Rome, September 18 (Adnkronos) – New black smoke, the thirteenth, for the election of two judges of the Consulta. And also for the CSM, nothing to do. All postponed to next Tuesday. Five days, then. So many to treat and prevent build the conditions for a new hole in the water. Deal about what? Since Pd you know that you go ahead with the ticket-Bruno Violante. “Violante has increased its votes. Effect Sel there’s been and there is an open channel with the League,” notes the Nazarene.
to arrive Fi, for now, similar indications. Of course, a change in the race is not to exclude but, at the moment, a new tandem is considered a last resort. It then works to consolidate Violante-Bruno. The Democratic Party has already recovered the support of Sel and for this reason, are not mutually exclusive novelty on the candidates to the CSM: You might get into the game a candidate Sel. Forza Italy, meanwhile, is working on an agreement with the league. Busy in the first person is Silvio Berlusconi, who would have met this morning at Palazzo Grazioli, a delegation of the League formed by the Vice-President of the Senate Roberto Calderoni and Giancarlo Giorgetti, to break the deadlock.
The premier Matteo Renzi, so far silent, you spoke on the matter: “I hope that Parliament will succeed to close with a solution of a high standard.” The 5 Star, finally, remain on the barricades and go attack the president Giorgio Napolitano: “The stops interfering in this way on the choices of Parliament? Are not you ashamed even for an instant?”, So Alessandro Di Battista goes to the head State.
(Adnkronos) – “The fact that we should do quickly agree with President Napolitano. Lets see if the Parliament will succeed in closing down the game of the CSM and the Constitutional Court.” This is the wish of the premier Renzi. “Napolitano has totally right on the merits and in the method, I hope that Parliament will succeed to close with a solution of a high standard.”
Today’s votes in favor to Violante and Bruno were respectively 542 and 527 The threshold of 570 is needed to meet the quorum is not far away. Pier Luigi Bersani observes: “There ‘s someone who is not in what you say.’m 20 or 30, I’ve already’ past., But can not ‘go with this principle. These 20 or 30 should get over it.”
Goofy Civati, though, this is not a hardship content: “There’s a lot of discomfort, many votes are missing, needless to search on a single component, there are too many missing, we need to see if the next week passes, otherwise it is a true masterpiece. would be smart to try to show people above all suspicion that it would be easier to elect “while the tandem-Bruno Violante is very” politicized “.
(Adnkronos) – Who takes out any negotiations to break the deadlock are the 5 Stars. “We are not involved in this combine,” writes Beppe Grillo’s Blog. “The Head of State – aggiunge- poses some ‘serious questions’ who apparently never did in the past on the distortion of the Senate and the agreement on constitutional reforms made by a convict behind closed doors. But, as is only fair, each poses the questions he wants and weigh them as needed. “
” Now, it’s obvious – he said – that the candidates Bruno Violante and this Parliament that despite having been voted by a law unconstitutional (no serious question on this point, Mr President?) does not want them to vote. If Parliament is still sovereign and not a fig leaf presidential election, we must, dear President, that you simply take note. ” As for the position of the 5 Star points out: The Movement is not five star ” wants to get their hands dirty ” with the “rancid soup” Bruno- Violante.
The grillino Di Battista, then launches into a scathing attack on Napolitano: “The stops interfering in this way on the choices of Parliament? Are not you ashamed even for an instant? Osa accuse M5S, as always of this impasse impasse when you’ve only caused you with your usual attempts to preserve the caste. There are no mirrors to look at the Quirinale Palace in the face and be ashamed to continue to push names unpresentable as the friend of Previti, Donato Bruno or the friend of Berlusconi, Luciano Violante? does not have a shred of desire to leave the Republic least more ‘clean and presentable? Shame President, “says Di Battista
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