Furthermore, the reduction in labor costs will also continue in the calendar year 2015, “said the prime minister and secretary of the Democratic Party.

shadow carousel


From D? Alema to Madia, the entire Democratic Party to the direction on the Jobs Act


“If it was Article 18 the reference point on the working of the Constitution,” said Renzi “I explain why for 44 years we have accepted the difference between firms with more and less than 15 employees?” he added. “I think it should be passed the current system of restoration, leaving that for discriminatory reasons and disciplinary. If you want to give rights to workers, we do not defend a battle that has no reason to be. The left must be where there is a change. You left this reform if it is to defend workers, the future and not the past, all and not someone who is already guaranteed. If left to defend the change and conservation. ”

CGIL, CISL and UIL ” Discussion to be continued “

Just to find a common stance on the reform of the labor secretaries confederations CGIL, CISL and UIL, Susanna Camusso, Annamaria Furlan and Luigi Angeletti, came together for over three hours in Rome at the headquarters of the CISL, for a face-to-face at the end of which “have decided to continue the comparison for the development of the unified platform,” says a joint statement . “We have decided to continue to discuss in order to understand what the government intends to do,” said the secretary of the CGIL union Susanna Camusso, which for Saturday, October 25 confirmed the manifestation of his union against changing the rules on the reinstatement of the dismissed worker without just cause. Before going with any joint initiatives, unions prefer to wait for the evolution of the Bill on the job, whether and how it will be approved in the first reading in the Senate. “There continues to be uncertainty about what choices to make in practice the government,” said Camusso.

September 29, 2014 | 15:04



Labour clash in the Democratic Party: Article 18 in direction. Renzi: “Ready to … – The Republic

Labour clash in the Democratic Party: Article 18 in direction. Renzi: "Ready to … – The Republic

R OMA – With a long speech 44 minutes Matteo Renzi tried the path of mediation on the thorny issue of Article 18 and labor reform. Both on the domestic front, proposing to leave life in the controversial rule in the case of discriminatory dismissal and disciplinary (the latter never mentioned so far: So did
a step further with respect to the reinstatement only for the discriminatory dismissals of which there was talk in recent days), excluding only dismissal for economic reasons. And in relation to the social partners It declared its willingness to open a discussion table with the unions at Palazzo Chigi. The minority party recognize the opening of the secretary, but defending their positions. The game therefore remains open until the last minute, when it will vote on the final document.

The long-awaited direction Pd on labor reform, that is dividing the majority party in the country, was supposed to start at 17 but began an hour later, because in the meantime, Matteo Renzi has dealt with the minorities in extremis, looking for a solution that can quell the controversy and keep everyone happy.

The speech of Renzi. “I propose to vote clearly at the end of a discussion document – begins the Secretary opened the meeting of the party – which marks the path of the Democratic Party on issues of labor and allows us to overcome some taboos that have characterized us in these years. ” Renzi therefore calls for a certain position on “a major reorganization of the labor market and also the welfare system.”

“We need a country that wants to invest in and provide answers to new weaknesses which are many and need answers than those given so far – continues Renzi – The safety net is broken, should not be eliminated but sewn up , knowing that there is a State friend who helps them. ” “We are the only party -prosegue- discussing internally with some animosity, but this can not be less than the mutual respect. Anyone who does not think like the answer does not think like the Flintstones. Whoever thinks as the secretariat not rival of Margaret Thatcher. “

He adds: “Mediations are fine, the compromise is fine, but you do not make compromises at all costs. We are not a club of philosophers but a political party that decides, and discusses some splits on the outside but is all together. This is the company for me. “

In May,” the voters have asked us to change Italy and the EU, “said the secretary.” I do not care about the plots of others, of those who feel dispossessed, do not call them strong powers, nor powers estate – aggiunge- call them, perhaps with over-estimate, powers aristocrats. “And those who accuse him of doing just ads, he replied:” We have given life to an extraordinary reform process, the face of the ads. Reforms that are set or approved in the presence of a consensus, contradicting those who say that if you do you lose the reform consensus. “

” Reforming labor law is sacrosanct – insists Renzi – And who says to me that deleting Article 18 take away a constitutional right, the answer is no constitutional right in Article 18, but in having at least one job. If article 18 was the constitutional reference then why for 44 years there was no difference between companies with 15 employees or more? “.

” Work is not a law in Italy, the work is a duty – said the secretary – Article 1 of the Constitution says that Italy is a republic founded on work, but in reality sank on advantageous position. The work is created by innovating, not by defending the rules of 44 years ago. We must have the courage to go on the attack, to change, otherwise we will leave forever the dominance of technocracy. You have to start a reform of the statute that extends to all the welfare and eliminate contracts as co.Co.Pro. “

It also clarifies that the government is working because” the severance pay can be inserted from 1 January 2015 in payroll, through a protocol between Abi, Confindustria and the government to allow a further step in the purchasing power “hypothesis rejected by Enterprise Network:” E ‘unthinkable that small businesses may incur additional financial efforts, such as the anticipated monthly severance pay to employees. “

And then the proposal:” The current system of restoration must be overcome, some leaving for discriminatory and disciplinary. What you propondo is to change. This reform is left, if the left is to defend the workers and not the totem. If you need to defend the future, not the past. If you need to defend everyone, not someone already guaranteed. “

Finally amazes the audience with an announcement: “I am ready to confront the unions at Palazzo Chigi. Li sfido- concludes – on three points: a law on union representation, the second-level bargaining and the minimum wage. “

The debate and the position of minorities. An opening there has been “commented minorities in the course of direction, but much will depend on the document that you are working in these minutes and that will go on until one minute before the vote tonight. Some members of the reformist Area, while the meeting is still in progress, judge the relationship of Matteo Renzi as an initial opening which, however, will have to follow a draft of the document to be voted subsequent to this opening. For now, the minority of the left is oriented to a vote of abstention, but all, they explain, will depend on how the final document will be written.

to Gianni Cuperlo , is considered as the ultimate appeal to the Secretary to find the square. The exponent of the minority that has in its reference Pier Luigi Bersani, hopes that we can find a summary shared: “Matthew I want the good of the country as you want. Recognize your leadership, the political and the election. Six the secretary of my party and the prime minister legitimized. You’re not the reincarnation of Mrs. Thatcher., but there is not even a dominus, the Democratic Party can not be there. should raise the question that comes out of your party continue to seek a solution effective, more convincing. Which when I came here tonight, I did not think. ” “Quine adds Cuperlo- you do not have people willing to give up a portion of their convictions.”

Massimo D’Alema Renzi advises caution: “I heard a series of statements without foundation. Fascination oratory sometimes does not adhere to reality, “he says. “It is true that Article 18 is a taboo for 44 years, since it was changed two years ago (he says, alluding to the reform of 2012, ed ) and in fact there is almost no more. Exists a residual protection, you should monitor the effects of the rule and then act on that rule. “

Harder Goofy Civati ​​, which is the most adamant minority wing,” Yesterday evening on TV, I saw a premier
saying things right, similar to what he was saying the right 10 years ago, “he says, confirming his opposition to the positions of secretary. “I ask – he says in conclusion of his speech – if any amendment of minorities will favor the Democratic Party because it’s also why you see the tone of the mediation.”

But it seems to be the most intransigent Pier Luigi Bersani , that there is a “take it or leave it”, “We do not go there on the edge for the article 18 We go there for the method Boffo, because if one says its must be able to say without being deprived of the dignity. For newcomers to the company say that it does not work that way. I want to discuss before there is a take it or leave it, before my load of responsibility to topple a party or the government. ” Former Secretary then clarifies: “In my work there is a proxy in this capacity deficit reform. Reforms We have done hard, I do not you come and say that we have not done anything. Trembles There the wrist, but with this reform we lose an opportunity. ” For Bersani you can not “tell that there are not occupied because Article 18 We must rebuild a manufacturing base.”

READ Renzi by Fazio “No ideological battles on Article 18″

So, while you go to a showdown inside, a statement issued by the Colle lets you know that this morning the Prime Minister -segretario was received at the Quirinale from the head of state, Giorgio Napolitano . In the same time, the trade unions in fibrillation have come together to seek agreement on the jobs act: CGIL, CISL and UIL, the question that they feel cut off from the prime minister, tried to understand whether there are margins due to the different positions to unified action.

The tension is high, and the Pd D’Attorre insists: “Our goal is not to change the prime minister or seek solutions botched, the problem is to change government policy. Splitting is outside the order of the arguments. The question is whether the agenda and priorities are decided in the Democratic Party and in the majority – he said – or whether they are the result of prior consultation with Force Italy. because the feeling you get is that the order of priorities for government action is functional to the maintenance of a direct agreement with Forza Italy. “

READ Layoffs, Italy as Europe / rnews Cultural Clash

From the government, comes the bare statement of the Minister of Labour, Giuliano Poletti , that on the sidelines of an employment initiative addresses the issue of restoration: the question – he says – “the Prime Minister has been very clear. Today there will be a discussion in the national leadership of the Democratic Party and in that meeting we will have a ripuntualizzazone and completed the discussion, all the elements to proceed in parliament. “

Meanwhile, Matthew Orfini , President of the Democratic Party and leader of the Young Turks, responds to those who say on Twitter that the ‘Turks’ are preparing to vote yes in the direction of the proposed Renzi on jobs act: “Do not run: they are robust corrections. On some positive responses have come on no other, “says Orfini.

Interviewed by Fabio Volo to Radio Deejay, the former number one of the Democratic Party, Pierluigi Bersani , said on the day of his birthday: “Gifts I expect few today to tell the truth … Today I go in direction, and Renzi will tell her, we listen and then we will vote. “


Jobs Act, the minority Democratic Party ready to vote “no”. Unions do not … – Time

Jobs Act, the minority Democratic Party ready to vote "no". Unions do not … – Time



 If the government were to accelerate on Article 18 by a decree, the CGIL is ready for a general strike. But the trade union front unit is not even on the battle against changing the rule on dismissals. The leader of the CGIL, CISL and UIL have met this morning to discuss the possibility of joint mobilization, but did not decide on joint action. The only decision is to “continue to discuss”, said Susanna Camusso, which excludes any “division” between the trade unions.

 “Renzi does not know – he said Camusso – that co.co.co as a model contract no longer exists, applies only to retirees. E ‘was replaced by other forms such as vouchers and project contracts. I do not think that there is or ‘in the enabling act nor Renzi in the words of the true intention of reducing insecurity. “

 “Renzi does not even know the Constitution, we are a trend,” said the general secretary of Uil, Luigi Angeletti, in response to the words of Matteo Renzi, who yesterday said that the unions are the only organization with more than 15 employees to not have the item

 18 The CGIL, less open to dialogue, will be in Rome for a demonstration on 25 October. With UIL and CISL trying to arrive at a common position. It is the CISL to be more cautious, trying to figure out if it is possible to achieve a broader mediation with the government on all issues involving labor reform. The UIL awaits the final decision on the road Renzi really want to undertake, on which today delivers the leadership of the Democratic Party, shaken by numerous stomach ache.

 After days and days of statements from a distance, comes the moment of confrontation between the majority and the minority party renziana. Contract of employment protections growing, stop the insecurity, shock absorbers and opportunities for those who lose their jobs, are the highlights of the text of the Prime Minister, in addition to intervention on Article 18 Minorities of the Democratic Party will vote “no” to the proposal on jobs if this act were to provide for the abolition of Article. 18 and maintained for the sole case of discriminatory dismissal. The position was developed at a meeting of the Chamber of Deputies.

 It waits to see if the secretary will make some opening or less on the demands made by the minority on the Jobs Act. “If the proposal remains as it is, it is inevitable that we vote against,” says Alfredo D’Attorre, Area reformist. The situation is very delicate. Renzi was received this morning by Giorgio Napolitano at the Quirinale.

 The votes of a large part of the minority could really make a real danger of splitting the party. A spectrum away from Cuperlo: “I do not even want to hear that word conjure up – said the leader of Sinistradem – we in the Democratic Party is our party, our home, we wanted it with all the passion possible. After the direction you will go in Parliament, the groups will discuss and take up their positions as it should be. ” But Article 18 insists: “It is not enough to say that you will confirm the right of reinstatement to discriminatory dismissals.” The leader of the Young Turks, Matthew Orfini, calls for “robust corrections.” A margin of mediation is still open, everything will depend on the availability of Renzi to yield to some changes on the text. Pippo Civati, however, is just hopeful. Ddice that “the only one that has split Renzi is the electoral program of the Democratic Party.”

 Troubled waters even in the center. In Forza Italy – where he discusses the proposal of Silvio Berlusconi to merge the party and club “Forza Silvio” – the wing gathered around Raffaele Lease disputes a too soft attitude towards the government.



Newsroom online


Justice, Anm: by Renzi claims do not match reality – Il Sole 24 Ore

Justice, Anm: by Renzi claims do not match reality – Il Sole 24 Ore

History article


This article was published on 29 September 2014 at 13:58.

In the television show “Che tempo che fa”, yesterday the President of the Council Matteo Renzi ‘repeated statements regarding the action ANM and the actual functioning of the Offices Italian courts that do not correspond to reality ‘of the facts. ” The “notes with deep regret,” the National Association of Magistrates.

The ANM, it said in a statement, “therefore, is compelled to remind everyone, very firmly, that the ANM has never stated that the introduction of a roof maximum annual salaries of € 240,000 is an attack on freedom or independence of the judiciary. Those who claim otherwise is invited to prove, once and for all, when and how the Association would have made such a statement. The ANM also remembers that this limit is only reached by the top leadership of the Supreme Court and its Prosecutor General’s Office and that the average pay of judges and ‘vastly inferior to that figure; judicial offices never close and the ANM has never stated that the reduction of the suspension weekdays and holidays (created by Decree-Law n. 132/2014) is an attack on the judiciary. ”

“In reality – says the National Association of Magistrates – the institution of the suspension of the procedural time in the holiday period – until today set from 1 August to 15 September – is likely to ensuring the effective exercise of the right defense (art. 24 of the Constitution.), in order to avoid the time-limits litigation in the ordinary processes, in a time that is traditionally dedicated to the citizens of the annual rest. As for the holidays, so far determined in 45 days, during this period, however, the judges were required to deposit the measures, there is no expected suspension of the time limits. Therefore, the number of orders issued is independent from holiday taken, the reduction of which can not determine any increase in productivity. The judiciary has too much respect for his independence, to use it for ulterior motives. We expect the same respect from all. ”

“We hope, with this, to get it done – hopefully final – clarity, in the interest of correct information and the dignity of those who work with commitment and sacrifice in the sensitive area of ​​’ administration of justice, “concludes the ANM.



Article 18 Camusso: Renzi close to the unions, not to Confindustria – The Messenger

Article 18 Camusso: Renzi close to the unions, not to Confindustria – The Messenger

“We have seen that the government does not think you have relations with the trade unions,” says CGIL leader Susanna Camusso, in ‘In half an hour’ Raitre. Then the lunge: do not listen to any part of society? “I do not think so. By Confindustria receives documents and takes up the suggestions. “

Unions in comparison Meanwhile, the first lines of the CGIL, CISL and UIL, with the leaders of the three unions, we will see tomorrow morning to assess whether there are the margins for a unified position on the Jobs Act and Article 18 The meeting, it transpires, was fixed in the morning at 10:30 am, at the headquarters of the CISL.

L ‘Article 18 On the grounds of Article 18 is in the game “if we go back to an idea of ​​servile work or if we move forward towards modernity for a job more and more free and dignified,” he warns. “There is the idea that in the next 24 hours in a direction of a party decides everything, but we are convinced that it is not a battle by quickly.” Chance of success? “I think we have, because I think the country needs it» The obligation to reinstate the discriminatory dismissals “already exists, and is immovable,” and already guaranteed because “constitutional”, then the hypothesis of no touch “is not an opening” of the Government in the clash on Article 18, points out. And the German model? Although there have ‘reforms with workers, there has never been an act of dominion. “

Line uncompromising ” I do not think there are many possibilities that the direction of the Democratic Party decides something in line with the platform of the protest of the CGIL, we believe that we must continue our initiative, “says Camusso responding to whether the decision of the future direction of the Democratic Party can influence the position of the CGIL Jobs Act and Article 18.

Relations with Renzi

Have you ever tried a direct comparison with the premier Renzi, has never called? “Sometimes, yes. We did this also to invite him to our conference, then the answer came formally to the letter, “replied the leader in the CGIL Lucia Annunziata. Calls, explains, without calling “the exchange of Palazzo Chigi.” How did it go, you have never spoken directly? “… There are always very friendly secretaries who respond.”

The resignation of Bonanni On the choice of Raffaele Bonanni leaving the summit of the CISL Camusso then explains that also weighs the difficulties “politics” of a union that had based its action on a “single idea, that of consultation that has been denied by this government but also before.” “From the time we say that the consultation is not an end, can be a means,” the union does not have to suffer “anxiety from lack of bank policy.”

Landini “If anyone thinks that decides who decides he or within a party for the whole of Italy,” says the leader of the Fiom Maurizio Landini’s premier Matteo Renzi during an interview with Maria Latella in SkyTg24. Renzi says Landini, “should know that doing so part of the general strike.” Because “there is not an enlightened or struck on the road to Damascus that changes the country from evening to morning.” “The Democratic Party can decide what he wants, Renzi can think of these laws do decide to Parliament crazy at work,” but warns Landini, “must know that we as a union we do not stop. In the face of wrong laws, old recipes, we’re tired: just keep saying that Italy’s problem is that workers have too many rights. The opposite is true. “

Abolish Article 18 is a” false problem “for the leader of the Fiom, because it does not weigh on employment protections of the Workers ‘weigh’ the lack of investment, job insecurity, low wages, “and” it is this that we must act. ” “I do not understand why – says Landini -si must open a conflict of this measure because if someone wants to take a scalp in Europe.” And if Renzi says the problem is that Article 18 should protect all workers or anyone, “I agree with him where he says that Article 18 should be extended to all. I am there because they have all “, says the secretary general of the Fiom.

On item 18, he adds,” our proposal, and the Fiom CGIL, is to introduce a permanent contract in protections progressive, where there may be a trial period longer, but in the end there must be safeguards for all. ” And this on the condition that the current “46 forms of work” are reduced to “6 or 7″ forms of contract, because if then “at the end we have one more, forty-seven, we’re kidding.” In the case of progressive protections, as it can last phase ‘trial’ before coming to a complete protection? Landini does not enter into the merits because “today there is no negotiation,” says: “There is debate in Parliament”, but “no union was involved, and there is no negotiation.”

             Sunday, September 28, 2014, 16:26 – Last Updated: 17:52
