Monday, September 29, 2014

Justice, Anm: by Renzi claims do not match reality – Il Sole 24 Ore

Justice, Anm: by Renzi claims do not match reality – Il Sole 24 Ore

History article


This article was published on 29 September 2014 at 13:58.

In the television show “Che tempo che fa”, yesterday the President of the Council Matteo Renzi ‘repeated statements regarding the action ANM and the actual functioning of the Offices Italian courts that do not correspond to reality ‘of the facts. ” The “notes with deep regret,” the National Association of Magistrates.

The ANM, it said in a statement, “therefore, is compelled to remind everyone, very firmly, that the ANM has never stated that the introduction of a roof maximum annual salaries of € 240,000 is an attack on freedom or independence of the judiciary. Those who claim otherwise is invited to prove, once and for all, when and how the Association would have made such a statement. The ANM also remembers that this limit is only reached by the top leadership of the Supreme Court and its Prosecutor General’s Office and that the average pay of judges and ‘vastly inferior to that figure; judicial offices never close and the ANM has never stated that the reduction of the suspension weekdays and holidays (created by Decree-Law n. 132/2014) is an attack on the judiciary. ”

“In reality – says the National Association of Magistrates – the institution of the suspension of the procedural time in the holiday period – until today set from 1 August to 15 September – is likely to ensuring the effective exercise of the right defense (art. 24 of the Constitution.), in order to avoid the time-limits litigation in the ordinary processes, in a time that is traditionally dedicated to the citizens of the annual rest. As for the holidays, so far determined in 45 days, during this period, however, the judges were required to deposit the measures, there is no expected suspension of the time limits. Therefore, the number of orders issued is independent from holiday taken, the reduction of which can not determine any increase in productivity. The judiciary has too much respect for his independence, to use it for ulterior motives. We expect the same respect from all. ”

“We hope, with this, to get it done – hopefully final – clarity, in the interest of correct information and the dignity of those who work with commitment and sacrifice in the sensitive area of ​​’ administration of justice, “concludes the ANM.



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