Thursday, September 25, 2014

Napolitano attacks on justice – Panorama

Napolitano attacks on justice – Panorama

“Yesterday the hard attack of the Corriere della Sera to Renzi, today the decision of the judges of Palermo to feel like heads Napolitano. Do not forget the notice of his father’s premier. Here is an ongoing encirclement, an attempt to wear down the policy framework and its pin or the covenant of the Nazarene (Renzi-Berlusconi), of which the head of state has actually surety … all in order to arrive at a commissioner with some governicchio technical bruttacopia some of the Monti government and thus give, hitting Renzi and paradoxically also Napolitano, so that a friend of Mr Berlusconi has not been shown, the football final at Berlusconi … “.

‘comment, on condition of anonymity, one of Italy’s parliamentary strength. Attempting a “wear and tear policy framework” admit even in environments that look with sympathy at pd Napolitano . But careful observers of the things of Colle feel confident that at least for now the policy framework will remain the same, with Renzi in Palazzo Chigi.

Nor does it provide for the resignation of the President of the Republic, in the wake of the process of Palermo. Indeed, Napolitano raised loud and clear invitation to do early in the reform of justice.

He definitely made the same speech even if the Court of Assizes of Palermo had not decided to hear him as a witness in the trial of the alleged mafia-state negotiations. The invitation to do justice reform “no longer be postponed,” according to observers quirinalizi, Napolitano would have launched the same “loud and clear”. And certainly the occasion, or the ceremony of inauguration of the new CSM, chaired by the head of state, was the right one.

But the fact remains that the words of the head of state play now, after the sensational decision to Palermo, which has no historical precedent, even stronger. Napolitano with British style, but hard, he said he had “no difficulty in making as soon as possible” his “testimony.” And this despite having already done this in the past months he had “nothing to say”.

Meanwhile, since taking office Napolitano had never used words and tones so clear, inviting summary justice to be at the service “of the community” and not “political groups”.

After rap “the unhealthy trade-offs between current” in the CSM, having attacked “the machine slow and chaotic” of justice to the point of compromising development and economic recovery, the head of state invited members of the CSM to “conceive the role of the board as to render high service to the community” .

And here’s the loudest passage: “I do not correspond to this model, the performers become uncritical of positions of political groups or individual politicians and groups of associations judiciary or individual judges if only for reasons of belonging or” debt “election” . No hence the “judiciary as a closed caste.” It’s not exactly music to the ears of Md, left wing of the National Magistrates of all components of the Pasdaran and the judiciary.

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