Monday, September 29, 2014

Article 18 Camusso: Renzi close to the unions, not to Confindustria – The Messenger

Article 18 Camusso: Renzi close to the unions, not to Confindustria – The Messenger

“We have seen that the government does not think you have relations with the trade unions,” says CGIL leader Susanna Camusso, in ‘In half an hour’ Raitre. Then the lunge: do not listen to any part of society? “I do not think so. By Confindustria receives documents and takes up the suggestions. “

Unions in comparison Meanwhile, the first lines of the CGIL, CISL and UIL, with the leaders of the three unions, we will see tomorrow morning to assess whether there are the margins for a unified position on the Jobs Act and Article 18 The meeting, it transpires, was fixed in the morning at 10:30 am, at the headquarters of the CISL.

L ‘Article 18 On the grounds of Article 18 is in the game “if we go back to an idea of ​​servile work or if we move forward towards modernity for a job more and more free and dignified,” he warns. “There is the idea that in the next 24 hours in a direction of a party decides everything, but we are convinced that it is not a battle by quickly.” Chance of success? “I think we have, because I think the country needs it» The obligation to reinstate the discriminatory dismissals “already exists, and is immovable,” and already guaranteed because “constitutional”, then the hypothesis of no touch “is not an opening” of the Government in the clash on Article 18, points out. And the German model? Although there have ‘reforms with workers, there has never been an act of dominion. “

Line uncompromising ” I do not think there are many possibilities that the direction of the Democratic Party decides something in line with the platform of the protest of the CGIL, we believe that we must continue our initiative, “says Camusso responding to whether the decision of the future direction of the Democratic Party can influence the position of the CGIL Jobs Act and Article 18.

Relations with Renzi

Have you ever tried a direct comparison with the premier Renzi, has never called? “Sometimes, yes. We did this also to invite him to our conference, then the answer came formally to the letter, “replied the leader in the CGIL Lucia Annunziata. Calls, explains, without calling “the exchange of Palazzo Chigi.” How did it go, you have never spoken directly? “… There are always very friendly secretaries who respond.”

The resignation of Bonanni On the choice of Raffaele Bonanni leaving the summit of the CISL Camusso then explains that also weighs the difficulties “politics” of a union that had based its action on a “single idea, that of consultation that has been denied by this government but also before.” “From the time we say that the consultation is not an end, can be a means,” the union does not have to suffer “anxiety from lack of bank policy.”

Landini “If anyone thinks that decides who decides he or within a party for the whole of Italy,” says the leader of the Fiom Maurizio Landini’s premier Matteo Renzi during an interview with Maria Latella in SkyTg24. Renzi says Landini, “should know that doing so part of the general strike.” Because “there is not an enlightened or struck on the road to Damascus that changes the country from evening to morning.” “The Democratic Party can decide what he wants, Renzi can think of these laws do decide to Parliament crazy at work,” but warns Landini, “must know that we as a union we do not stop. In the face of wrong laws, old recipes, we’re tired: just keep saying that Italy’s problem is that workers have too many rights. The opposite is true. “

Abolish Article 18 is a” false problem “for the leader of the Fiom, because it does not weigh on employment protections of the Workers ‘weigh’ the lack of investment, job insecurity, low wages, “and” it is this that we must act. ” “I do not understand why – says Landini -si must open a conflict of this measure because if someone wants to take a scalp in Europe.” And if Renzi says the problem is that Article 18 should protect all workers or anyone, “I agree with him where he says that Article 18 should be extended to all. I am there because they have all “, says the secretary general of the Fiom.

On item 18, he adds,” our proposal, and the Fiom CGIL, is to introduce a permanent contract in protections progressive, where there may be a trial period longer, but in the end there must be safeguards for all. ” And this on the condition that the current “46 forms of work” are reduced to “6 or 7″ forms of contract, because if then “at the end we have one more, forty-seven, we’re kidding.” In the case of progressive protections, as it can last phase ‘trial’ before coming to a complete protection? Landini does not enter into the merits because “today there is no negotiation,” says: “There is debate in Parliament”, but “no union was involved, and there is no negotiation.”

             Sunday, September 28, 2014, 16:26 – Last Updated: 17:52


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