Wednesday, September 17, 2014

See, black smoke is not enough to the summit Renzi-Berlusconi – Corriere della Sera

See, black smoke is not enough to the summit Renzi-Berlusconi – Corriere della Sera

Milan September 17, 2014-13 : 50


Despite the severe warning of the President of the Republic, there was a new smoke black voting to elect two Constitutional Court judges and two lay members of the CSM. The quorum for the Committee is of 570 votes (3/5 of the members of the Assembly); that for the CSM is 3/5 of voting. The voters were 856 Parliament should be convened again Thursday morning at 9.30.Ma the Democratic Party will not change its candidates: “We continue to vote Violante,” says the leader of the House Robert Hope.

Napolitano: stalemate raises “serious questions”

Yet another missed election to the See of two of the five members appointed by Parliament and the simultaneous absence of any indication of lay members of the Superior Council of Magistracy has caused a new intervention of the head of state. “The succession without conclusive results of the voting in the Parliament in joint session for the election of lay members of the CSM and the judges of the Constitutional Court bound to happen to the two who have completed their term of office, raises serious questions,” said the President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, in a statement continues: “What has occurred in the past unhappy similar precedents, does not detract from the seriousness.”

The summit between Berlusconi and Renzi

The intervention of Napolitano has caused turmoil in the political that they decided to find a way to end the stalemate. In this regard, the premier Matteo Renzi met at Palazzo Chigi, the leader of Forza Italy Silvio Berlusconi. A face-to-face waiting for days and that has served to make the point on several issues: the reforms, the voting for the selection of candidates to Consult and CSM. “It was not talked about See and CSM if not to share the appeal of the Head of State. The groups have already spoken and we move forward with those names, “stated, however, on the View the deputy secretary of the Democratic Party Lorenzo Guerini at the end of the encounter between Renzi and Berlusconi. Guerini has specified that the names given to the Democratic Party and Forza Italy remain those of Luciano Violante (Pd) and Donato Bruno (Forza Italy). “We have already spoken of the parliamentary groups on the names and the pronouncement remain consistent and faithful,” he added Guerini.
The central theme of the conversation between the two leaders was that the reforms. “We tried to take a step forward in particular to the electoral law, including through scheduling in a short time” in the Senate, said Guerini again: “We know what the issues are open and we have given our willingness to tackle the nodes highlighted so far. ” Guerini has, however, denied that it is talked about early elections. According to rumors Berlusconi was quoted as saying that he had assurance from the Prime Minister Renzi who will receive the trade unions and the military to resolve the release of salary caps of the police.

shadow carousel


Berlusconi at Palazzo Chigi by Renzi



Napolitano’s words had not left indifferent even the 5 Star Movement, which had announced that he would vote white board at the next ballot for the election of the two Constitutional Court judges, then giving up its candidates. But he had asked the other parties to change the names of Donato Bruno and Luciano Violante and find the candidates ‘super partes’ on which may possibly also be a convergence them. “It’s a signal that we – said the deputy pentastellato Toninelli – us does not care that our walk a name but a name that steps to ensure the public good. Give us the names of honest and valid to vote. ” The 5 star explained that the choice of white card covers only the vote of the judges of the Consulta since it is “the most important organ of assurance on the legality of our laws,” as he then pointed out Senator John pentastellato Endrizzi. Who added: “The paradox is that it should be the easiest choice and the parties should appoint people fray. Instead, they want to put the hat on the judiciary. ” M5S then continue to vote for its candidates to the CSM.

September 17, 2014 | 13:50



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